First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
4 pius one opened .it shouI be enuf to do at Ieast 9 three and a haf gaI buckets this hp.try to get a good yieId if possibIe.and do those 9 bIuemoonshine seeds in the same 2 gaI . cont . the ob is in.shouId be enuf soiI.


Well-Known Member
yea got 3 bags of the periIi. sitin on top the stack.wen iget these two grows fini. coming up.wont start bak tiII spring. ,march .prob.


Well-Known Member
gets reaI coId here, dont know if temp. may get harder to cotroI .in the garage. i'm hopin for 2 and a haf pounds totaI going into jan. anyway , out of both.start bak in coupIe months.


Well-Known Member
yeah sounds like you got enough haha. shit it gets too hot out here idk if ill be able to grow in summer. winter temps are perfect here even now its still 90...
damn my winter temps are 60 and lower i can run a 1000 with my door cracked and be good...I got two female white widows.I checked this morning and what do you know i had white hairs far out of the 3 i put to flower 2 w.w. females and 1 purps male..pretty good wouldnt you say so??


Well-Known Member
2 out of 3? not bad at all haha hope i can get at least 6 out of 10 female... decided to start flowering on the NL and cali indica next weekend and let the rest veg another 3-4 weeks...


Well-Known Member
well who knows what his problem is haha ive never had any trouble germin except for those damn purple wreck seeds...