There is a report on Rawstory that Trump is planning to fire sessions, replace him with pruitt, and crush the muehler investigation.
For those not paying close attention, sessions has recused himself from the russia probe, which leaves deputy ag rosenstein in charge of the investigation. Rosenstein has the power to approve/disapprove any indictments, and also can control the contents and distribution of a final report.
By replacing sessions with pruitt, pruitt would be in charge instead of rosenstein. Investigation over. Trump gets his letter of exoneration. Congress of course will do nothing.
States can't charge trump while he is president. It's prohibited in the constitution. And with trumps toadies running doj, they can simply bring charges against any state ag that charges his family or business. It doesn't matter what the charges are for, as long as they disrupt prosecutors ability to bring charges.
And democracy is dead.
[edit] Rawstory frequently steals material from other sources and doesn't attribute it. It appears the information in their story may have come from this article: