Stephen Hawking, Outspoken Progressive

RIP Stephen. :peace: I know your soul is free to streak across the universe and explore now. Thank you for your inspiring life.

More registered voters are unaffiliated than are registered with either party. They're also known as 'independent'.

Mr Sanders is also registered as an Independent.
so then who is INC going to run for Pres in 2.5 years? Sanders?

INC: Independent National Convention

You really think somebody that couldn't even get the votes for the Dem primary a couple years ago could wing the Presidency?
Strange how @abandonconflict calls himself a leftist yet never misses a chance to criticise Bernie- or takes an opportunity to criticise any establishment Democrat.

LINO- Leftist In Name Only. See also; 'hypocrite'

Funny how you're such a Bernard acolyte yet never actually address the valid criticisms anyone makes against him. You're not about leftist ideas, only a cult of personality for a liberal.
Funny how you're such a Bernard acolyte yet never actually address the valid criticisms anyone makes against him. You're not about leftist ideas, only a cult of personality for a liberal.
When you come up with something valid, I'll be happy to discuss it.

Vapid regurgitation of right wing oppo spin doesn't come close to meeting the standard.
You are literally the most racist person who posts here. You don't get to say what is leftist. In fact it's because of the disgusting and vile views of people like you that put me off from Bernard in the first place just because you basically worship him when you're not making disgusting racist remarks.

if that's your best comeback then give up political.

literally worst post in weeks; maybe months.
neither is bernie
Finally, you've spoken the truth!

You're right; he's a centrist.

In a right wing authoritarian country, he only looks like a full on socialist by comparison.

Centrism is what America's actually needs. That, along with a great big dose of accountability.
Finally, you've spoken the truth!

You're right; he's a centrist.

In a right wing authoritarian country, he only looks like a full on socialist by comparison.

Centrism is what America's actually needs. That, along with a great big dose of accountability.
First sentence is inflated.
Second paragraph is full of adolescent hyperbolic nonsense.
Third paragraph doesn’t make sense