I suck at growing weed

Get some diatamacous earth and mix it in your soil. Its great for pest and a good source of silica.

All I'm saying is the leaf turns yellow but the buds stay green because those nutrients moved from the leaves to the bud. They never left the plant.

I'm not talking about over feeding. I'm talking about proper nutrition to the end. They don't flush tobacco. I know. I've grown and cut a bunch of it.

You agree that on the molecular lever organic and synthetic are the same. You would also agree to not flushing an organic plant as they get water only anyways. So why the need to feed a salt fed plant? There is none.

Keep the plant happy to the end and do a proper dry and cure and its good to go.

No point in starving one at the end.

To each thier own though.
No.. He will not agree that u shouldn't flush an organic plant.. I had this baited convo yesterday and was called a fucking noob cause i dont overfeed and i have no reason to flush... Then i was attacking the op and him... He is off his meds or something.. He is trying to bait me into another argument... Him and whoever it was that doesn't apparently even read os still shouting about putting indoor plants outside... It was compost.. Not a plant.. Iv already said this but captain crazy doesn't mind... Leave dude.. This is getting to be pretty helpful...we don't need that crap..
I understand the chances of bud rot and mold and what not. But you think that high of humidity within a tent with no extractor fan on , wouldnt cause any stress?
I think you would end up with issues dealing with circulation before the plants start suffering from humidity problems, if there are any. You might end up with burnt leaves due to all the condensation on the leaves, and the light shining on them. Once the plants have used up all of the co2 (through leaves), and o2 (through roots), they will suffocate, and start dying.
..how often do u let ur soil get dry.... And how do u water.. It looks like u could use some more drainage ..since u dont ph... And u did a couple mkstakes kts honestly hard to know where u went wrong.. And they definitely look diff from what i thought ..it could still be p def but idk.. I need to dig a lil more @whitebb2727 what do u think of the new pics
..how often do u let ur soil get dry.... And how do u water.. It looks like u could use some more drainage ..since u dont ph... And u did a couple mkstakes kts honestly hard to know where u went wrong.. And they definitely look diff from what i thought ..it could still be p def but idk.. I need to dig a lil more @whitebb2727 what do u think of the new pics
..how often do u let ur soil get dry.... And how do u water.. It looks like u could use some more drainage ..since u dont ph... And u did a couple mkstakes kts honestly hard to know where u went wrong.. And they definitely look diff from what i thought ..it could still be p def but idk.. I need to dig a lil more @whitebb2727 what do u think of the new pics
I flushed all the pots yesterday so the soil looks wet because it is
I think you would end up with issues dealing with circulation before the plants start suffering from humidity problems, if there are any. You might end up with burnt leaves due to all the condensation on the leaves, and the light shining on them. Once the plants have used up all of the co2 (through leaves), and o2 (through roots), they will suffocate, and start dying.

Ive rarely seen any condensation only when leaves are sitting on other leaves. Im at my wits end at this stage. My last 4 runs have hermed. The only major change was that i run no fans during lights off to save on noise. And the thing is the girls have always looked pretty healthy.

@Ghost of Davy Jones sorry to hijack your thread dude
Ok.. How about ur watering method... How do u know when to water... And how often do u let ur soil dry out all tbe way
I lift the pots and stick my finger in the dirt to feel. i give them a fair amount of water when they need it, but they haven't needed because they had lockout and weren't drinking.
At 90% rh you would think you would have some condensation some where.

When im trying to track down herm causes.
1. Light leaks
2. Overall health
3.any stress factors? Ie miss a res change and let em get drier then norm ect.
4. If i did everything right then i turn to genetics
Some stuff just throws nanners
At 90% rh you would think you would have some condensation some where.

When im trying to track down herm causes.
1. Light leaks
2. Overall health
3.any stress factors? Ie miss a res change and let em get drier then norm ect.
4. If i did everything right then i turn to genetics
Some stuff just throws nanners

Have thought that myself mate. But maybe it goes once fans and lights come on.

Defo no light leaks ive triple checked that. Overall health are fine. Ive ruled out genetics simply because its been 4 different variant of strains. They never get too dry .

Pulling my hair out at this stage
Ok looking at yours nice job by the way .

But they dont quite look on point please dont take that the wrong way .

perhaps there is some nutrient issues
I would have to remember all the stuff in my head and it takes a while sometimes :)

Things that concern me are
Dark green color
Purple stems (could be genetic)
And the upward leaf curl

Again it looks good this is just me being nit picky to help you find a problem :)