I suck at growing weed

2 weeks before harvest is when i like to give the final flush.
Hey buddy.. You wouldn't happen to have some pics of ur plants in flower.. Or veg actually.. We might be able to help u do something diff if we see a problem w em... Ill tell u this now...this is the easiest and best way hands down to grow... Learn the basics of organic growing.. After i switched my pecker wouldnt go down ..total metaphor.. Lol.. cause i thought i was the shit.. It was so damn easier and omg man it was so much better.. I read for 2 yrs before switching.. But the killer ppl on her can guide u through it step by step along w u reading... Bigger better easier grown buds imo and about 95% of growers would agree. .i just seen all the best growers here were like.. Iys organic or nothing... So i went.. And im glad.... And spend time learning how to be a fn cure king... That shit helps taste.. Along w timing... I always harvest my plants riiight before sun up... I noticed they didnt have a chlorophyll taste like this... I was 14 15 when i made that switch... Lol so chlorophyll tasting weed was the least of my worries lol.. But ill also tell u this about curing.. I absoutley do not wait till the stem is so fn dry it snaps... Learing to know riiight before it snaps and still bends is key imo.. Some stems can snap but most on my cures do not... If they are too wet you'll know after they sit for an hr ..if so.. Open and check.. If they smell wet.. Lay em out and dry em more... When u can jar em and they dont smell wet after an hr or so they are ready for the cure..i also will not dry my weed faster than a week or a week and a few days.. Anything faster isnt good imo..strains play a big role in having ass kicking weed.. Agreed.. But bro i smoked a quarter zip a day forever and iv grew weed from middie seeds that wasnt all too great ,that smoked my ass..so that's why I'm wanting to see some pics.. Anyway we can help is awesome... Especially if u go to the good fight on the orgainc side... And BTW... Who the hell flushes??? Not any smart orgainc growers lol jk everyone.. Don't get mad.. But no need to flush bro
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I can think of two possible things. Either you are getting mediocre genetics, or you are harvesting at the wrong time. Also, when I grow, I smoke a LOT (like 6-8 joints a day). My tolerance gets really high. Maybe that's part of it?
I tend to agree that you may be pulling them early the last 2 weeks are like torture but you gotta stay with it. Genetics too but i have growm some great bag weed seed. Mostlly for edibles but yeah good seed dont look for fancy shmancy names. If you wanna bust a lung grow some good ole white widow let it roll for 12 weeks of flower and I tend to veg about 2 months also soil is the shizzle it will always taste better and as far as curing if it gets a little dry I just pop a couple fresh leaves from a clone or from whatever i got in the closet and they come back nice.
Good light- good genetics - not to advertise but I have had great success over at seedsman and ery bean has popped- good soil like ff happy frog and patience let them trichomes go a little past whatever you think they should be. Soon as you want to harvest..... wait another week lol its torture but its so great. I love to watch thing grow and change.
I tend to agree that you may be pulling them early the last 2 weeks are like torture but you gotta stay with it. Genetics too but i have growm some great bag weed seed. Mostlly for edibles but yeah good seed dont look for fancy shmancy names. If you wanna bust a lung grow some good ole white widow let it roll for 12 weeks of flower and I tend to veg about 2 months also soil is the shizzle it will always taste better and as far as curing if it gets a little dry I just pop a couple fresh leaves from a clone or from whatever i got in the closet and they come back nice.
Good light- good genetics - not to advertise but I have had great success over at seedsman and ery bean has popped- good soil like ff happy frog and patience let them trichomes go a little past whatever you think they should be. Soon as you want to harvest..... wait another week lol its torture but its so great. I love to watch thing grow and change.
What he said
Hey buddy.. You wouldn't happen to have some pics of ur plants in flower.. Or veg actually.. We might be able to help u do something diff if we see a problem w em... Ill tell u this now...this is the easiest and best way hands down to grow... Learn the basics of organic growing.. After i switched my pecker wouldnt go down ..total metaphor.. Lol.. cause i thought i was the shit.. It was so damn easier and omg man it was so much better.. I read for 2 yrs before switching.. But the killer ppl on her can guide u through it step by step along w u reading... Bigger better easier grown buds imo and about 95% of growers would agree. .i just seen all the best growers here were like.. Iys organic or nothing... So i went.. And im glad.... And spend time learning how to be a fn cure king... That shit helps taste.. Along w timing... I always harvest my plants riiight before sun up... I noticed they didnt have a chlorophyll taste like this... I was 14 15 when i made that switch... Lol so chlorophyll tasting weed was the least of my worries lol.. But ill also tell u this about curing.. I absoutley do not wait till the stem is so fn dry it snaps... Learing to know riiight before it snaps and still bends is key imo.. Some stems can snap but most on my cures do not... If they are too wet you'll know after they sit for an hr ..if so.. Open and check.. If they smell wet.. Lay em out and dry em more... When u can jar em and they dont smell wet after an hr or so they are ready for the cure..i also will not dry my weed faster than a week or a week and a few days.. Anything faster isnt good imo..strains play a big role in having ass kicking weed.. Agreed.. But bro i smoked a quarter zip a day forever and iv grew weed from middie seeds that wasnt all too great ,that smoked my ass..so that's why I'm wanting to see some pics.. Anyway we can help is awesome... Especially if u go to the good fight on the orgainc side... And BTW... Who the hell flushes??? Not any smart orgainc growers lol jk everyone.. Don't get mad.. But no need to flush bro
What about when the plants mature and stops feeding?
