Mammoth P "Problem"

I don't need a picture to diagnose your problem, but by the way you've been posting I don't think you actually grow. So this is why I asked for a picture.

Because if your full of shit about growing your probably full of shit about Mammoth P.
You should see his posts in regards to LED tech. They're fucking hilarious.
Not sure about the OP but I received my samples in 2016...and they were very generous samples.
1 250ml bottle and 2 60ml bottles, a pack of rolling papers, stickers, and a feed chart.
They've definitely been around longer than a yr and @ .06ml per gallon I'm VERY happy with the results.

No I don't work for Mammoth P (though I have done my fair share of research and testing)
Yes I have plenty of pics all over the site
And yes, I'll continue to buy this until something comparable comes along.
Mammoth P and Real Growers Recharge are the only two products OTS I use in my built soil so I figure its worth it for the very noticeable stalk strength and final bud size.

OP, Mammoth P should be strengthening your plants stalks and stems, hence the slight increase in yields. Got any full plant pics?
There's far more positive info than negative...especially from those that have actually tried it.
Its definitely got a high price tag so I can see why some would be reluctant but I certainly wouldn't diss the product based off a YT video...