What if you found out your purpose in life was meaningless?

If I were creating a new reality like a video game, I would definitely set new laws for physics. Those initial numbers that are and only are because they are, had to be set by some deciding force. I believe that this topic isway beyond what the human mind can comprehend.
i'm not sure about the deciding force. but... thing's work the way they do for a reason. i don't think creating the universe is like being an admin in a game, where you can control everything. if you have solid objects, they have rules that apply to them. there are rules that apply to energy, theres a web that holds EVERYTHING together, and if you start changing parameters shits going to fall apart.
i'm not sure about the deciding force. but... thing's work the way they do for a reason. i don't think creating the universe is like being an admin in a game, where you can control everything. if you have solid objects, they have rules that apply to them. there are rules that apply to energy, theres a web that holds EVERYTHING together, and if you start changing parameters shits going to fall apart.
What if the speed of light was half or double what it is? What if gravity was much stronger or weaker than it is? And the formulas to calculate projectiles make for a very violent and dangerous universe. A small sized rock can destroy a planet if travelling fast enough. The laws of physics had to be set by some deciding force. The speed of light being the universe's speed limit makes all this game much more difficult and baffling. I am not a religious person as I do not believe that any religion is true. However, I believe that there is knowledge and intelligence beyond our own out there, that we are simply unable to even comprehend. We humans cannot even wrap our minds around infinity so I don't believe any of the aggressive fanatic absolute atheism theories to be true either.
what if pigs could fly? you'd be a lot more pissed if one shit on your freshly washed car than if a pigeon did it.
"what if" is a meaningless statement. it's fantasy, it's supposition. we have to deal with "WHAT IS"....if people could just spend 10% of the effort on WHAT IS that they spend on what if, this would be a much different world
I don't know anything about this topic and neither does anyone really. Just that my perception of life and the universe is that it is one strange place stranger than fiction. All this reality, when I think about it, makes me feel that it is very strange indeed.
we're here to be protectors of mother earth and all her creatures. to form a kingdom of earth, with everything living in harmony with the next. a perfect harmonious environment. passing down the knowledge to the next generation created with pure genetic codes/sacred reproduction. we do the opposite now, harm the earth and its creatures, and sex for no purpose other than the feelgoods. my opinion. theres no way in hell everything just "IS". everything has a purpose and a purpose behind the purpose to the purpose
we're here to be protectors of mother earth and all her creatures. to form a kingdom of earth, with everything living in harmony with the next. a perfect harmonious environment. passing down the knowledge to the next generation created with pure genetic codes/sacred reproduction. we do the opposite now, harm the earth and its creatures, and sex for no purpose other than the feelgoods. my opinion. theres no way in hell everything just "IS". everything has a purpose and a purpose behind the purpose to the purpose
but what if you found out it was all meaningless?
we provide the meaning to our lives. if there is any higher meaning to the universe, no one is coming to inform us of it.
if you can go to bed at night with a clear conscience, if you can look at yourself in the mirror and not be ashamed, if people aren't upset to see you coming...isn't that enough meaning?
but what if you found out it was all meaningless?
I personally can't even fathom that. After studying things like sacred geometry/ golden ratio in nature/ how the universe operates to how an ant farm operates...everything is connected. So for there to be No purpose to any of it, well that would be more far fetched than a guy with a white beard sitting in the clouds in my opinion lol
what if pigs could fly? you'd be a lot more pissed if one shit on your freshly washed car than if a pigeon did it.
"what if" is a meaningless statement. it's fantasy, it's supposition. we have to deal with "WHAT IS"....if people could just spend 10% of the effort on WHAT IS that they spend on what if, this would be a much different world
It turns out that dinosaurs fly and they're still here.

And some of them taste like chicken.

