Florida is set to arm teachers

Should teachers have weapons in their classrooms?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 22 78.6%

  • Total voters
is that what happened in japan and england and elsewhere? they got sent to prison camps?

No, they expanded the "walls" of the prison to include the entire country in England.

Japan is occupied militarily by Americans using guns in an offensive manner.
Not to mention FDR, your hero, put Americans of Japanese ancestry in prison camps just like you would have done to Jewish people who tried to keep weapons or black people who tried to keep weapons. So we know governments can't be trusted to be the only ones with guns don't we?

If it is true that the presence of guns in peoples hands makes violence more likely why should guns be consolidated in the hands of the people in government?

There is empirical evidence that government people with guns have killed far more people than non government people ever have...
It doesn't make violence more likely, this has been said a million times over, it makes gun violence more likely. You make great points yes government has killed a lot of people with guns, also stopped mass killings wth guns, and the list goes on. This doesn't change the fact that guns will be used less in events of anger if there are less of them available and used less by kids in school if they can't legally buy them.

There's a lot of misunderstandings here, only extremists want to take all guns away I think, others promote the ban of new sales of ar-15s/semi autos/loophole sales, magazine sizes and shit like keeping domestic abusers from owning them and better background checks.

Criminals will be criminals but with less guns and stricter laws its a step in the right direction.

Read the bills people are proposing, read them slowly and don't miss anything.
No, they expanded the "walls" of the prison to include the entire country in England.

Japan is occupied militarily by Americans using guns in an offensive manner.
Not to mention FDR, your hero, put Americans of Japanese ancestry in prison camps just like you would have done to Jewish people who tried to keep weapons or black people who tried to keep weapons. So we know governments can't be trusted to be the only ones with guns don't we?

the united kingdom is not one large prison.

you really need to seek help
maybe that's just your perception? maybe people aren't to be trusted, and that's why there's a need for law enforcement officers to begin with. there's a limit to self determination. we live in a society, like it or not, and unless you want to totally withdraw from it and live off the grid in isolation, you have to follow the rules like everyone else. i'm not in favor of taking away peoples weapons, nor am i in favor of arming teachers. i'm quite interested in how many teachers in florida are interested in being armed? i would imagine a high number of teachers have no interest in it what so ever. so are we violating their right to self determination?
Enforcing rules which are arbitrary and violate individual rights to self determine makes the enforcer the bad guy.

Why consolidate guns in the hands of bad guys?
Who's the bad guys again? Do you think the American government is going to disarm you so they can kill you with guns?
It doesn't make violence more likely, this has been said a million times over, it makes gun violence more likely. You make great points yes government has killed a lot of people with guns, also stopped mass killings wth guns, and the list goes on. This doesn't change the fact that guns will be used less in events of anger if there are less of them available and used less by kids in school if they can't legally buy them.

There's a lot of misunderstandings here, only extremists want to take all guns away I think, others promote the ban of new sales of ar-15s/semi autos/loophole sales, magazine sizes and shit like keeping domestic abusers from owning them and better background checks.

Criminals will be criminals but with less guns and stricter laws its a step in the right direction.

Read the bills people are proposing, read them slowly and don't miss anything.

So you hope to disarm government too or does their gun violence not matter?

Thank you for your offer to read some silly law proposals, but I never agreed to be anyone's serf, so I ignore edicts from people who threaten me with guns for disobeying their assaults on my peace and freedom.

So about how many gun deaths by government are you willing to stop?
the united kingdom is not one large prison.

you really need to seek help


I used to like Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom when I was younger. Man, that Marlin Perkins would just sit safely in the land rover armed to the teeth and he'd send that burly assistant Jim out completely unarmed to wrassle an alligator or something. I wonder if ol' Marlin was a racist gun grabber like you are?
maybe that's just your perception? maybe people aren't to be trusted, and that's why there's a need for law enforcement officers to begin with. there's a limit to self determination. we live in a society, like it or not, and unless you want to totally withdraw from it and live off the grid in isolation, you have to follow the rules like everyone else. i'm not in favor of taking away peoples weapons, nor am i in favor of arming teachers. i'm quite interested in how many teachers in florida are interested in being armed? i would imagine a high number of teachers have no interest in it what so ever. so are we violating their right to self determination?

Oh, I'm so glad we agree that self determination should be respected.

If you cared about what people were interested in doing you wouldn't support a school system which disregards peoples wishes and uses guns to fund government schools against peoples wishes now would you?
where do they use guns to fund schools? you said that before, but never elaborated
and how do you know what i support? maybe i'm just playing devil's advocate, because i'm curious where this can go?
where do they use guns to fund schools? you said that before, but never elaborated
and how do you know what i support? maybe i'm just playing devil's advocate, because i'm curious where this can go?
he thinks someone with a gun is forcing him to pay property taxes even though he voluntarily agreed to pay them
where do they use guns to fund schools? you said that before, but never elaborated
and how do you know what i support? maybe i'm just playing devil's advocate, because i'm curious where this can go?

First question = Connect the dots please.

Second question = I extrapolated it, if I am in error I am open to your kind correction of my mistake.
he thinks someone with a gun is forcing him to pay property taxes even though he voluntarily agreed to pay them

You go to great lengths to rationalize theft.

I sure am glad black people aren't considered to be property by most of us, so why would you go back to your klanman policies and forcibly disarm them ?

You abuse the term voluntarily also, you're not abusive at home are you ? Does your cat feel safe?
You go to great lengths to rationalize theft.

I sure am glad black people aren't considered to be property by most of us, so why would you go back to your klanman policies and forcibly disarm them ?

You abuse the term voluntarily also, you're not abusive at home are you ? Does your cat feel safe?
it's not theft, you willingly signed a contract agreeing to pay property taxes ya fucking mooch
i think you possibly have apophenia, seeing patterns where there are none.
like i said, unless you want to withdraw from society and live in isolation, pay taxes like the rest of us.

second, i don't really have much of an opinion about schools, my kid is 31. i have friends with kids in school and know what they think, and most of them are not in favor of arming teachers. the people i know that are in favor of arming teachers are pretty much in favor of arming EVERYONE.....which i find an unreasonable solution.
and again, i wonder how many teachers are willing to be armed? has anyone polled them? is it going to be a requirement to teach in florida? how many will quit and look for jobs elsewhere? how many will stay and become evening news stories in the near future?