Psychadelibuds Underground Laboratory

will she stink in veg?

I still consider them in "seedling" stage as of now. From what I remember back when I used to help the old man in his guerilla crops that gifted me these seeds, I would have to say when we were out planting clones that yes she does stink pretty heavily. Reason I say this is because we planted clones that were around a foot tall and when we were transporting them the entire vehicle smelled heavily of fresh diced onions, burnt rubber and that good classic skunk odor. It would linger around for a while. The Hillbilly Roadkill is just as it name describes, a stanky bunch of goodness in every form. I bet the seeds even smell like skunk (sarcasm on that part) lol.
On a side note, I believe it is time to back off on the base nutes for the 413 and Chem 91. They like around 15 days (possibly give a few) till harvest from my judgement. I think I am going to start the overdrive on them and start a slow gradual flush with feedings only consisting of molasses, bud swell, nirvana and overdrive to a slow taper... The 413 Chem could be taken easily at 50 days but I am gonna give her till day 55-58 before I decide to abduct the buds. Chem 91 I am guessing 58 to 63 days tops.
Ive always found my best plants where to smelly ones from the start and would grease your fingers from a stem rub

Sometimes they even crystal out in veg

Half of my Greenpoint gear I am vegging right now has trichs on the leaves. I have a Purple Outlaw male and a Knight Rider male that both have frosty fans on the newest growth. Might be worth flowering on out to see what those two studs can do. I am especially interested in the Knight Rider male. A stem rub smells strong of pinesol and skunk and also has that greasy oily residue you are speaking of.
For those whom are interested, unfortunately Duke Diamond of Dominion Seeds is having some family issues with his mothers sickness. He is in need for a lot of financial support right now.

I seen on IG earlier that he is going to have a huge personal vault auction and be auctioning off tons of seeds, all kinds of deals and bulk packages as well... Even said their was a bunch of ultra rare and unheard of stock he has he is going to let go of as well. This interests the hell out of me and I plan on contributing intensely to this event. To help him and his situation and also for the sake of his mother. I will keep you guys updated on when and where the auction is going to take place...

@HydroRed @Sour Wreck if your interested.
I plan on getting the night started soon... Just finished the new Walking Dead episode and I have to say that I cannot wait till they take Negans ass out and get on with the show... The last two seasons have been focused on nothing but all out back and forth shit wreck with Negan and I was more into it when it was focused more on real world survival. In other words today and tonight has been a lazy night for me lol.

I am planning on switching out my cheap filter with the Phresh filter tonight as the smell is dominating my neck of the woods during the lights on hours when the exhaust fan is kicking on/off constantly. Shows you how lazy I am when I put my laziness before safety and security... Hopefully this will almost completely take care of the odor.

Then, I am thinking about cracking open the seed vault and popping a few more beans... I have lots of choices and need to get to work. Need to get my ass in gear and just accept the outdoor season has also arrived, even though I do have a nice lineup already in 2 weeks of veg and some nice mother plants on the sideline as well. I'm also fixing to be stepping into this whole breeding game which is a whole new world and learning experience for me. Gotta start somewhere though ya know?

If it werent for the scrog net I would have done had the motivation to change the filters out but I can almost guarantee you its gonna be a bitch to get too... The thought of that makes me cringe. But so does leo, so I guess I need to get to work!
look at the close up of the trichs in his photo. reminds me of my first microscope venture on a bud. like some alien world. very nice!

Thank you Sgt... That is the gg4, I figured HydroRed would beat me to it lol with his passion for the Glue. She has some seriously fat trich heads that seems to just stay white. They go beautifully with her darker colors. You are right, it does appear you are starring into space with this one! Like a meteor shower ;)
Thank you Sgt... That is the gg4, I figured HydroRed would beat me to it lol with his passion for the Glue. She has some seriously fat trich heads that seems to just stay white. They go beautifully with her darker colors. You are right, it does appear you are starring into space with this one! Like a meteor shower ;)
Damn, I dont know how I missed the tag? Looking good PDB!
So i got to thinking today... The temps are warming up, as spring is coming into the picture and I had an idea to pop up in my brain.

