First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants

yeah that shit is like 7-10 bucks other seedbank regular delivery takes 3 days from i was expecting kind of the same thing with this express shipping.I was gonna order regular shipping so i can see how long it takes for that i doubt if it would take a month..With my luck it probably gets here the same time with regular delivery..Its been over a week already with express and still no seeds...


Well-Known Member
its cosidered souveniour t-shirts . its worked twice .. first went jus t and t
its good to get just to see they sent the goods and that extra few buks reIeaves me of getting screwed.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah well i think im done with seeds for a good while anyway haha if i start cloning probably never buy anymore...


Well-Known Member
its a ns shirt, its just thier x-Iarge is Iike mens med. i givem away, but not bad for four extra buks. does weII. pIanet skunk is pretty smart steaIth in as a reg Ietter, it was smart ,secure.


Well-Known Member
haha im just messin man im 6' 180... still wear large though... has the best stealth no doubt


Well-Known Member
down where you post a reply click on go advanced then scroll down a bit to manage attachments and upload them there


Well-Known Member
in FF ocean forest. transpIasnted them after 10 days to 2gaI pots .they were fiminized . the had some herme fIowers and have a few seeds but its 95% resin maker.