How about that shit?

we provide the meaning to our lives. if there is any higher meaning to the universe, no one is coming to inform us of it.
if you can go to bed at night with a clear conscience, if you can look at yourself in the mirror and not be ashamed, if people aren't upset to see you coming...isn't that enough meaning?
This is good enough for me; to leave behind a contribution for those who come after me to benefit from if they want.
There was a time when more people were searching for meaning. A grand time when pure lsd and psylocibin were as easy to obtain as marijuana (sometimes easier) those days are over and with them went a certain mystery, wonder and spiritual pursuit. Now what do we have? Well quite a few lazy know it alls. Who seem to believe obscene self absorption, fractured egos, the internet and a chronic apathy are the answers to most everything. We fucked up. We let go of the wonder. We decided somewhere along the line our egos are somehow more important than the truth. These are not the best of times nor are they the wisest. A cookie cutter culture spiritually devoid lazier both physically and emotionally than ever before. Ignorant is a good word for it.
There was a time when more people were searching for meaning. A grand time when pure lsd and psylocibin were as easy to obtain as marijuana (sometimes easier) those days are over and with them went a certain mystery, wonder and spiritual pursuit. Now what do we have? Well quite a few lazy know it alls. Who seem to believe obscene self absorption, fractured egos, the internet and a chronic apathy are the answers to most everything. We fucked up. We let go of the wonder. We decided somewhere along the line our egos are somehow more important than the truth. These are not the best of times nor are they the wisest. A cookie cutter culture spiritually devoid lazier both physically and emotionally than ever before. Ignorant is a good word for it.
Speak for yourself.

I haven't lost my sense of wonder, or purpose.
CheesyBo, If you were young in the 60s-70s, then you are my contemporary. And I often find myself pondering how different my perspective is on a whole bunch of stuff precisely because I have so much memory (I'm 65). So I kind of chuckle to myself when I look down on my millenium students who are tethered to their cell phones, and I remember that I'm getting old, so of course I can't relate to what's important to a 20 year old today--in the same way that the old squares couldn't relate to us hippies back in the day. Indeed, they were appalled by us, I think in much the same way that I'm appalled by cell phone co-dependency today.

But I don't want to be one of those old farts who complains about how shitty everything is these days.

And Blickberry I agree with you: mother nature keeps me going and believing that extraordinary occurances are all around me: the praying mantis who takes up residence in my garden, the blooming clematis, the hushed lullabye of the rain, mother nature holds me and keeps me safe in spite of all the silly human insanity.
CheesyBo, If you were young in the 60s-70s, then you are my contemporary. And I often find myself pondering how different my perspective is on a whole bunch of stuff precisely because I have so much memory (I'm 65). So I kind of chuckle to myself when I look down on my millenium students who are tethered to their cell phones, and I remember that I'm getting old, so of course I can't relate to what's important to a 20 year old today--in the same way that the old squares couldn't relate to us hippies back in the day. Indeed, they were appalled by us, I think in much the same way that I'm appalled by cell phone co-dependency today.

But I don't want to be one of those old farts who complains about how shitty everything is these days.

And Blickberry I agree with you: mother nature keeps me going and believing that extraordinary occurances are all around me: the praying mantis who takes up residence in my garden, the blooming clematis, the hushed lullabye of the rain, mother nature holds me and keeps me safe in spite of all the silly human insanity.
Pray humans don't destroy mother nature, at least until you and I have gone.
the only way we'll ever "destroy" the earth is an extended nuclear conflict. we'll destroy our ability to live on the earth, and the earth will keep on, just like it is now. whatever survives our stupidity will slowly evolve, until they get their chance to make it or fail....
the earth has survived massive volcanic eruptions, pole changes, meteor strikes....we're a pimple on its ass....an infected, pus filled pimple
Pray humans don't destroy mother nature, at least until you and I have gone.
Oh, hell, ttystick, that ain't the answer, cuz we'll be back... If humans do wipe out most species, then the earth will be able to spend some time cleaning herself up, and she'll start again... We'll be back, first as primoridal ooze, eventually as primates.:peace:
Oh, hell, ttystick, that ain't the answer, cuz we'll be back... If humans do wipe out most species, then the earth will be able to spend some time cleaning herself up, and she'll start again... We'll be back, first as primoridal ooze, eventually as primates.:peace:
Noooooo WE won't. Whatever evolves will.

I'd much rather not fuck the place up in the first place.