If it was good soil you wouldnt have to flush, because there'd be bugger all organics left anyway, from all its growth.
You can over do it with organics too.
I definitely agree about the cure though. Snapping stems is a little too dry. It wont even cure. Couldnt agree more there.
I never flush man.. I water them right and i actually let it dry out then chop... Do a comparison.. I did... It didnt do anything for me man... Except make a longer dry... I agree u can flush orgaics.. But its like taking ur car to the car wash after u hand washed it in my exp..not saying ur wrong man
I never flush man.. I water them right and i actually let it dry out then chop... Do a comparison.. I did... It didnt do anything for me man... Except make a longer dry... I agree u can flush orgaics.. But its like taking ur car to the car wash after u hand washed it in my exp..not saying ur wrong man
Nitrogen and calcium will make it taste harsh and crackle when it burns though. We've all done it. Chlorophyll is bad for smoke.
Just to bring up what tim and i agreed on about the cure... Ppl say to wait till she snaps.. I think rhays for ppl ro not fuck up or something and try to cure wet weed... Bur once that moisture bounches.. Shes gone.. Yes u will feel your bud become more spongy than they were with a cure of weed w stems that snap
.but once u do a cure like we are saying youll be like.. Who in the fuck said to wait till they snap... Trust us... And keep it in masons all the time... Itll just get better and not dry out
I dont hardly feed my plants in flower man... Like once in aug and once at Sept 1stish..iiifff needed... A well amended soil wont need to be fed often
Just to bring up what tim and i agreed on about the cure... Ppl say to wait till she snaps.. I think rhays for ppl ro not fuck up or something and try to cure wet weed... Bur once that moisture bounches.. Shes gone.. Yes u will feel your bud become more spongy than they were with a cure of weed w stems that snap
.but once u do a cure like we are saying youll be like.. Who in the fuck said to wait till they snap... Trust us... And keep it in masons all the time... Itll just get better and not dry out
I second that one. Ya gotta have the right enviroment for the right bacteria. But you cant have it too warm either or the same bacteria have a massive orgy and accellerate the drying process, drying it too fast. And die
Its happened to me outside with organics. Definitely
Well i guess it hasn't happend to me or anyone i help cause i don't feed unless i need to.. I read the plants pretty well... They DO need n in flower all u bottle heads.. And if u think about it they might need just as much... N makes shit grow.. Buds are growing.. They need n... But less is more in that case i guess as in a lot... Try this tim.. It may help.. It does for me.. Hit them w an MICROBIAL tea when u see a deficiencie...along w some humic and fulvic ..anything that will influence the uptake of ur gurls.. If they start getting better then ull prob be needing to add some soluble w.e u need asap.. Just add a lil... Iv never had bad taste.. Never had to flush.... Iv actually fed thw fuck outa plants w nute teas annd microbial teas and they still tasted amazing.. Lucky i guess... But i like the add a lil deal.. Wayy less cost and waste
Well i guess it hasn't happend to me or anyone i help cause i don't feed unless i need to.. I read the plants pretty well... They DO need n in flower all u bottle heads.. And if u think about it they might need just as much... N makes shit grow.. Buds are growing.. They need n... But less is more in that case i guess as in a lot... Try this tim.. It may help.. It does for me.. Hit them w an MICROBIAL tea when u see a deficiencie...along w some humic and fulvic ..anything that will influence the uptake of ur gurls.. If they start getting better then ull prob be needing to add some soluble w.e u need asap.. Just add a lil... Iv never had bad taste.. Never had to flush.... Iv actually fed thw fuck outa plants w nute teas annd microbial teas and they still tasted amazing.. Lucky i guess... But i like the add a lil deal.. Wayy less cost and waste
If you're telling me you've never over fed in outdoor soil, your a fuckin noob. Sorry.
Give it too much chicken shit or mulch and see what happens.
Give it too much lime or gypsum and watch it go fucking sour.
You can overfeed organics aswell.
Give it too much chicken shit or mulch and see what happens.
Give it too much lime or gypsum and watch it go fucking sour.
You can overfeed organics aswell.
Ok pal... Be a dick bag... And i never said i didnt overfeed ..i did.. One fucking time.. And i locked out my c.. I also fixed it.. It sounds like you are the damn noob dip shit.. Who the fuck puts raw chicken shit o. There plants... I never said u couldnt overfeed.. I was trying to help u ok.. And no i dont overfeed.. That is a NOOB MISTAKE.. I did my research on my soil and learned from ppl who know WTF they are doing..I'm not a noob who can't follow directions or do research... Iv overfed in syn yes.. Ans i guess u could say i overfed w all those unneeded nute teas i used.. But it didnt bother the plant cause i have enough damn sense to not add a fuck ton of nutes...i never disagreed w u pal.. I just said i never had a prob w taste.. Take your noob ass back to the organic section and read