I have 2 identical side by side rooms of 6-600w(3600 in one room and 3600 in the other next to it) HPS batwings over 18-20gal(36 bins total) rubbermaid dwc bins with 2-8" air stones bubbling in each bin (15 gallons in each because Krusty said so). All the air flow is metered so I can see the precise air flow in each air stone(my air stones never and cannot get clogged because they are fed with 2 stage MERV 13 air filters then that air is scrubbed clean with a carbon filter) and the water is always changed on time and the temps are always 84f canopy height and 77f at the base of the stem. The water is always 75f because of under floor radiant heat.The DWC bins are automatically topped off. Each bin is a separately controlled entity and each bin has no plumbing connection to the other bins.This is not a recirculating system. These conditions are hyper constant 8.5 months of the year. In other words, there is no difference in environmental or root zone conditions in each of these side by side rooms. Each room is 8' x 12'. In other words...I have invincible side by side conditions that allow LED's to go head to head with HPS on a much larger scale than you guys are used to. No offense intended. I almost forgot to mention that the rooms are spider mite proof. I've only seen them on the internet. I don't know them and I never will. Insecticide? What's that?
I am willing to conduct a side by side test putting 6-600 watt hps (I will use magnetic ballasts with new capacitors and new hortilux 600w hps lamps) against the supposed equivalent of brand new LED fixtures. Which LED fixtures and how many? The rooms are not almost identical. They are exactly identical in every way possible. The ventilation inlets are 3" round perforations(over 100 round holes evenly spaced to distribute air through the spaces between the basement ceiling rafters) in the ceiling so all heat travels straight up and out of the room the way hot air flows naturally.
I would like to put the LED v HPS argument to rest. I will do two side by side(600w HPS in both rooms) seed runs of Reserva Privada Sour Diesel in the side by side rooms starting in November 2018. After those side by side identical seed runs with HPS light, I will then change out the light fixtures of one of the rooms to a group of LED light fixtures that you guys (the experts) agree to be the best possible contender against my 6-600watt hps adjust-a-wings. All 4 grows will be done during the months that my environmental controls are able to maintain perfect conditions. Which LED's?