HR McMaster Out, John Boulton In; Fix News Completes Takeover of the White House


Well-Known Member
Establishment Democrats like to SAY they're against war, but I've noticed they still vote for record defense funding and plenty of military programs. Mrs Clinton voted for the invasion of Iraq and she had plenty of Democratic company.

I'm tired of distinctions without differences, which is why I'm done voting for more of the same Democrats.
I've noticed that too

Why Bernie Sanders is backing a $1.5 trillion military boondoggle



Well-Known Member
Thank you.

I've been saying this for many years here and the usual team players would rather die of thirst in the hyperpartisan desert than work together for their mutual interests.

That's why I'm involved with the Progressive Movement; because doing the same thing and supporting the same establishment clowns will no more yield different results in the future than it has in the past.
The next time you and your fellow progressives meet, tell the host's mom she is making the Kool aid waaaaay too strong.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you get it. Now you know why you get picked on. Nothing is worse than a naive, sanctimonious tool.
And yet none of you ballwashers bring anything but bullshit and personal attacks to the table.

I can't even remember the last time you said something that might pass for a logical argument.


Well-Known Member
You said this in late twenty sixteen too. How many seats have we won since then, titileaks?
Not enough yet. Many of those seats have been won by Progressives running as Democrats.

I don't give a shit what they call themselves as long as they start representing the interests of We the People instead of the donor class.

Early days yet.


Well-Known Member
WWIII is about to start guy's.....I'm not sure you fully understand how bad this guy Bolton is, he makes Chaney look like a pacifist.
Oh, I remember him from his time at the UN.

He's bad. Like Ebola. Hopefully so bad he'll make himself toxic even to the Chump adminstration.


Well-Known Member
The last sentence from this PaulCraigRoberts article says it all...."If Trump ever appoints John Bolton as security adviser plan to die"....
Excellent article, which brings yet more evidence in support of what I've been reading elsewhere and saying in this forum for years now.

Buckwit and his sycophants have their heads firmly up and locked but at least they're not alone; most of the rest of the country is similarly snowed by our class of presstitutes.