How well would a window AC unit work in my room? I have a practically brand new window AC unit that I purchased last summer that was used to cool my former previous flower room, which is now my veg room. It was hot during the summer so of course the AC worked fine at that time, even before @HydroRed ever gave me the idea of a thermostatically controlled outlet to help control the temps. At that time I had the exhaust fans constantly pulling air and it still did a pretty good job keeping the room cool in a 2000 watt grow during the hottest days of July and August.

So here is my idea.. How about bringing the AC into the underground room? I know during he colder months the AC can basically freeze up and become useless (we still have another month or so of unpredictable freezing nights and days). So I had been researching this on Google and YouTube and had come across many of awesome ideas on constructing a modified AC box to help the AC stay warm on the intake and vents and not cause it to freeze up... Basically you deflect the warm air and you can use the AC in pretty much subzero temps.

But in my situation, I have a lung room. The hallway between the concrete wall and the grow room wall. If I installed the AC into the grow room and the back end of AC was situated in the hall (lung room) would this allow me to use my AC during cold temps IF instead of my hot exhaust air from the grow room being vented to the outside I vented it to up the inside of the lung room instead? I would still also be pulling in cool air through the exhaust which I currently already do, plus the AC cooling At the same time seems to be a golden ticket in keeping temps in check UNTIL after this run is over and I can purchase a mini split system.

Now just from my brainstorming, which I just had this idea pop into my mind today, seems like it would be a good idea... If I exhausted the hot air from the grow into the lung room, in my opinion would keep the lung room warma enough to run the AC?? Correct? Or am I missing something here?...... School me if I'm wrong. Lol.
A lot of the mini ductless split systems can be operated at colder temperatures, a regular split AC system can be used with what we call a head pressure control kit, sometimes called a fan cycling switch,
They are very commonly used device for commercial heating and air conditioning applications as large buildings and computer rooms need cooling even in winter.
I'm not sure I am understanding you correctly Max... I have heard that ONA and UV is great for odor control and ozone generators as well... But are you saying ONA and UV completely or even any at all literally removes odor from the buds? If it literally draws the odor out of the buds there is no way I would use it as personally I love terps.

If that is the case then I would maybe rather go with an extra filter maybe scrubbing air in the room. But first and foremost, I am gonna remove the cheapo carbon filter and replace it with the phresh. If temps become a problem, I will install a window AC unit.
Window units allow smell to escape, bad
So my only option for growing through the summer is a closed room and co2?
No not at all, if you only want to cool during the hottest days you can close the room and cool it easy at that time. Or you can move massive amounts of air , through filters, both carbon and UV smell killers, you can get good UV smell killers from most hydro shops, you have to remember to do a regular maintenance and clean the bulb, do not look directly at the bulb when it is on .
Or you can cool with a ,ac without injecting the room, you would just have to set up a timer on a fan to do a room change over every few hours during.
A change of air is a complete evacuation of the room with fresh outdoor air in the room. This replenish the co2 and other elements of air within the room,
If you use a co2 generator it will add heat and humidity to the room.
The bottles of co2 do not add the heat and humidity.
A ac would help reduce humidity so the dehumidifiers will not operate as much.
If you go that route , a regular split system if you have the amps available is the way to go, ducted in with direct injection of co2 straight into the plants canopy through the hoods.
The mini split systems use less lower and operate with a DC converter.
Each watt of power used in the room( unless it is double ended bulbs) takes 3.4 btuh of cooling to cool it.
So each 1000 watt bulb takes 3400 btu to cool it,
There is 12000 btu in a ton of cooling.
So if you were only running two lamps in the summer that would be 6800 btu needed for the lamps, then we have heat gain on loss for the walls and ceilings.
In a basement area it is better insulated and maintains a constant temperature a foot or two below the ground.
Basement walls act like a heat sink .
I can go on forever and write a fuckin book. So I better shit up