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Well-Known Member
I agree with most on the extent of their technology, I suspect we'll see many wonders.

I have an funny story, supposedly some crashed and recovered Ebe was in custody for several years and not cooperative, one day the interrogator had the bright idea to ask it why it wouldn't answer any of his questions, and the entity said "for the same reason you don't try to teach calculus to cats" :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What physics? .. and what does it "square well" with? Perhaps with the other things they've told us to believe?

And what about the physics that prove the exact opposite of what they tell us? ..should we just ignore those results?

I'll offer one quick example: mass and density can be proved all day, but no one's ever proven 'gravity' once.
My scuffed knee begs to differ.


Well-Known Member
well, i guess you're right, i don't know how hard it is to develop ftl, but i'm pretty sure it's not easy to defeat one of the prime laws of physics.
as an object approaches the speed of light, it's mass increases infinitely, so the energy needed to propel it increases infinitely. that's a hell of a problem. any race that's been able to solve that one, probably isn't too concerned about our hayseed, hillbilly asses.
they can control forces that would fry out little world like a cinder. they could explode our star. anyone that can control that much energy has very little to be concerned about from anyone that can't.
I don't see how that follows.

We can fly, but we aren't omnipotent. Isn't the ability to fly defeating gravity in a very real sense?

Suppose FTL travel is just another tech like creating ball lightning or hypersonic flight. Would that make the culture that figured it out omnipotent? I rather think it would not.


Well-Known Member
The bible is not by far, or even close to the first book to describe the lookds sounds, actions, or purpose of heavenly vehicles interacting with people or just being seen.. Many many religions have descriptions of crafts of some kind visiting for what ever purpose... Some of them have even matched the description that a different religion describes.. And sone cases even has somewhat of the same purpose... I will admit that seems like folklore being passed down and rewritten the way they want it to.. But that isnt always the case when someone hasnt even seen a different civilization or group of people other than themselves and they have the same records as the others... Jacob latter has always interested me some... Not the most though.. I like reading or learing about civilizations that have never really had influence from outside presence...i cant exactly remember what place it was.. But a few google searches should figure it out.. But i think the case was something like this... We went to drop off food to some island or jungle inhabitants for one reason or another... We flew it in on planes.. The people were so confused and didnt understand that a lot of them thought we were gods of some kind basically.. They obviously wanted us to return because of the gifts we brought but they didnt really know how... So we became an almost religious experience to them.. They built planes from wood and sticks and put them all over on the ground.. Kinda like how many other religions build things they say their gods came in.. Vimanas are an example of many..
'cargo cult'

Any culture sufficiently advanced beyond another will seem Godlike to them.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
thats a lot of supposing. i think it's going to take more than flipping a switch on a bunch of hobby store parts to achieve ftl.
requiring infinite energy is a huge obstacle. whoever can achieve that, or a way around it, is someone to be respected


Well-Known Member
thats a lot of supposing. i think it's going to take more than flipping a switch on a bunch of hobby store parts to achieve ftl.
requiring infinite energy is a huge obstacle. whoever can achieve that, or a way around it, is someone to be respected
I'm not disputing this outright, but until the Wright brothers (along others) strapped an engine to a glider frame, flight was an impossible dream.

It must be said that no one is recreating the SR-71 Blackbird from the bins at Hobby Lobby!

And even if it is an amazingly difficult achievement, does that make them Gods? I see no reason why it has to.


Well-Known Member
well he's talking to god supposed to appear on a turtle's shell?
they were in the desert, you got rocks and a few bushes....what else is god going to appear on?

the flaming chariot sounds appropriate for a heavenly vehicle to me. you're picking one instance out of a book full of "miracles" and deciding that it must mean aliens visited the earth at the time of this books writing?
God created earth, he made a 100 year old man and a 90 year old woman have a child, he parted the red sea for moses,
he fed the israelites in the desert, he made a whale swallow jonah, then spit him out in good shape three days later,
he made Mary conceive while a virgin, he saved Daniel from the lions, he saved Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace..........and you pick this one instance out of this book of "Miracles" to prove that aliens visited.....?
try harder
Okay. January 21st, 2006, I survived a brain aneurysm. By "survived" I am referring to the action that I was dead, flat lined, on the table 6:47. That's six minutes, forty seven seconds. While out of my body I was fully awake and lucid during those near seven minutes.

