Stephen Hawking, Outspoken Progressive

It would seem that many of the greatest minds humanity has to offer were vociferously Progressive it even Socialist in their political views.

Something to think about.
did you not already start a thread like this. Baaa Baaa Sheeple or some shit.
Dude stop doing a fucking Bernie and start doing some action. Action speaks louder than words. Log off and get something done...or STFU PLEASE
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did you not already start a thread like this. Baaa Baaa Sheeple or some shit.
Dude stop doing a fucking Bernie and start doing some action. Action speaks louder than words. Log off and get something done...or STFU PLEASE
No. Telling people you don't agree with to 'just shut up' is a classic fascist tactic.

This thread is about Stephen Hawking's politics. Any resemblance to those of Carl Sagan, Bernie Sanders or for that matter my own are purely intentional.

Do try to keep up.
who's the frontrunner for the Progressive party atm?
More registered voters are unaffiliated than are registered with either party. They're also known as 'independent'.

Mr Sanders is also registered as an Independent.

One could therefore make the case that not only is he the most popular politician currently holding office in America, but he's leading the largest party!

But isn't it strange that the Republican/Democratic political oligopoly all but completely shuts out this very same group of voters, denying them any representation in the vast majority of the country?
No. Telling people you don't agree with to 'just shut up' is a classic fascist tactic.

Hint; if you aren't a multi millionaire, the answers are all, 'no, now shut up and go away until you can fork over a six figure campaign donation'.

Then shut up already.

Let's see some facts or shut the fuck up already.

'No, YOU shut up'

Double Derp. With sprinkles.

Racist lying Nazi trash. Shut up and go step in front of a train.

Pseudo science [EDIT: AND revisionist history!] running apeshit. Pleeeeeeeese shut up, you've got every last thing wrong.

Shut up and go back to your Xbox and Faux News. You make me sick.
