Aussie Growers Thread

Lolwhen I was in the garden yester day or whatever I think when I grabed the power bourd I knomed fhe ti e switch soo lol lignt cycle got fucked a gai well I can still get the ec a bot lower n get it nkt over watered at this point idont care any more im just gunna keeplooking after it as best I canalso ithink I fou dso eo e lowerthen a nom aparently hes in amc called green baymcorsome shit 1st he clai edto beamember like and I also thinghes in thecloset like he keeps calling me wierd shit likebitch boy lol heeven offered me outto lol so far ivfound hispofsite lol he doasent lookso mean fuck thatwasfun yeven said hewasgunna bash me and rape my dog lol who says that
Lolwhen I was in the garden yester day or whatever I think when I grabed the power bourd I knomed fhe ti e switch soo lol lignt cycle got fucked a gai well I can still get the ec a bot lower n get it nkt over watered at this point idont care any more im just gunna keeplooking after it as best I canalso ithink I fou dso eo e lowerthen a nom aparently hes in amc called green baymcorsome shit 1st he clai edto beamember like and I also thinghes in thecloset like he keeps calling me wierd shit likebitch boy lol heeven offered me outto lol so far ivfound hispofsite lol he doasent lookso mean fuck thatwasfun yeven said hewasgunna bash me and rape my dog lol who says that
Fark bro is this code or summin ?
Lolwhen I was in the garden yester day or whatever I think when I grabed the power bourd I knomed fhe ti e switch soo lol lignt cycle got fucked a gai well I can still get the ec a bot lower n get it nkt over watered at this point idont care any more im just gunna keeplooking after it as best I canalso ithink I fou dso eo e lowerthen a nom aparently hes in amc called green baymcorsome shit 1st he clai edto beamember like and I also thinghes in thecloset like he keeps calling me wierd shit likebitch boy lol heeven offered me outto lol so far ivfound hispofsite lol he doasent lookso mean fuck thatwasfun yeven said hewasgunna bash me and rape my dog lol who says that
Wow gigs even by your standards that made no sense whatsoever. Bitch boy? Slap him. If rapes your dog film it
If you still can't get black d.o.g seeds in a couple of weeks let me know and ill send you some regs of that strain.
Cheers mate but I think ill go attitude one last time .. just signed up to buy some bitcoin and then will pay in crypto to get some extra freebees


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Cheers mate but I think ill go attitude one last time .. just signed up to buy some bitcoin and then will pay in crypto to get some extra freebees
I hope you have luck, WA can be a shit to order seeds to I hear.

Couple of the well-known American banks send here now too so there's more options popping up, dunno if they offer mad freebies for bitcoin tho
haha thats not what I want to hear! the walkthrough I found looks OK (barring buying a few tools I'd need) but I dont want to find myself with the car up on the stands with the front end in bits and not being able to put it back together. that shits the stuff of nightmares for me
Tape the bolts in the holes of whatever you take off so you know what bolts go where... take photo's so you know how it goes back together its not that complicated... Fwd just has more shit stuffed into a confined space most times ive found its easier just to drop the whole front... can get into shit easier... You may also need to heaten up a few of them k frame bolts they can be fucky...
lol tj ipad im using now is fuked tje keys are even smaller so my spellings more fuked sorry lol I found jis twitter he just liles to fifjt I gjess like pc principal exept cuse is in with the mc club of green bay I call him mc principal
Lolwhen I was in the garden yester day or whatever I think when I grabed the power bourd I knomed fhe ti e switch soo lol lignt cycle got fucked a gai well I can still get the ec a bot lower n get it nkt over watered at this point idont care any more im just gunna keeplooking after it as best I canalso ithink I fou dso eo e lowerthen a nom aparently hes in amc called green baymcorsome shit 1st he clai edto beamember like and I also thinghes in thecloset like he keeps calling me wierd shit likebitch boy lol heeven offered me outto lol so far ivfound hispofsite lol he doasent lookso mean fuck thatwasfun yeven said hewasgunna bash me and rape my dog lol who says that
What the fuck that makes no sense
Tape the bolts in the holes of whatever you take off so you know what bolts go where... take photo's so you know how it goes back together its not that complicated... Fwd just has more shit stuffed into a confined space most times ive found its easier just to drop the whole front... can get into shit easier... You may also need to heaten up a few of them k frame bolts they can be fucky...

Tapes good shit. Used it looped over the door holding up the driver window when I replaced the electric window motor a while back, was as good as a 3rd hand. Hadn't thought of using it to tape bolts to the right holes though, fuckin genius. I normally draw on em with a marker but when there's heaps of them it kinda goes to shit pretty quick.

I'm thinking I might buy the parts myself and give a car nut mate whose pretty handy with this sort of stuff an oz and I'll hang about and punch billies. I might be able to help and I might learn something. Either way I'll get a good sesh in so it's win win win and I'll en