Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
you live in this country. you use the roads, the infrastructure, the power grid, and emergency services. but you don't want to pay for them. you're a leech. you use freedom as an excuse to be a cheap fuck. if you don't like the rules, move somewhere that you do like the rules.That is an asinine thought you have going there. It basically means for a person to be secure in their own home, they must be forced to pay for ideas that others hold, and fund a service that they don't use, don't want and may disagree with.
You aren't concerned with responsibility, you are concerned with how to justify your own irresponsible violation of other people and how to justify theft to fund things that you like. Then you have the audacity to whine about gun control, while your bloody hand is busy shooting people who object to your robbery. Twisted. thuggish behavior.
good luck finding a country with no property taxes...if you do find one, good luck staying alive there