CRAFT GROWERS them long LP shwags!!


Well-Known Member love it here and so does the other one who pretends all the time
..but sits in his room and wishes he was important. That's what I hear you young people do who have nothing but shwags dimes to burn with their parents money you steal :roll:
sad sad bunch you lot be, I tell ya.
get a job..
make something of your life. :dunce:
I can't help but find amusement in the fact you're seemingly too dense to even understand your own words.

I only post on here when I'm on the toilet.
True story.


Well-Known Member
Hate to break it to those of you who were hoping, but the LPs aren't really losing in this model.
The LPs are financing everything from dispensaries to craft grows to extraction laboratories and vaults full of product pending recreational legality.

When legality structure is formally announced in the Spring, these guys are all going to be millionaires.
The reason Tweed sells out so quickly each round is because they're stockpiling for the bigger market.

It's all business. Wasn't ever about health care.
Thank Health Canada for that - HC is expediting everything they can right now to try and get enough businesses to support the coming legislation.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Stock piling?? That seem hard to believe. Why, so they can try to sell year old weed? What are they gonna do with all that stale schwagg nobody wants already? The must have some of that trash that is already approaching ancient artifact status.
Weed doesn't store well....we all know that. Folks want fresh.
Please explain why they would refuse sales now and keep it for later?


Well-Known Member
Stock piling?? That seem hard to believe. Why, so they can try to sell year old weed? What are they gonna do with all that stale schwagg nobody wants already? The must have some of that trash that is already approaching ancient artifact status.
Weed doesn't store well....we all know that. Folks want fresh.
Please explain why they would refuse sales now and keep it for later?
A few points here:

1. The most successful cannabis dispensaries and compassion clinics I've seen are all freezing and storing product, then selling it 6-12 months later. If done correctly, it can work.

2. The way that an LP stores their product is even more intense. Air control, vacuum sealed, humidity control, etc. It's effectively being cured for a year.

3. The most potent marijuana I've ever had was when LCS found a box of old Cannabis Cup samples from 7 years ago and we opened the jars, smoked the product and got knocked on our ass. This was premium product that hadn't been disturbed in over 6 years, sitting in it's own gases and drying out. Dry as it was, it worked like a champ.

4. Folks definitely want fresh, but the bulk of them don't know what that means. I meet people every day who are excited about getting their product "straight off the plant" as if curing somehow reduces the quality of the product.

5. They only have to store it until Spring. The way HC is talking, the pressure is on to legalize before July. The longer they wait, the more upset the law enforcement unions and other groups are getting, because it's putting a burden on everyone. The legislation needs to be put in place so that the police, courts and lawyers can go back to doing things that matter. Last estimate I heard was they will be doing one massive dispensary shutdown at the end of winter and announcing legalization shortly after spring break.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
What does HC know about retail markets....ZERO. They aren't in retail. They are a bunch of non cannabis user guessing at what they have no clue about. I wouldn't take one thing HC say's about weed as anything but pure guess work.
The LP's know fuck all as they shown already. so listening to their greed dreams is useless at best.
You know who know's Oddish.....we do. We are the experts. We know the market and it's future very well. Why??? Because we are the market. and we know better than any other players in the game.
If you think consumers are as dumb as you make them out to be your gonna be eating those words in 2 years.
You may rip em off once at the LP's but it rarely happens twice. I bet you for instance go buy the best of what you like in the products you use daily. Why would that be any different for weed?
Thinking that all the present users of cannabis are going to go running to the LP's is just laughable.


Well-Known Member
What does HC know about retail markets....ZERO. They aren't in retail. They are a bunch of non cannabis user guessing at what they have no clue about. I would take one thing HC say's about weed as anything but pure guess work.
The LP's know fuck all as they shown already. so listening to their greed dreams is useless at best.
You know who know's Oddish.....we do. We are the experts. We know the market and it's future very well. Why??? Because we are the market. and we know better than any other players in the game.
If you think consumers are as dumb as you make them out to be your gonna be eating those words in 2 years.
You may rip em off once at the LP's but it rarely happens twice. I bet you for instance go buy the best of what you like in the products you use daily. Why would that be any different for weed?
Thinking that all the present users of cannabis are going to go running to the LP's is just laughable.
I've been gone a while, but last time I was here you were a patient.
Now you're the recreational market.

Maybe you've been smoking too much.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm so far its only patients...
those others have been told to wait and to continue to accept being busted for possession...until further
notice...or another election is in the works...etc


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm so far its only patients...
those others have been told to wait and to continue to accept being busted for possession...until further
notice...or another election is in the works...etc
That's not, but we're talking about the market post legalization.
Once they legalize it, everyone will be targeted.
There will be advertising laws, but the LPs are building brands to target every possible market.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Patients aren't the market.
*Everyone* of age is the market.
You missed my point...the market is already here and established. The new market is a tiny smattering of new comers who will barely consume any weed.
Some older folks are taking to it though. I agree on that notion. There will be new folks to try it, but they hardly will make a dent in supply.
Does anyone ever quit cannabis and give it up?


Well-Known Member
Patients aren't the market.
*Everyone* of age is the market.
WANNA BET? :bigjoint:
Ill wager on it!
What Hippy says is TRUE to the facts're on a pipe dream that will soon comes to an end!
How the fuck are ya Odd?..still odd I see...nothings changed.(:


Well-Known Member
Rec arent idiots either Odd..theyre quite smart actually...and they have a choice as well..

The train has left the station ODD theres no more control anymore..They cant put people in jail for doing the same thing they do.. lol

watch and learn
the hard way if need be but
they will learn thats a guarantee!


Well-Known Member
Stock piling?? That seem hard to believe. Why, so they can try to sell year old weed? What are they gonna do with all that stale schwagg nobody wants already? The must have some of that trash that is already approaching ancient artifact status.
Weed doesn't store well....we all know that. Folks want fresh.
Please explain why they would refuse sales now and keep it for later?
So you're an expert but don't even know the basics of storage?

I'm shocked by this revelation.


Well-Known Member
What does HC know about retail markets....ZERO. They aren't in retail. They are a bunch of non cannabis user guessing at what they have no clue about. I wouldn't take one thing HC say's about weed as anything but pure guess work.
The LP's know fuck all as they shown already. so listening to their greed dreams is useless at best.
You know who know's Oddish.....we do. We are the experts. We know the market and it's future very well. Why??? Because we are the market. and we know better than any other players in the game.
If you think consumers are as dumb as you make them out to be your gonna be eating those words in 2 years.
You may rip em off once at the LP's but it rarely happens twice. I bet you for instance go buy the best of what you like in the products you use daily. Why would that be any different for weed?
Thinking that all the present users of cannabis are going to go running to the LP's is just laughable.
You understand that the people in charge of most ministries in government are people from business backgrounds, right?
You'd be pretty hard pressed to find many ministers without business backgrounds.

In one post you'll decry all the politicians with business connections to lp's and in the next claim they know nothing about business.

They didn't get rich from politician salaries lol.


Well-Known Member
So you're an expert but don't even know the basics of storage?

I'm shocked by this revelation.
youre shocked by LP's failure to handle medicine? How many class action suits are there again?

such a fool...(:

Provinces agree legal pot must be competitive with black market, Bill Blair says
The man tasked with leading the drug’s legalization in Canada said “in order to defeat organized crime on this thing, we have to be able to be competitive with price and quality and access.”

just like the next fool..:cool:
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