Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

I wanted to point something out about using outside air to cool the reflector. The flexible ducting that comes up from the floor is f'n cold! It's like an ice box! The part of the duct inside the tent will drip condensation, if I run my hand over it, because it's so cold! Granted, this works much better in the Winter, for helping control the heat in the tent. But even in the Summer, the ducting is cool to the touch, because I'm drawing air from the 30" deep crawl space, under the house. It's always cooler down there. Even with the 1000w light, I have to run the fans pretty low just to keep the temps in the mid 70's.

Yup insulated ducts help but not much depending on how cold it gets.

Its fun trying to figure venting in a cold climate :wall:
Yup insulated ducts help but not much depending on how cold it gets.

Its fun trying to figure venting in a cold climate :wall:
I have this room sealed off, so it's always nice and cozy in there, even with the chilly duct. I do have an insulated sleeve that I had on the exhaust duct, but it never got warmer than room temp, so I took it off. Freed up a little headroom.
Yup insulated ducts help but not much depending on how cold it gets.

Its fun trying to figure venting in a cold climate :wall:
Yeah, I was mentioning this as a good thing. Having that chilly duct over by the ballasts, and inside the tent, helps cool the room, so I can run the fans on low.
No, i agree as i do the same thing with my shed op i draw air from its "crawlspace" as the shaded ground maintains about 55to 60 in the summer:)

But the condensation drips is what was refering to .... its sucks when you dont want drips anywhere in cold climates we gota deal with that crap lol
If you use insulated HRV ducting it will not condensate if sealed properly, it needs to have a vapour barrier in the inside and outside and both barriers sealed. -30 here and no condensation ;).
If you use insulated HRV ducting it will not condensate if sealed properly, it needs to have a vapour barrier in the inside and outside and both barriers sealed. -30 here and no condensation ;).
I mounted one of my fans to where it's blowing down on the duct, to get some of that cool, humid air down to the plants. Its working really well, and the duct is completely dry!


My Girl Scout Crack and Gorilla Cookies caught up to the White Widows! All of them have been topped now.

I really like how robust these White Widows are, but they're proving tricky to keep up with! They grow so short, dense, and bushy! Granted, I'm using a metal halide right now, but I'm wondering if I should switch to my HPS, so they stretch a little. Regardless, I've got to do some trimming today. The huge leaves are covering up all of the new growth below!

Im going to buy one for other projects but i need it to hit at least 2000 degrees :) ideally it would go up to aroun 2500 though for what i want
Nah melting steel lol hobbies right :)
Cool! I wish I would've learned to weld and work with metals. Just as a hobby though. I grew up in Phoenix, and rails are real popular there, for romping around in the desert. I always wanted to build my own. Oh well, I must have found more interesting things to do LOL! :lol:
Im smelting steel that i gather from iron ore in rocks

Its DIRT cheap but a hard hobby to get into but you have to want to do it lol .

Basically making old school steel like in ye old swords ha ha
Dude those things will explode. You don't notice when you stare at them for 2 hours a day lol

left side was Day 1 of 12/12 and right side was Day 5 of 12/12. We are running some serious horsepower here!
compare Photos.jpg
I just got this IR thermometer, for $16! How the hell have I gone this long without one of these! I think I assumed they were expensive.

View attachment 4104701

Now I want a hand-held FLIR thermometer! But those ARE a little pricey :)
I have a hand held FLIR that I use for finding hot circuits and leaky ducts, prevented a couple of electrical fires. Probably helpful in a few of the grow rooms I’ve seen, some are a tad overloaded lol.