Well-Known Member
@HydroRed @max420thc what do you guys think??
Can you just cut the scrog screen in a path to the filter, change it, then fix the net back up on the way out of the path with like zip ties or more string etc.. This way you might not disturb much of anything going in/out and you can leave your scog net up. The GG4 Im certain will be flop city by week 5-6 of flower so your gonna want to support it one way or another.
Damn man, if the Chemdog is killing you smell wise, whatcha gonna do with the RKS?
I'm gonna invest in top notch odor control once this run is over... I am also going to add that phresh filter tonight at lights on. This is the reason the odor is so prominent. As described earlier, I used one "cheapo" literally worthless filter because the phresh slows the fan down too much. By adding the other phresh filter I will then have 2 good filters that will cut that odor down at least 80 percent if not completely...
Its the cheap filter I have allowing the odor to seep out. Been through this before lol.
Serious, smell is bad news, it always made me real nervous, .
UV smell killers are the bomb ,
They will however kill the smell right on the plant, so will ona gel but not as bad, the ona around the perimeter of the area,
Get a UV smell killers and mount it inside the exaust duct or even in the charcoal filter, the higher you can run the exaust into the air the more any smell would disepate,
I am a big fan of the smell myself.I'm not sure I am understanding you correctly Max... I have heard that ONA and UV is great for odor control and ozone generators as well... But are you saying ONA and UV completely or even any at all literally removes odor from the buds? If it literally draws the odor out of the buds there is no way I would use it as personally I love terps.
If that is the case then I would maybe rather go with an extra filter maybe scrubbing air in the room. But first and foremost, I am gonna remove the cheapo carbon filter and replace it with the phresh. If temps become a problem, I will install a window AC unit.
Yeah they mess up the smell of your buds but he's saying to put it in the exhaust so it shouldn't come into contact with the room air.
I am a big fan of the smell myself.
Ona goes around the outside of the room, so if the smell pentrate floors and walls it can not escape the perimeter.
A UV smell killed in a exaust duct where the air is being forced outside the room not back into the room will get rid of the smell in any air as it leaves the building.
Carbon filters just running in the room will help keep the smell down in the room and will not kill the smell on the plants.
Also uv smell killers around the outside of the room or near peri.iter doors or openings, so long as that air is not dragging back into the rooms, all of these things will help kill and control the smell.
Venting through chimney stacks that force the air high above the grow will help disepate the smell .