Now, before I go any further I am involved in an online forum made up of people who've had post-mortal experiences. In other words it's a forum for people who've been dead before and have come back. That said, I was lucid and there is no fire of a Hell; nor did I see any cherubs, no Saint Peter, no pearly gates, no old friends waiting at the gate for me who died long before I did, and there definitely isn't some omnipotent male being in a robe who's in oversight of everything. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The problem with your book of miracles, Shrubber, is that that's exactly what it is. Your Bible, the Q'ran, all of the worlds Holy books were written by human hands. If you believe they were written by a supreme being you're delusional. It took human beings with human hands to write these books. The human hands that put them together were "projecting" what they think lies beyond death.

Death and what lies thereafter is NOT a human experience. You can't relate with it. No-one can unless you've been dead before. It's kind of like those who've had a UFO experience... if it hasn't happened to you then it does not apply to you. You cannot transmit something you haven't got. The human mind can only comprehend human events and situations. The mind cannot conceive of things that it has not experienced. It can only register what comes through the eyes, ears, nose mouth or through physical pain, discomfort, joy or emotionalism.

The human mind can only project what it "thinks" lies beyond death. There are many people on this planet who've lived, died and come back. Your Jesus isn't that special. I have every right to say it this way because I too have been "resurrected from the dead" as your holy Bible states as being such a miracle in itself. Pffft. Bullshit. It's a common occurrence. Your Bible is exactly what you just said it is: A book of "Miracles" which just as easily translates into a book of "Fiction".

There are 27 others on the post mortem forum. We all agree... there is no Heaven and there is no Hell.

There is only the ability to see everything at once; be everywhere at once; know everything at once; see and hear the thoughts and emotions of your loved ones all at once. It is almost indescribable in terms of anything human because it is NOT a human experience. We return to energy. That is all there is and all there ever will be... not some Spiritual Country Club that says you have everlasting life with God and all of your family members and buddies that died with you or before you living happily ever after. That's what Hollywood is for.

I am no Atheist. There is no word for what I am nor the other 27 people who've experienced what we have. There isn't a holy book or congregation on this planet that has a program that applies to those of us who have already been dead and know what's over there. We "need" a holy book like that because your Bible simply does not cover what people like us need. All your Bible does is dangle the proverbial carrot in front of suckers like you who keep chasing it.

Happy Easter... Enjoy your "carrot"!!!
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i don't believe any of it. if the bible was ever a divinely inspired work, man has edited it into his own tool to control people. same with any "holy" book
i was using the "miracles" to make a point, not to illustrate my faith.

and, if you will look back at my previous posts, i've never denied that there is life on other worlds. all i deny is that it has any interest in us. we're boring, stupid, dangerous, and smelly, nothing at all to attract anyone of any intelligence. just our own delusional dreaming of our inflated importance


Well-Known Member
i don't believe any of it. if the bible was ever a divinely inspired work, man has edited it into his own tool to control people. same with any "holy" book
i was using the "miracles" to make a point, not to illustrate my faith.

and, if you will look back at my previous posts, i've never denied that there is life on other worlds. all i deny is that it has any interest in us. we're boring, stupid, dangerous, and smelly, nothing at all to attract anyone of any intelligence. just our own delusional dreaming of our inflated importance
I stand corrected in how I directed my response... and I stand by your statements above.


Well-Known Member
Truth be told... there is more evidence supporting alien life and UFO's than God these days. Not too many "God sightings" or abductions happening lately, now are there?
I know of some. I'm curious why we can't speak of UFOs without speaking of God ?

I suppose it's the whole "ancient alien" fad, yet I mentioned the antediluvian Titans and no one seems to have any input ?

..that was surprising, how do you think these monoliths and megaliths came to be, and were moved hundreds of miles considering this some that we can't move today let alone up big hills and set precisely into place ?

I'm not saying that's what was responsible for all giant cut stones, just offering that as a type of Occam's razor, and trying to get other ideas, because as the other poster mentioned an interest in this topic I also find megalith/monolithic very interesting and would love to know the truth of the matter
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Well-Known Member
I know of some. I'm curious why we can't speak of UFOs without speaking of God ?

I suppose it's the whole "ancient alien" fad, yet I mentioned the antediluvian Titans and no one seems to have any input ?

..that was surprising, how do you think these monoliths and megaliths came to be, and we moved hundreds of miles considering this some that we can't move today let alone up big hills and set precisely into place ?

I'm not saying that's what was responsible for all giant cut stones, just offering that as a type of Occam's razor, and trying to get other ideas, because as the other poster mentioned an interest in this topic I also find megalith/monolithic very interesting and would love to know the truth of the matter
Siding with you. I want to know more as well.


