The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

All he would have to do is squeal on Donald, dunno what he has on him, but it must be fantastic, not merely illegal, but disgusting and on video too. He could do Donald by releasing certain information, Mueller must have an idea of what it is, he'll definitely want to know and so does America! Mueller has a well thought out plan conceived and constantly adjusted by experts and they're playing Donald like a fish on the end of a line. He is being stripped of support and advisors and he probably figures that most of the people he's talking to are wired, all will talk to Mueller under oath. Reality is closing in on Donald and he's squirming bigly, soon he will come up against things he can't bullshit his way through. He's gonna do some damage while he's thrashing around too.
A mentally ill criminal like Trump could literally get us all killed.
A mentally ill criminal like Trump could literally get us all killed.
Donald is not technically mentally ill, he has a psychopathology that is considered a character defect and not something that diminishes personal responsibility for his decisions. Sociopathic personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies and ya don't even need to be a doctor to diagnose it either, it just jumps out at ya.

He is a criminal many times over and is a prime example of white and wealth privilege, much of his fortune was spent by lawyers cleaning up after impulsive acts.

Yep he most definitely could get us all killed, he's the puppet of an evil bastard who has thousands of nukes pointed at you. He wouldn't think twice about about starting a Korean war to distract from his problems. Killing tens of millions for his own self interest is not a problem for people like Donald, and it makes no difference if those people are Americans or others.
Donald is not technically mentally ill, he has a psychopathology that is considered a character defect and not something that diminishes personal responsibility for his decisions. Sociopathic personality disorder with narcissistic tendencies and ya don't even need to be a doctor to diagnose it either, it just jumps out at ya.

He is a criminal many times over and is a prime example of white and wealth privilege, much of his fortune was spent by lawyers cleaning up after impulsive acts.

Yep he most definitely could get us all killed, he's the puppet of an evil bastard who has thousands of nukes pointed at you. He wouldn't think twice about about starting a Korean war to distract from his problems. Killing tens of millions for his own self interest is not a problem for people like Donald, and it makes no difference if those people are Americans or others.
Narcissist Personality Disorder is a listed mental disorder. Trump fits it to a tee or DSM-5 to be technical about it. We have an ex- psychoanalyst lurking about. Maybe I was too quick to insult him.

Signs and symptoms
Persons with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a personal disdain for, and lack of empathy for other people.[6][7] As such, the person with NPD usually displays the behaviors of arrogance, a sense of superiority, and actively seeks to establish abusive power and control over other people.[8] Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition different from self-confidence (a strong sense of self); people with NPD typically value themselves over other persons to the extent that they openly disregard the feelings and wishes of others, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements.[6][9] Moreover, the person with narcissistic personality disorder usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in order to validate their own superiority.[9]

The DSM-5 indicates that persons with NPD usually display some or all of the following symptoms, typically without the commensurate qualities or accomplishments:[6][9]

  1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
  2. Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  3. Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
  4. Needing continual admiration from others
  5. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
  6. Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  7. Unwilling to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
  8. Intensely envious of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
  9. Pompous and arrogant demeanor
Narcissist Personality Disorder is a listed mental disorder. Trump fits it to a tee or DSM-5 to be technical about it. We have an ex- psychoanalyst lurking about. Maybe I was too quick to insult him.

Signs and symptoms
Persons with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are characterized by their persistent grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, and a personal disdain for, and lack of empathy for other people.[6][7] As such, the person with NPD usually displays the behaviors of arrogance, a sense of superiority, and actively seeks to establish abusive power and control over other people.[8] Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition different from self-confidence (a strong sense of self); people with NPD typically value themselves over other persons to the extent that they openly disregard the feelings and wishes of others, and expect to be treated as superior, regardless of their actual status or achievements.[6][9] Moreover, the person with narcissistic personality disorder usually exhibits a fragile ego (self-concept), an inability to tolerate criticism, and a tendency to belittle others in order to validate their own superiority.[9]

The DSM-5 indicates that persons with NPD usually display some or all of the following symptoms, typically without the commensurate qualities or accomplishments:[6][9]

  1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
  2. Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
  3. Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
  4. Needing continual admiration from others
  5. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
  6. Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
  7. Unwilling to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
  8. Intensely envious of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
  9. Pompous and arrogant demeanor
He has a disorder (character defect) not an illness, the difference being one of diminished responsibility and legal accountability.
NPD falls into a category of conditions call sociopathic behaviors, the terms are becoming more precise and nuanced. There is lots of variation in what used to be called psychopaths, some show very little narcissism all are self centered and remorseless.

