What did you accomplish today?

Haven’t been around much, bought the new property decided we liked the area more than where we are so I’ve been busy packing going to move soon and then rent this place. Have to wait for a tent to finish drying before I move everything. 15210686-EC02-4CB7-B31D-820704F054CC.jpeg
@curious2garden took the heater out of the tent (never went under 62)for the last week and my sr71 purpled nicely. Can’t wait to give it a try
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Best of luck to you bro....
Thanks jj. Tons of work and govt paperwork. Just growing 6 at each of my spots this year. But I got a couple thousand other plants to look after this season. I went tree and shrub shopping after this past croptober and some agave also. Lots of drought tolereant and resisant stuff for now, cause we may be moving for a few years. I'll need the plants to ride it out till we get back.
Threw these in some dirt this morning and then took a ride out to camp with the new pup.

He chased the wild turkeys around and now its nap time

I had plans of making a big stew with moose and deer for my fam that's off elver fishing but my niece dropped off some line caught haddock so I guess they'll be eating gas station hot dogs and pre-made subs tonight while the boy and I indulge in this awesome looking fish. I feel kinda bad...but not really, ;-)
I electrocuted myself. Probably should have made sure I unplugged the pump before working on the float switch, I unplugged the vacuum. :dunce: Went to pull the wires out of the switch, put my pliers right across both hot leads and there was a flash/pop and then ZING up my arms. That's the 5th time, I think, I've been zapped with 120v, I'm losing count. It is strangely invigorating.

Cleaned the points on the float switch, reassembled everything, flipped the breaker and everything seems to be working. I'm going to tear apart my other pump and see if I can figure out why it's tripping breakers. I think the bearings might be dry and tight from just sitting for years, hopefully just needs lube.