Bonafide Dr/Pt Relationship. You were told.

Dr. Bob

Well-Known Member

The point being made is they are finally starting to crack down on the doctors that have put their patients at risk for years. No Record Clinics, Skype Clinics. As this article points out, it has always been the patients going to jail. The 'clinics' telling you that over the computer is fine, renew through the mail is fine, etc have been taking money for a false sense of security. Have a look at the article. Let it sink in.

Dr. Bob
MMMA patients/caregivers should be granted blanket immunity from the business model and fuckery of unaccountable doctors and lawyers (Defense & Prosecution). That would be honest reform, but who would pay for it :confused:

Although this problem is pervasive in general and centuries old, the threat and taxing faced by MMMA patients/caregivers for the past decade is particularly egregious IMHO A "bonafide doctor patient relationship" was neither "reform" nor helpful ...

Nothing has changed in 2,059 years; the rulers still rule and the people still suffer..jpg
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Nope, these docs are being punished now. There was a choice made to take the easy, no record, Skype way when legitimate alternatives were available. You don't get a pass for poor choices when you were informed. We've been preaching what to look for over the years, folks argued, debated, denied through it. Now it is becoming real for them. Next time, listen to people who have your best interests at heart and actually know what they are talking about.

Dr. Bob
Nope, these docs are being punished now. There was a choice made to take the easy, no record, Skype way when legitimate alternatives were available. You don't get a pass for poor choices when you were informed. We've been preaching what to look for over the years, folks argued, debated, denied through it. Now it is becoming real for them. Next time, listen to people who have your best interests at heart and actually know what they are talking about.

Dr. Bob

I honestly fail to see your point. I have indeed been subject to your "preaching" or in other words promoting/juxtaposing your business model over the likes of Dr. Proctor's for years now. So riddle me this: When was the last MMMA certification you legally signed again and why is that? Surely there is a consumer/patient protection lecture to be had there, is there not? Or is Dr Proctor still practicing today simply because he just has better lawyers? What exactly am I missing here?
I honestly fail to see your point. I have indeed been subject to your "preaching" or in other words promoting/juxtaposing your business model over the likes of Dr. Proctor's for years now. So riddle me this: When was the last MMMA certification you legally signed again and why is that? Surely there is a consumer/patient protection lecture to be had there, is there not? Or is Dr Proctor still practicing today simply because he just has better lawyers? What exactly am I missing here?
Seems you are confused. I certify people every day. Today I was in traverse city. You are also confusing a ‘business model’ with the legitimate practice of medicine and the standard of care.
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Seems you are confused. I certify people every day. Today I was in traverse city. You are also confusing a ‘business model’ with the legitimate practice of medicine and the standard of care.

I was unaware you were allowed to practice again, not confused. So are you back to slinging narcotic Rx scripts along with those MMMP certifications out of your chain of "pain clinics"?

That was my point. I personally wouldn't meet Dr. Proctor in the back of a furniture store (point of your article post), but I sure as hell wouldn't meet you in one of your "pain clinics" either. And that was before you lost your license to practice due to your questionable business practices. Patients beware no? How would your background not threaten the legitimacy of your signature and therefore somehow the patients rights to MMMP in a court of law :confused:

As I've spent my career working in law and medicine and I can ensure you there is indeed a hideous business model behind both the "legitimate practice of medicine" and law. Our country would be far better off if we ever get around to addressing that problem before you all bankrupt us both financially and morally IMHO
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