CRAFT GROWERS them long LP shwags!!

Spraying is just a tool in the growers toolbox. Just because there are 17 permitted, doesn't mean that they are using them all. I know of several that don't spray ANYTHING on their crop. Several of the permitted products do the same thing, they don't use two different product to do the same thing. Spraying these nasties should be a last resort, prevention is key. Most of these sprays can be avoided with due diligence in sanitation and a solid IPM. Most of you are assuming that because they can use products, that they are using all 17 on their crops, all the time, that is false. Granted some of the bigger monstrosities that don't have a clue, have to spay because they aren't cannabis growers. They were brought in from other commercial Agri. where spraying is the norm. It's what they learned in Agri school, and its imbedded into their head by the establishment.. not all LPs are evil money grubbing corporate entities. Do your due diligence and research and you will find a good one with good ethics and morales. You can't paint all LPs with the same brush. Stay away from any LP that trades on the stock market, their best interests are their shareholders not patients.

med folks don't need sprays to know it

I'm not here to promote any LP, and to be labeled a shill. The onus is on the patient to do there due diligence. Education is key, don't blindly follow the masses, use your brain.

med folks don't need sprays to know it
You understand that by making the original claim that all lp's spray pesticides, banned and allowed, the burden of proof is on you.

Since you can't prove something that is false, no one is required to produce evidence to your satisfaction.

If you're unable to understand this most basic principle, there's really nothing anyone can do for you
You understand that by making the original claim that all lp's spray pesticides, banned and allowed, the burden of proof is on you.

Since you can't prove something that is false, no one is required to produce evidence to your satisfaction.

If you're unable to understand this most basic principle, there's really nothing anyone can do for you
We've shown you proof that all LP's can use them. We've shown you proof that at least some have tested positive for banned pesticides. Painting all LP's with the same pesticide brush may be circumstantial, but remember peeps get convicted on circumstantial evidence all the time if they can't back up their claims. You said you have proof that some LP's are "proven and tested" clean...well let's see it!
A person once murdered someone.

All people are murders.

You're totally 100% correct. I've conceded the argument. You win.

Tweet about it.
There are numerous aspects to it and I've seen most of them far too close for comfort.
The bulk of the supply is coming from junk, but if you're in a good market then you're getting excess product from a DG that is sent to a regional broker. The broker sells to the middle man, who splits it and either sells direct to customers or sells to their own crew who disperse it. The smart brokers are moving online, selling their product through "secure" websites that get hacked every day, revealing customer information so often it makes me sick.

There's also the boys on bikes. I won't get into it, but they support, supply and protect a large portion of the market.

Your local BM might be the guy down the street who grows more than he needs, but the market across Canada is very connected and the spiderweb is massive. Product comes from BC to Toronto and is distributed in an auction style system, going to both dispensaries and the black market.

I'm not going to sit here and explain to you all day so that you can tell me I'm an idiot because your dealer isn't from this system. This is the system that stretches from coast to coast. These are 200 light facilities littered all over the country and the biggest brokers are doing deals across every province.
Sounds like you watched the movie "The Union:the business behind getting high"
lol well...seeing as you can buy ANYTHING online now a day.
Id say that business is dong fine .....for now.
When a craft grower gets a shot at selling their own and people find out it's good. As they will!

The wars will start! :weed:
lol well...seeing as you can buy ANYTHING online now a day.
Id say that business is dong fine .....for now.
When a craft grower gets a shot at selling their own and people find out it's good. As they will!

The wars will start! :weed:

This is exactly what I’m seeing happen.
Craft growers merging together into a co-op to move their goods. Very smart.