The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I wonder how the special election in Pennsylvania will turn out today, looks like a close race in a deep red Trump district. I understand that the democrat is leading now and wonder what the GOP leadership thinks about their chances in the midterms. The real fun is about to begin on the Mueller russian investigation and the republicans just closed down the house intelligence committee Trump/russia investigation, "nothing to see here folks". If anybody watches the "fake news" over the next few months, it'll be hard to vote republican in the midterms. Trumpers appear to have formed a cult like social media network where they share cherry picked alternative facts that support a fantasy narrative. They also tend to view russians as white and christian and therefore natural allies, the russians think of them as useful idiots.

Vlad is confident enough in Trump that he's bumping off traitors living in the west using nerve agents, 21 people other than the intended targets were poisoned in Britain lately. Trump's WH is refusing to say it was the russians, but the state department is taking a different view, here read for yourself.

When Vlad starts using nerve agents in the USA he'll get a pass too, Jesus Christ! The UK could and probably should invoke NATO article 5, that it was a russian state sponsored terrorist attack using a weapon of mass destruction, Trump would sit on his hands and do nothing in response, breaking the NATO treaty. The only time NATO article 5 was ever evoked was by the US after the 911 terrorist attacks of 2001, your allies responded to your need then. This kind of bullshit needs a united and firm response, Trump needs to be pressed hard on this issue, inquiring minds want to know, so do your allies. Article 5 doesn't mean going to war automatically, but could also mean a variety of defensive measures like travel restrictions, cutting off internet access from the west at least, trade sanctions and confiscation of russian oligarch and state assets when possible. Lot's can be done to turn up the heat on the russians while protecting the west from internet and political attacks. It's time to jump on Vlad with both feet, you'd see Donald squirm then!

I see Trump fired Tillerson as secretary of state today! Wow! Guess he didn't like him blaming russia for poisoning the spy in the UK and wanting to take a hard line on russia.
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dude, you follow american politics closer than 90% of americans.

as trump would say, SAD
Politics is boring in Canada, we have normal people doing that stuff. Our latest "scandal" is someone invited a guy convicted of attempted murder to a dinner with the PM in India a few weeks back. Most Canadians look at it and compared it to the Sodom and Gomorrah political shit show south of the border and laugh! I guess I'm into "blood sports", but seriously, just what I see on the news and read in the papers, you can't miss it, even those who live in the bubble know, it's not that airtight, this is more "willing ignorance" on their part.

At this point even the cockroaches living in the basement of the WH know Trump is fucked and I'll bet the cockroach in the oval office knows it too. Only the republicans in the house don't appear to get it, but at this point it's all show for the base anyway.

Were getting down to the short strokes now! If all this recent Trump bullshit was to distract from Stormy Daniels as some suggest, then Donald is gonna run outta distractions soon. Many are suggesting that this particular scandal could be legally dangerous for Trump and there might even be a porky porn movie! Stormy does Donald, though I'd rather see Mueller do Donald, a courtroom drama, though porky porn Donald would be funny too.:lol:
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BBC Today programme cuts off Russian MP interview after he compares UK to Hitler
BBC presenter cuts off interview with Russian MP when he compares UK to Hitler

Salisbury residents express outrage at 'slow' response to spy attack

Russia: We will ignore UK's midnight ultimatum
A Russian MP was cut off the air after he compared Britain's conduct to that of Adolf Hitler, as the UK accused Moscow of being responsible for the nerve agent attack on a former spy in Salisbury.

Vitaly Milonov, from the United Russia party, accused the UK of being behind a "fantasy" operation involving the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia.

He described as "fake news" the claim from Theresa May that it was "highly likely" Russia was behind the attack, saying it was nothing to do with Moscow.
Trump just fired Tillerson, The Shit show continues.
When ya consider how little interest Trump has in government, its striking how much interest he has in two key areas, the justice department and it's investigation of him, and foreign affairs. His interest in the justice department is obvious and so are the reasons, the state department issues seem to be more closely under the direction of Putin however. Trump ain't that curious, is lazy and is cutting the state department bigly, so much so that it is causing serious concern in the military! This and other things Trump is doing to deliberately undermine the American position in the world, I believe it is another example of his being controlled by Putin and following his orders. This is literally what high treason looks like, I think Mueller can prove it too, but can't charge it because the US is not in a declared war, if it was, Trump might swing in the breeze.
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I want to see Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy and dozens of other Trumpcult Republicans prosecuted for obstruction of justice, also.
Nunes is a possibility, but not much beyond that, Trey Gowdy is too smart, he's cutting and running, Nunes not so much. They've been fucking with the house intelligence committee investigation for the most part, Mueller is where the action is gonna be and nobody is fucking around with him! I've noticed all the GOP former prosecutors are running for the hills on this one, Trey Gowdy and Jeff Sessions are two examples of people who are being very careful.
Yet another dead russian...
UK police investigate Russian businessman’s death in London

By Jill Lawless and Nataliya Vasilyeva | AP March 13 at 1:30 PM
LONDON — A Russian businessman who was associated with a prominent critic of the Kremlin has died in London, his lawyer said Tuesday. Police are treating the death as unexplained and have put counterterrorism detectives in charge of the case.

