What political issues are you unwilling to compromise on?

Lol so much for you not engaging in personal attacks, hypocrite.
I can return fire. You're just mad because I am saying shit about you that is true while you are making shit up. You should revamp that creepy plentyoffish.com profile, Mr hot tub. Also, don't forget to clean out Schuy's kennel.
I can return fire. You're just mad because I am saying shit about you that is true while you are making shit up. You should revamp that creepy plentyoffish.com profile, Mr hot tub. Also, don't forget to clean out Schuy's kennel.
More personal attacks, hypocrite.

You really suck at intelligent conversation.
Who are you FOR, clown?
I don't currently support any candidates. besides, politics shouldn't be about political figures, it should be about ideas. That goes to the heart of the problem. You have been a sanctimonious ass because people criticize your savior Bernard. You respond with personal attacks, even going so far as to attack me on the basis of being a combat veteran. You have little grasp of actual ideas and when backed into a corner you resort to repeating this crap over and over. You have no actual defense of your hero Bernard and you've nothing to say for actual political ideas and ideals. To you, it's clearly all about a cult of personality and it has gotten so far that you offer little rebuke of Trump, because it was your little faction that put him into office by fracturing the opposition. You should get a job.
I don't currently support any candidates. besides, politics shouldn't be about political figures, it should be about ideas. That goes to the heart of the problem. You have been a sanctimonious ass because people criticize your savior Bernard. You respond with personal attacks, even going so far as to attack me on the basis of being a combat veteran. You have little grasp of actual ideas and when backed into a corner you resort to repeating this crap over and over. You have no actual defense of your hero Bernard and you've nothing to say for actual political ideas and ideals. To you, it's clearly all about a cult of personality and it has gotten so far that you offer little rebuke of Trump, because it was your little faction that put him into office by fracturing the opposition. You should get a job.
I support Bernie Sanders because of his ideas and the fact that he's the most likely candidate to succeed in advancing them.

You spend much time trashing him and everyone else and yet somehow you aren't FOR anything or anyone. That position is weak and inherently destructive.

You brought up your status as a combat veteran to try to play for sympathy because you can't/won't have an honest debate on the issues. But keep crying about it.

Unless you're really a shill for the elite?
I support Bernie Sanders because of his ideas and the fact that he's the most likely candidate to succeed in advancing them.
But he hasn't really accomplished that. Instead, he's fractured the DNC, handing all 3 branches of the federal gov't to the current regime. In order to succeed at anything, he must actually fucking succeed.

I TL;DR'd the rest of your histrionicky post because it was all personal attacks and contained no logical points.
But he hasn't really accomplished that. Instead, he's fractured the DNC, handing all 3 branches of the federal gov't to the current regime. In order to succeed at anything, he must actually fucking succeed.

I TL;DR'd the rest of your histrionicky post because it was all personal attacks and contained no logical points.
So you're actually going to try to feed us the story that Bernie alone is responsible for the utter destruction of Democratic Party power across the country?

They lost 1000 seats across the country BEFORE Bernie ran for office, in case facts make any difference in your calculations.

Bernie would have won if not for a systematic program of cheating the will of the American People.

Maybe you should direct your ire at the real causes of our current political catastrophe instead of manufacturing one out of lies and wishful thinking.
So you're actually going to try to feed us the story that Bernie alone is responsible for the utter destruction of Democratic Party power across the country?
No, he was but one of the many careerists who received funds from Russia.
They lost 1000 seats across the country BEFORE Bernie ran for office, in case facts make any difference in your calculations.
Oh, this old canard again... The DNC lost a few state rep seats, some mayor offices and the rest were city councils. Every bit of that occurred in solid red states. In other words, fake news.
Bernie would have won if not for a systematic program of cheating the will of the American People.
No, he would not have won, you just can't wrap your mind around that fact that so many people legit can't stand him. I mean he's not worse than the average Democrat, but people just can't stand that he acts like he is. There was no cheating going on. The DNC has its bylaws and they blocked him because he isn't really a democrat. That's not cheating, that's exactly how they run their party. His histrionic little whiney white male supporters just couldn't stand it so they fractured the party, handing the gov't to the other (far worse) party.
Maybe you should direct your ire at the real causes of our current political catastrophe instead of manufacturing one out of lies and wishful thinking.
Maybe Bernie should have run as an independent if he's as popular as you say and if he really wanted to be president instead of just destroying the only party that could have kept Trump from office.