These are medical diagnosis, but people are increasingly using these psychological terms to describe personalities in the modern world, it's a more useful paradigm than evil or bad. Donald's personality does rise to the level of pathological and NPD does describe him best, I don't think too many shrinks would disagree. The point is you can't lock him up for being crazy, so that makes him accountable for his actions.
He has a disorder (character defect) not an illness, the difference being one of diminished responsibility and legal accountability.
NPD falls into a category of conditions call sociopathic behaviors, the terms are becoming more precise and nuanced. There is lots of variation in what used to be called psychopaths, some show very little narcissism all are self centered and remorseless.

These are medical diagnosis, but people are increasingly using these psychological terms to describe personalities in the modern world, it's a more useful paradigm than evil or bad. Donald's personality does rise to the level of pathological and NPD does describe him best, I don't think too many shrinks would disagree. The point is you can't lock him up for being crazy, so that makes him accountable for his actions.
well, they claimed the system failed because Cruz had issues and he was still able to buy a gun. At the least we should take the nuclear football and command of the military away from him.
well, they claimed the system failed because Cruz had issues and he was still able to buy a gun. At the least we should take the nuclear football and command of the military away from him.
I don't think he's gonna react too well to stress and he's gonna get a lot of it soon. The whole thing is gonna come crashing down and Mueller is about to turn him into America's biggest loser. He is about to become even more dangerous, hopefully it won't be long now...
I don't think he's gonna react too well to stress and he's gonna get a lot of it soon. The whole thing is gonna come crashing down and Mueller is about to turn him into America's biggest loser. He is about to become even more dangerous, hopefully it won't be long now...
There is no recall button. Just saying.
It's got to the point where they have to put this administration down like a rabid dog. It appears to be grinding into the ground, failing of its own accord. A festering pile of shit that is about to topple over, I dunno if ya even need Mueller to kick it over.

Donald is in effect emotionally and socially retarded and he is leading a social enterprise (the government), I believe they call it totally unfit, unqualified and temperamentally unsuited for the office of POTUS. The sad thing is the electoral college was suppose to prevent Donalds, that was its purpose and why you don't have a direct vote for POTUS. Perhaps the electoral college could be a shrink from every state in the union and an established criteria (Donald being a prime example of what you don't want) of what would disqualify, include an examination and even a brain scan (would have caught Donald). Maybe a quick exam to see if the candidates were firing on all cylinders etc.
NY Times: Trump considering adding impeachment lawyer to WH team
President Donald Trump met with a lawyer who represented then-President Bill Clinton during the impeachment process and is talking with him about a role at the White House, The New York Times reported Saturday.

I hope the lawyer is getting paid in advance!
Pogo, published on the first designated Earth Day.

What's going on is not tribalism, IMO. It's propaganda and the politics of division. Some people are just more susceptible to it than others. I've been watching our Berners decline ever since Bernie lost. They have become more and more radicalized and nowadays quote recycled right wing shit.

Especially juicy was a post by tty claiming Democrats are at fault for the Republican measure that passed in the Senate today to roll back banking regulations. Textbook fascist propaganda methods on display. Not that tty ever sees it.
12 Democrats voted for it yet somehow according to you they aren't at fault.

You're such a clown.
12 Democrats voted for it yet somehow according to you they aren't at fault.

You're such a clown.
32>>16 = 33% Democratic Senators = a minority of Democrats

50 = 50 = 100% Republican Senators = all of Republican Senators

Bill was written and sponsored by a Republican

Fault must lie with those most responsible. Republicans most responsible.

So trump is opposing the new tunnel gateway project between ny and nj; he admits its to spite chuck schumer. He is willing to shut down the gov again over it.

But Jared, who apparently owns a condo complex with limited road access, is pushing an infrastructure plan that will establish ferry service that would increase the value of his development by 50%. The transportation department has already fast tracked it.

And that isn't even the most aggregious business deal he has going that is twisting US policy to support.
So trump is opposing the new tunnel gateway project between ny and nj; he admits its to spite chuck schumer. He is willing to shut down the gov again over it.

But Jared, who apparently owns a condo complex with limited road access, is pushing an infrastructure plan that will establish ferry service that would increase the value of his development by 50%. The transportation department has already fast tracked it.

And that isn't even the most aggregious business deal he has going that is twisting US policy to support.
i cant wait until these corrupt fraudster criminals are in prison. or dead
So trump is opposing the new tunnel gateway project between ny and nj; he admits its to spite chuck schumer. He is willing to shut down the gov again over it.

