Aussie Growers Thread

I had three autos were ak x big bud but went with a shitty bunnings seed raising and I found these tiny little bugs feeding on the sprouts.. I was gutted they never managed to even pop out of the soil. First time using straight coco seed raising and my results have been great so far
Have just upgraded my worm farm/ soil brew into a 1000L space added two large bricks of coco 200L of composted soil mix full of worms a 20l bucket of sheep shit .. str8 from the wool shed 500g of blood and bone 2 kgs of dolomite 20 kgs of zeolite some extra compost then washed it in with some seasol. Will leave for 3 or 4 weeks until I transplant my babys .. its much more than I need for my 5 13.5L containers .. I wanted 20L but bunnings had 13.5 for 3 dollars and a 20L is 20 bucks .. plus I think 5 13.5L in my 1.2x1.2 tent should be ok for a scrog ? the rest can keep on consolidating and plus mrs wants some for the garden
when i get my worm farm back up and running im not putti g coco any where near it leaf mold all tje way i want as mutch mycrobiel diveristy as possable
im tempted 2 put a auto out in the back garden i wanna get a shade cloth for it 1st tho i could def hide a lil pkant in there im starting 2 get defs tho my potatios i think are dieng think it may be n cuse there fading and yellowing my capsicuk is starting 2 develop capsicums not very big the i think it had blossem end rot cuse tjere was like holes in it lol unless it was a cat or some shit
thay make what ever thay can of his name thay allways do he could of updated that but i think he kept it cuse it was identafiable to hom or some shit
did yall no u can reminarelise youre soil with sea water aparently u dilute it 10 to 1 and it has like every thing in it like even gold id tnink no matter what the salt would fuck things up but aparently not
Fucking weird little cunt he was thank fuck for that. No more Hawkins spewing out global warming propaganda haha
What did the coco do to your worms ? Mine seem to love it .. I have tons of household compost in there as well .. sgit loads of crushed egg shells etc
nothi g really i just wanna ise leaf molds like it just more naturel pluss some who nos alot more then me recomended it over coco im sure coco is more then just carbon but leafs i can get for free