You know, the guy who you think is "the best thing that ever happened for the left in your lifetime". Yeah, that catastrophe...
No, he was but one of the many careerists who received funds from Russia.

Oh, this old canard again... The DNC lost a few state rep seats, some mayor offices and the rest were city councils. Every bit of that occurred in solid red states. In other words, fake news.

No, he would not have won, you just can't wrap your mind around that fact that so many people legit can't stand him. I mean he's not worse than the average Democrat, but people just can't stand that he acts like he is. There was no cheating going on. The DNC has its bylaws and they blocked him because he isn't really a democrat. That's not cheating, that's exactly how they run their party. His histrionic little whiney white male supporters just couldn't stand it so they fractured the party, handing the gov't to the other (far worse) party.

Maybe Bernie should have run as an independent if he's as popular as you say and if he really wanted to be president instead of just destroying the only party that could have kept Trump from office.

You know, the guy who you think is "the best thing that ever happened for the left in your lifetime". Yeah, that catastrophe...
That 1000 seats is entirely made up of state legislature seats, governorships and national offices. And you know it. Try again.

Bernie was cheated and now everyone knows it. He'll be the man to beat in the next election.

And Clinton's ascendancy would not have galvanized the heretofore silent Progressive Left nearly as much as the orange wannabe authoritarian has. The ongoing catastrophe of the destruction of the middle class would have continued anyway.

The thoughtful post is appreciated.
-if you support the war on drugs, I won't support you - not unreasonable, the war on drugs is unreasonable
-if you disagree with the idea that every American has a right to basic healthcare, regardless of their ability to pay for it, I won't support you - not unreasonable, 45,000 Americans died every year before the Affordable Healthcare Act was implemented because they couldn't afford basic preventative treatment
-if you support the for profit private prison industry, I won't support you - not unreasonable, prisons should not be making a profit off of incarceration capacity rates
-if you support offensive wars, I won't support you - not unreasonable, trillions of dollars, tens/hundreds of thousands of lives wasted
-if you disagree that an American who works 40 hours a week and still can't provide for their family without the use of government assistance is reprehensible, I won't support you - not unreasonable, full time work should be able to provide for a living wage, regardless of the job
-if you accept corporate or PAC "donations", I won't support you - not unreasonable, politicians who accept money from special interests do the bidding of those same special interests at the expense of the American people

Tell me what part of this is unreasonable
Are these supposed to be citations?
Do you actually have any policy positions, or is farting insults from the mouth the best you can do?

You have no credibility. You've spent literally all night attacking me without ever advancing a policy addition of your own.

That's not debate, that's the tell of a fraud.
Do you actually have any policy positions, or is farting insults from the mouth the best you can do?

You have no credibility. You've spent literally all night attacking me without ever advancing a policy addition of your own.

That's not debate, that's the tell of a fraud.
Nah, I was online for about two hours straight earlier (it was early day here) and then I went diving and came back and made one comment a couple hours ago during a surface interval. You on the other hand have been up all night having your little meltdown. I'm pretty sure it's still quite early in the wee hours there in Colorado. Put down the meth, you jobless loser. You literally just made a post full of insults without advancing any logical points at all. Just more projection, gringo.
Nah, I was online for about two hours straight earlier (it was early day here) and then I went diving and came back and made one comment a couple hours ago during a surface interval. You on the other hand have been up all night having your little meltdown. I'm pretty sure it's still quite early in the wee hours there in Colorado. Put down the meth, you jobless loser. You literally just made a post full of insults without advancing any logical points at all. Just more projection, gringo.
And you just spent another 5 minutes proving my point exactly; you either cannot or will not suggest any policy positions or candidates for fear of being held accountable for them, so instead you bloviate about a nice swim and then make personal attacks.