But Jared, who apparently owns a condo complex with limited road access, is pushing an infrastructure plan that will establish ferry service that would increase the value of his development by 50%. The transportation department has already fast tracked it.

And that isn't even the most aggregious business deal he has going that is twisting US policy to support.

Four years of Trump and he'd steal the whole country! These people are stupid, ignorant, arrogant assholes who have no clue the world is about to drop on them and grind them into dust, Donald included. All of this shit is gonna be added to the charge sheet and when Mueller swings the sword of justice lots of heads are gonna roll, we are starting to see them roll now. He's saving Kushner and Don jr for a reason, perhaps the same reason he's saving Donald, they are all part of a conspiracy to defraud the USA. The meeting at Trump tower and Don jr's email are the reason Paul Manafort better start singing or die in jail, he knows they walked the russians up to a meeting with Trump in his office.

There are multiple fronts in this investigation, though impeachable offenses have to be committed in office (or while trying to get there). Money laundering and other crimes committed before he was elected will be tried after he leaves office. So it looks like conspiracy and obstruction of justice for sure, with the Stormy Daniels shenanigans thrown into the mix! I'm sure there will be other impeachable and criminal charges. To bad it isn't a crime for the US president to be owned by a foreign potentate, wait, isn't there something in the oath of office about that, hummm...

We will probably see more action from Mueller this week and Trump will have to find yet another distraction, maybe he'll go full out about killing "drug dealers", wonder if there are any corporations and their owners on the execution block. He could tell Jeff Sessions he wants to execute pot growers and dealers! That'll distract them, though Jeff would like it and Trump wouldn't like that, he blames Jeff for the shit he's in, never trust a politician Donald!
Four years of Trump and he'd steal the whole country! These people are stupid, ignorant, arrogant assholes who have no clue the world is about to drop on them and grind them into dust, Donald included. All of this shit is gonna be added to the charge sheet and when Mueller swings the sword of justice lots of heads are gonna roll, we are starting to see them roll now. He's saving Kushner and Don jr for a reason, perhaps the same reason he's saving Donald, they are all part of a conspiracy to defraud the USA. The meeting at Trump tower and Don jr's email are the reason Paul Manafort better start singing or die in jail, he knows they walked the russians up to a meeting with Trump in his office.

There are multiple fronts in this investigation, though impeachable offenses have to be committed in office (or while trying to get there). Money laundering and other crimes committed before he was elected will be tried after he leaves office. So it looks like conspiracy and obstruction of justice for sure, with the Stormy Daniels shenanigans thrown into the mix! I'm sure there will be other impeachable and criminal charges. To bad it isn't a crime for the US president to be owned by a foreign potentate, wait, isn't there something in the oath of office about that, hummm...

We will probably see more action from Mueller this week and Trump will have to find yet another distraction, maybe he'll go full out about killing "drug dealers", wonder if there are any corporations and their owners on the execution block. He could tell Jeff Sessions he wants to execute pot growers and dealers! That'll distract them, though Jeff would like it and Trump wouldn't like that, he blames Jeff for the shit he's in, never trust a politician Donald!

Or, he can spend a couple of days in pyong yang and agree to pull all us troops out of south korea. Because kim said nice things about him and treated him like royalty. Oh, and all mutual defense agreements in the region are void. Because he won peace.
Or, he can spend a couple of days in pyong yang and agree to pull all us troops out of south korea. Because kim said nice things about him and treated him like royalty. Oh, and all mutual defense agreements in the region are void. Because he won peace.
The master negotiator who agreed with no preconditions and will go uninformed and unbriefed. It's easy to see what he's looking for and easy for NK to appear to give it to him, a news story about how great Donald is.

I don't figure he'll make it to Korea, Mueller is gonna get him first or force him into a boneheaded impulsive move. Perhaps they'll do him while he's in Korea! I still think his time is shorter than most folks believe, I could be wrong and we'll have to wait until after the midterms to impeach him, but I feel we won't have to wait that long. The closer to the election the worse it's gonna be for the GOP, there are trials and stool pigeons are gonna sing before then. I believe a large majority of Americans don't trust the GOP to do their constitutional duty in regards to Trump, they haven't demonstrated a desire to check him or provide oversight of his criminal administration. If Trump is still in power during the midterms, it will go very badly for the republicans, I figure the leadership quietly wants him gone. They are gonna use Mueller to do the dirty work on Trump, if they weren't he'd be fired by now, they are gonna let him do Donald and present his case and use it for cover with the base.