Well-Known Member
Okay. January 21st, 2006, I survived a brain aneurysm. By "survived" I am referring to the action that I was dead, flat lined, on the table 6:47. That's six minutes, forty seven seconds. While out of my body I was fully awake and lucid during those near seven minutes.

Now, before I go any further I am involved in an online forum made up of people who've had post-mortal experiences. In other words it's a forum for people who've been dead before and have come back. That said, I was lucid and there is no fire of a Hell; nor did I see any cherubs, no Saint Peter, no pearly gates, no old friends waiting at the gate for me who died long before I did, and there definitely isn't some omnipotent male being in a robe who's in oversight of everything. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

The problem with your book of miracles, Shrubber, is that that's exactly what it is. Your Bible, the Q'ran, all of the worlds Holy books were written by human hands. If you believe they were written by a supreme being you're delusional. It took human beings with human hands to write these books. The human hands that put them together were "projecting" what they think lies beyond death.

Death and what lies thereafter is NOT a human experience. You can't relate with it. No-one can unless you've been dead before. It's kind of like those who've had a UFO experience... if it hasn't happened to you then it does not apply to you. You cannot transmit something you haven't got. The human mind can only comprehend human events and situations. The mind cannot conceive of things that it has not experienced. It can only register what comes through the eyes, ears, nose mouth or through physical pain, discomfort, joy or emotionalism.

The human mind can only project what it "thinks" lies beyond death. There are many people on this planet who've lived, died and come back. Your Jesus isn't that special. I have every right to say it this way because I too have been "resurrected from the dead" as your holy Bible states as being such a miracle in itself. Pffft. Bullshit. It's a common occurrence. Your Bible is exactly what you just said it is: A book of "Miracles" which just as easily translates into a book of "Fiction".

There are 27 others on the post mortem forum. We all agree... there is no Heaven and there is no Hell.

There is only the ability to see everything at once; be everywhere at once; know everything at once; see and hear the thoughts and emotions of your loved ones all at once. It is almost indescribable in terms of anything human because it is NOT a human experience. We return to energy. That is all there is and all there ever will be... not some Spiritual Country Club that says you have everlasting life with God and all of your family members and buddies that died with you or before you living happily ever after. That's what Hollywood is for.

I am no Atheist. There is no word for what I am nor the other 27 people who've experienced what we have. There isn't a holy book or congregation on this planet that has a program that applies to those of us who have already been dead and know what's over there. We "need" a holy book like that because your Bible simply does not cover what people like us need. All your Bible does is dangle the proverbial carrot in front of suckers like you who keep chasing it.

Happy Easter... Enjoy your "carrot"!!!
I agree with you completely about the point that unless they've experienced it they can never know.

I also know that there's no point in just telling people because not only can they not understand but they won't believe either, so no point. I don't mean that in any kind of a wiseass way, I mean it factually.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the antediluvian titans were giants that were supposed to have all been killed off in the biblical flood. goliath was an antediluvian titan...he was supposed to be 2 to 3 times the size of a normal man. i don't believe that for one second, but say it's true, you're talking about (naturally occurring) monoliths that weight hundreds of thousands of tons....even if these supposed giants were ten times the size of men, they could no more move these things than you or i could. ten of them couldn't. so even if they existed, which i highly doubt, as we've never found any kind of fossil evidence, even in the area where they were reported to live, they could never have moved these monoliths.


Well-Known Member
the antediluvian titans were giants that were supposed to have all been killed off in the biblical flood. goliath was an antediluvian titan...he was supposed to be 2 to 3 times the size of a normal man. i don't believe that for one second, but say it's true, you're talking about (naturally occurring) monoliths that weight hundreds of thousands of tons....even if these supposed giants were ten times the size of men, they could no more move these things than you or i could. ten of them couldn't. so even if they existed, which i highly doubt, as we've never found any kind of fossil evidence, even in the area where they were reported to live, they could never have moved these monoliths.
In my opinion and from my training Goliath was not an antidiluvian Titan. He was an offspring of one of the kenite tribes if I recall correctly.

The verse I recall, to paraphrase.. 'there was Giants in the earth in those days and then after, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men' ..which denotes a second influx

The Titans were said to be approximately 2.1 miles tall the second influx commonly called the Nephilim were said to be different sizes and shapes excetera because of the corrupt seed I suppose, some were supposedly 400 feet all. The sons of anak come to mine where it says we were "as grasshoppers in their sight"

The latter quotes from numbers 13:33 or thereabouts, couldn't remember the above quote but it's easy to search from those words should anyone feel inclined, it's one of the more 'popular' verses regarding this type topic
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