I'm not projecting anything. You just bring nothing to the discussion.

Why can't you smoke after your dives?
So this troll has completely dominated every discussion on all of the threads all night. He stayed up all night (yes, night in his timezone) fishing for personal info to use for insults. He is repetitive, boring and extremely disrespectful. Most of the discussion I have tried to take part in actually had nothing to do with him but he has insisted on showing up in my alerts to personally insult me. He even went so far as to insult me on the basis of my military experience. I tried putting him on ignore before but it doesn't stop him from derailing every discussion. He is absolutely intent on interacting with me and demands repetitively that I answer his asinine questions.

He should be banned in my opinion @rollitup but I respect that you are patient and will probably give him a chance. Just let it be known that this troll is relentless and wants to completely dominate all discussion. I don't even comment in all of the threads, I purposely stay out of many just to give other people a chance to have their discussions. It's one thing to dominate a discussion with prevailing logic. It is quite another thing altogether to dominate all discussions across an entire subforum by spewing insults and pestering other members.

Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 6.12.57 PM.png
So this troll has completely dominated every discussion on all of the threads all night. He stayed up all night (yes, night in his timezone) fishing for personal info to use for insults. He is repetitive, boring and extremely disrespectful. Most of the discussion I have tried to take part in actually had nothing to do with him but he has insisted on showing up in my alerts to personally insult me. He even went so far as to insult me on the basis of my military experience. I tried putting him on ignore before but it doesn't stop him from derailing every discussion. He is absolutely intent on interacting with me and demands repetitively that I answer his asinine questions.

He should be banned in my opinion @rollitup but I respect that you are patient and will probably give him a chance. Just let it be known that this troll is relentless and wants to completely dominate all discussion. I don't even comment in all of the threads, I purposely stay out of many just to give other people a chance to have their discussions. It's one thing to dominate a discussion with prevailing logic. It is quite another thing altogether to dominate all discussions across an entire subforum by spewing insults and pestering other members.

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Amazing projection; you attack, insult and dox me all night, then go complain to Mommy about how I should be banned?

Show us where I insulted your military background, clown. Or is it just the fact that I failed to properly worship your veteran status sufficiently?

You're a truly sick individual.
^more personal insults...^


Post #47. It's not the only time you mocked me using my military service as an ad hominem. Now produce proof that I doxxed you. Pointing out that you were stupid enough to make a plentyoffish.com profile with the same username doesn't count. Hell yes I would like to see you banned if it would mean less Russian propaganda getting spread by a disrespectful unemployed tweaker.
^more personal insults...^


Post #47. It's not the only time you mocked me using my military service as an ad hominem. Now produce proof that I doxxed you. Pointing out that you were stupid enough to make a profile with the same username doesn't count. Hell yes I would like to see you banned if it would mean less Russian propaganda getting spread by a disrespectful unemployed tweaker.
I'm disrespectful if I don't lick your combat boots and tell you that you walk on water? Give us a break, already.

You're the one calling me everything in the book.

You haven't made a thoughtful, on topic post all night- though you have accidentally said a few interesting things, to which I responded in kind. Since your game is to abuse and drive away those you disagree with, you pointedly did not take up the peace offerings and continued your hate driven tirade.

You're a sick man. Get help.
peace offerings
You could always just stop showing up in my alerts and stop directing your unwelcome comments to me. I have tried putting you on ignore. I have tried rebutting your accusations without actually clicking reply. I have tried omitting your disrespect and focusing only on the thing you are actually trying to convey, charitably. For months you have harassed me and derailed any thread I comment in. If you want to give me any kind of peace here, stop showing up in my alerts and be glad we never meet in person.