Random Jabber Jibber thread

I just locked us out of our house, twisted lock on front door and walked out, keys on table. Kitchen window was unlocked so I lifted my daughter through the window. She goes to the door and says, “ I can’t find the keys to unlock the door” lol

Years ago I had this real smartass maintenance guy at our apartment complex. People kept locking themselves out, so he posted a memo with several steps listed to combat this problem. Step #1 was "Don't lock yourself out." That is pretty funny now that I think about it...
Years ago I had this real smartass maintenance guy at our apartment complex. People kept locking themselves out, so he posted a memo with several steps listed to combat this problem. Step #1 was "Don't lock yourself out." That is pretty funny now that I think about it...

That reminded me of my last job. This one dumb bitch kept locking herself out and losing her key on nearly a weekly basis. Usually on the weekend or after hours, which is a $20 charge for me to let them in and $5 for another key. I had asked her several times why she didn't make copies of her key since that would be much cheaper and the complex was literally across the street from a hardware store that could make her a copy. "I dunno" was usually the answer.

At least she called and asked us to let her in. This one girl lost her key and then thought it would be a good idea to have her boyfriend kick the door in and when he couldn't, they broke the window. Then they got pissed that they had to pay for damages.
this is MURICA, we don't so shit the easy way. that job should require 7 large pieces of equipment that only move for 5 minutes each the whole job, at least three days of non stop dump trucks coming and going, a detour that inconveniences the whole city, and a budget that's at least 3 times what it should cost....

i'm being sarcastic, but that's probably what would happen if you could ever get the complacent government to get off it's ass and fix anything