How you pay Amazon, even if you never buy a thing from them

I pay tax and see much of that go to benefits/sick people most of who have nothing wrong with them, they are career mental illness frauds. I despise paying taxes because too much of it goes to people like that, and alcoholic/drug abusers. If I could avoid paying tax I would, at-least until the government sorts it shit out across the board. No easy rides for lazy fucks.. a solid 20% tax for every person or business, no exceptions.

For somebody in my position at current, not paying tax would be the best thing for the country. All of my money would go to local business because you know.. I spend it there. Rather than having half of it go to these fucking wasters allowing them to perpetuate the cycle of being wasters.. they add nothing to the system, only take. This waste of money on lying fuck wits is why so many local businesses are closing down (internet plays it's part ofc) while local booze and trash food stores are unscathed. Those two stores are the common denominator between working class and benefit thief's.
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I pay tax and see much of that go to benefits/sick people most of who have nothing wrong with them, they are career mental illness frauds. I despise paying taxes because too much of it goes to people like that, and alcoholic/drug abusers. If I could avoid paying tax I would, at-least until the government sorts it shit out across the board. No easy rides for lazy fucks.. a solid 20% tax for every person or business, no exceptions.

For somebody in my position at current, not paying tax would be the best thing for the country. All of my money would go to local business because you know.. I spend it there. Rather than having half of it go to these fucking wasters allowing them to perpetuate the cycle of being wasters.. they add nothing to the system, only take. This waste of money on lying fuck wits is why so many local businesses are closing down (internet plays it's part ofc) while local booze and trash food stores are unscathed. Those two stores are the common denominator between working class and benefit thief's.

I know many people think this way or used to I now I did. But then I looked into how much money is used to
feed these deadbeats, and yes they are dead beats. Making babies, selling food stamp goods, loading up on pepsi
sometimes living with many toys and proud of it makes me sick......but I saw that tiny bit of money is nothing compared to whats really going on. they've got you pissed at a relatively small group of free loader so you wont see the real picture. You'll keep diliking those types, society pigeon holes them with stigma and it all feeds the machine. just saying. take a look sometime, maybe its changed recently I dunno, but I bet not.
I pay tax and see much of that go to benefits/sick people most of who have nothing wrong with them, they are career mental illness frauds. I despise paying taxes because too much of it goes to people like that, and alcoholic/drug abusers. If I could avoid paying tax I would, at-least until the government sorts it shit out across the board. No easy rides for lazy fucks.. a solid 20% tax for every person or business, no exceptions.

For somebody in my position at current, not paying tax would be the best thing for the country. All of my money would go to local business because you know.. I spend it there. Rather than having half of it go to these fucking wasters allowing them to perpetuate the cycle of being wasters.. they add nothing to the system, only take. This waste of money on lying fuck wits is why so many local businesses are closing down (internet plays it's part ofc) while local booze and trash food stores are unscathed. Those two stores are the common denominator between working class and benefit thief's.
Where do you see this?
How do you know there's really nothing wrong with them?
Are you a mental health professional?

Sounds like you're making a shitload of assumptions that are rooted in ignorance.
I know many people think this way or used to I now I did. But then I looked into how much money is used to
feed these deadbeats, and yes they are dead beats. Making babies, selling food stamp goods, loading up on pepsi
sometimes living with many toys and proud of it makes me sick......but I saw that tiny bit of money is nothing compared to whats really going on. they've got you pissed at a relatively small group of free loader so you wont see the real picture. You'll keep diliking those types, society pigeon holes them with stigma and it all feeds the machine. just saying. take a look sometime, maybe its changed recently I dunno, but I bet not.

This is in the uk, were benefits are a million times better yet easier to abuse than America.
Where do you see this?
How do you know there's really nothing wrong with them?
Are you a mental health professional?

Sounds like you're making a shitload of assumptions that are rooted in ignorance.

Because I know a lot of people. We also have had a lot of media attention to the slackers and many are dumb enough to get themselves caught on social media in gym gear when they ''have a bad back'', even married people still do it. It was a epidemic in this country and is still very bad. Those who are being thrown off traditional benefits or sick pay are now claiming mental illness. I know 3 people personally doing it, they are not mentally ill, the system is easy to abuse thnx to the soft left. They even get off the books work while claiming, one person I know makes the kind of money you need a phd for.

I've also been poor and had to claim benefits, should that matter. It is a helping hand for sure.. but very easily abused for lazy or greedy people. It is quite literally a moral choice for some low payed people to work as abusing benefits often gives them more. I am very glad I and others didn't fall into that trap as you eventually get better and better jobs if you try hard enough.
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Because I know a lot of people. We also have had a lot of media attention to the slackers and many are dumb enough to get themselves caught on social media in gym gear when they ''have a bad back'', even married people still do it. It was a epidemic in this country and is still very bad. Those who are being thrown off traditional benefits or sick pay are now claiming mental illness. I know 3 people personally doing it, they are not mentally ill, the system is easy to abuse thnx to the soft left. They even get off the books work while claiming, one person I know makes the kind of money you need a phd for.

I've also been poor and had to claim benefits, should that matter. It is a helping hand for sure.. but very easily abused for lazy or greedy people. It is quite literally a moral choice for some low payed people to work as abusing benefits often gives them more. I am very glad I and others didn't fall into that trap as you eventually get better and better jobs if you try hard enough.
Do you have any real data?
dude has doxxed members, search user greatwhitenorth and keyword doxx.

there are still a few members here he had that trump bet with but the main one that gloated the hardest was banned right after the election!

he enjoys all the attention, positive or negative.

dude has been banned several times but admin always pardons and cleans up the threads. politics is really the only section this is allowed but it's only good for a handful of people, rules apply to the rest of us.

sad right?

How many times have you been banned now?
admin invites his vile posts though right? for net hits? ad hits? what gives? why would any forum keep a racist like this around ?

imagine growers coming here to learn or share, only to see the racist buck at it again. admin scores with that scheme I guess?
how is the weather in moscow today, shrimp dick virgin boi?
dude has doxxed members, search user greatwhitenorth and keyword doxx.

there are still a few members here he had that trump bet with but the main one that gloated the hardest was banned right after the election!

he enjoys all the attention, positive or negative.

dude has been banned several times but admin always pardons and cleans up the threads. politics is really the only section this is allowed but it's only good for a handful of people, rules apply to the rest of us.

sad right?
how many times have you been banned now?