But police said there was no evidence to suggest a link to the March 4 poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

Attorney Andrei Borovkov told Russian media outlets that his client, Nikolai Glushkov, has died, but said he was unaware of the time and circumstances.

London’s Metropolitan Police force said counterterrorism detectives are leading the investigation “as a precaution because of associations that the man is believed to have had.”
If Russia gets away with using chemical weapons in Britain, what will it try next?
By Steven L. Hall March 13 at 2:59 PM
Steven L. Hall retired from the CIA in 2015 after 30 years of running and managing Russian operations.

By now, it really should not come as much of a surprise that yet another Russian has been attacked in Britain. Opponents of Russian President Vladimir Putin have been showing up dead in and around London for more than a decade. In some cases, the trail clearly leads back to Moscow, as with the use of such gruesome chemical agents as polonium (Alexander Litvinenko in 2006) or, in the most recent incident, a nerve agent (Sergei Skripal and his daughter, who both survived the poisoning but remain in serious condition). In other cases, the evidence is subtler (e.g., Boris Berezovsky, found dead under suspicious circumstances in 2013).

While Britain is not the only place where those who have run afoul of Putin have died, a troublingly high number of such deaths have happened there. We can quickly dispense with the blathering of Russian officials about the latest case as just that: blathering. Putin’s public policy plan for this type of thing can be summed up as, “Lie bigger, lie harder. Sooner or later, the West will forget.”

It’s a plan that often works. More...
Paul Manafort faces 305 years
Washington (CNN)Paul Manafort could face the rest of his life -- and almost 300 years or more -- in prison, a federal judge said Tuesday.

"Given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison," federal judge T.S. Ellis III of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia wrote Tuesday. More...

Sing you fucker sing, or Bobby will squeeze yer nuts even harder! Die in prison you scumbag or squeal to see the light of day sometime in the future, maybe... Now, what happened after that meeting with the Russians in Trump tower?
Rex Tillerson Got Fired Via Twitter
For the first time in American history, a President relieved a Secretary of State of services in 280 characters or less.
Mannafort has more to lose from the russians if he talks, prison is his best chance. It's not just him, he has family in very vulnerable places. He is 67. He has probably just given up.
Then he needs to talk to Mueller about protection for himself and his family, it's the only way. Mueller is gonna put him away forever unless he talks or Trump pardons him. Don jr. and Kushner know too, as well as probably several others and Mueller is gonna squeeze all of em, the meeting in Trump tower is the lynchpin of the russian conspiracy case because it ties Trump directly to the russians. Bannon was right, Don jr. walked those russians right up to his dad's office and probably past the bodyguard and receptionist too! It's part of the russian email hacking case that is pending and I figure Mueller can tie these clowns directly to it through the Trump tower meeting, Roger Stone and Papadopoulos too. I figure Mueller will have trump three different ways for email hacking conspiracy, election fraud, obstruction of justice and God knows what else! Anybody with a brain in Trump's situation would probably blow them out by now, Trump is like a zombie, walking dead, dangerous, but dead, it's just a question of when someone is gonna kick it over into a pile of stinking flesh and bones.

Since the last special election the GOP is barely holding it's own or losing in solid red districts that went for Trump by over 20+ points. They figure 120 more GOP house seats are more competitive and we've got months till November for shit to come out and shoes to drop.

Someone in the GOP is thinking things over ...
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There is a report on Rawstory that Trump is planning to fire sessions, replace him with pruitt, and crush the muehler investigation.

For those not paying close attention, sessions has recused himself from the russia probe, which leaves deputy ag rosenstein in charge of the investigation. Rosenstein has the power to approve/disapprove any indictments, and also can control the contents and distribution of a final report.

By replacing sessions with pruitt, pruitt would be in charge instead of rosenstein. Investigation over. Trump gets his letter of exoneration. Congress of course will do nothing.

States can't charge trump while he is president. It's prohibited in the constitution. And with trumps toadies running doj, they can simply bring charges against any state ag that charges his family or business. It doesn't matter what the charges are for, as long as they disrupt prosecutors ability to bring charges.

And democracy is dead.

[edit] Rawstory frequently steals material from other sources and doesn't attribute it. It appears the information in their story may have come from this article:
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There is a report on Rawstory that Trump is planning to fire sessions, replace him with pruitt, and crush the muehler investigation.

For those not paying close attention, sessions has recused himself from the russia probe, which leaves deputy ag rosenstein in charge of the investigation. Rosenstein has the power to approve/disapprove any indictments, and also can control the contents and distribution of a final report.

By replacing sessions with pruitt, pruitt would be in charge instead of rosenstein. Investigation over. Trump gets his letter of exoneration. Congress of course will do nothing.

States can't charge trump while he is president. It's prohibited in the constitution. And with trumps toadies running doj, they can simply bring charges against any state ag that charges his family or business. It doesn't matter what the charges are for, as long as they disrupt prosecutors ability to bring charges.

And democracy is dead.

[edit] Rawstory frequently steals material from other sources and doesn't attribute it. It appears the information in their story may have come from this article:

if this happens, i support assassination, just sayin...