Senator Sanders, in his own words

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
then show me your strategy for fixing rob roy, who is a white supremacist pedophile

It's funny how you seem fixated on "fixing" me, while spouting lies and avoiding answering one simple question, Mr. "Hillary will be president bet sore loser" .

Why do you want to disarm people who peacefully disagree with you and if you were successful disarming them, how would you then force black people to serve you against their will if you want all guns to go away ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Since when was it your job to 'fix' him- or anyone else for that matter?

Has it occurred to you that your constant hatred and mean-spirited engagement with him has simply made things worse? You keep giving him a platform, while sounding childish, angry and unstable yourself.

Fuck, you even used to have good points. You don't even have those anymore.

Thank you for the first line in your post. I appreciate it.

I don't recall any good points Uncle Buck has made, but I'm sure he loves his child and tries to be a good housewife.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
First, why is it your job?

Second, doesn't he do a fine job of hoisting himself by his own petard without your help?
Psst. If you disagree with my points, how about offering a concise rebuttal now and then, rather than some vague kind of eye rolling dismissal that is a poor substitute for an actual rebuttal?

Petard? Sir, that is poppycock!

I do appreciate that you are chiding Uncle Buck though. He cries if he doesn't get enough attention. I think he might have some kind of inferiority complex he's trying to cover up and has built up some kind of internet fantasy life. Poor boy, home alone, with his invisible make believe wife and child. I worry about him sometimes.


Well-Known Member
That's not a valid appraisal of the situation. You see, by fracturing the DNC, he actually handed all 3 branches of the gov't to the other party. If he had actually been running for president, I'm sure he would have done better than to lose so badly to Clinton.
The Democrats lost seats during the Obama admin, long before Bernie ran


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you seem fixated on "fixing" me, while spouting lies and avoiding answering one simple question, Mr. "Hillary will be president bet sore loser" .

Why do you want to disarm people who peacefully disagree with you and if you were successful disarming them, how would you then force black people to serve you against their will if you want all guns to go away ?
Why do you not want to pay for services you use ?


Well-Known Member
It's funny how you seem fixated on "fixing" me, while spouting lies and avoiding answering one simple question, Mr. "Hillary will be president bet sore loser" .

Why do you want to disarm people who peacefully disagree with you and if you were successful disarming them, how would you then force black people to serve you against their will if you want all guns to go away ?
Did you sue your employer when they "made" you serve black people?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
True to form Rob.
When you get stuck finding an answer to a question, out comes the meme.
I will ask again.
Why are you not willing to pay for services you use.

That's a poorly thought out question, given that it assigns me a position I don't hold. Have they found the bodies in your basement yet?


Well-Known Member
That's a poorly thought out question, given that it assigns me a position I don't hold. Have they found the bodies in your basement yet?
Rob you used public schools. Your three wonderful young men also benefitted from the teachings of public schooling. Yet you bitch about paying your property tax. Do you use traffic and street lights, sidewalks, recreational trails and public transportation ??? all are paid for through local property tax percentages that your local government collects each year.
Again Rob the Moocher, why do you not want to help pay for services you use.