Activated em1 help!


Well-Known Member
OK guys had got some em1 about a week ago, and a buddy on here told me about activating it, sorry I can't remember who! But I followed instructions to the letter! 3/4 cup of em1 3/4 cup of molasses, all in a gallon jug with 110° water I didnt measure the temp. just used really hot tap water!

But my em1 mix looks way darker than any I've seen online do you guys think I may have screwed up somewhere along the line I really don't want to have to toss this!!

Also this is totally a dummy question but Ia the plastic lid on top of the air thingy on top the jug supposed to be on or off! Seems like on it would defeat the whole purpose of letting pressure out!CM180306-172607001.jpg
Hopefully the hot tap didn't kill it but you'll know in a few days.
  • Mix ingredients in the container. Check the initial pH with a pH meter or pH paper.
  • Put on an airtight lid (preferably a screw on lid),
  • Attach airlock
  • Ferment at room temperature for 3-5 days.
  • Some time between days 3 and 5, remove the lid and check the pH of the liquid using a pH meter or pH paper. If the pH is 3.6 or below, allow the fermentation to complete for an additional 5-7 days.
  • Toward the end of the fermentation, check the smell of the product. It should have some alcohol smell, some white flakes on it and look and smell similar to the
  • original EM•1®. If all these are true, it is ready to use.
When the pH of the solution drops to 3.8 or below and has rested at this pH for 5-7 days, the Activated EM•1 ® is ready to use. The target pH is 3.5.
Hopefully the hot tap didn't kill it but you'll know in a few days.
  • Mix ingredients in the container. Check the initial pH with a pH meter or pH paper.
  • Put on an airtight lid (preferably a screw on lid),
  • Attach airlock
  • Ferment at room temperature for 3-5 days.
  • Some time between days 3 and 5, remove the lid and check the pH of the liquid using a pH meter or pH paper. If the pH is 3.6 or below, allow the fermentation to complete for an additional 5-7 days.
  • Toward the end of the fermentation, check the smell of the product. It should have some alcohol smell, some white flakes on it and look and smell similar to the
  • original EM•1®. If all these are true, it is ready to use.
When the pH of the solution drops to 3.8 or below and has rested at this pH for 5-7 days, the Activated EM•1 ® is ready to use. The target pH is 3.5.
So it's supposed to be sealed first I've got some kinda beer burping cap? I never saw that in the videos I watched!
I understand where the pH should be in a few days but what if the hot water did kill them how will I know I messed up, I'd rather toss it and start over than continue to do it the wrong way!
That looks like an airlock to me which is what you want, not sure what your talking about with the plastic lid. Not trying to be a dick but did it come with directions?

Like I said you'll know in a few days if you messed up bro patience. Remember how it smelled when you mixed it up? Sweet and no alcohol smell. The lacto will eat the carbs and shit out lactic acid making the pH drop, that's why you test it. Should have a slight alcohol sweet fermenting smell.
That looks like an airlock to me which is what you want, not sure what your talking about with the plastic lid. Not trying to be a dick but did it come with directions?

Like I said you'll know in a few days if you messed up bro patience. Remember how it smelled when you mixed it up? Sweet and no alcohol smell. The lacto will eat the carbs and shit out lactic acid making the pH drop, that's why you test it. Should have a slight alcohol sweet fermenting smell.
Unfortunately no it didn't come with instructions and really didn't think it would be that complicated to figure out lol I'm taking a pic of it it should be self explained of what I'm talking about!
And thanks for the heads up about the smell! And as u can see from the pic there appears to be tiny holes in the cap!CM180306-184028002.jpg
OK guys a tad more help plz! It's been 3 days since I started it the pH test strip mox out at 4.5 so it's much higher that 4.5. Also the smell does smell kinda alcohol like so that did make me feel better! Could I still be on track even tho the ph is way too high?
Don't worry, if temps are a bit low it can take a week or longer. If it's much under 80* figure on a week at least.

Sounds good so far.

Would u recommend placing a seedling heating mat under it, it has been very cold lately around 72-75 average I'm guessing!
No actual experience doing that, but I DID notice when I bought another mat that they now have narrow ones made to be wrapped around the 1/2gal mason jars for making kombucha and such so you should be Ok with it.

It's a guess, but an educated one since I do keep a gallon jug of water on a spare mat for spot watering clones and seedlings and it has never felt overly warm. Try it when you'll be able to check on it after a few hours and judge for yourself if it's hotter than bathwater or not.

Unfortunately no it didn't come with instructions and really didn't think it would be that complicated to figure out lol I'm taking a pic of it it should be self explained of what I'm talking about!
And thanks for the heads up about the smell! And as u can see from the pic there appears to be tiny holes in the cap!View attachment 4101336
I've made wine and mead before. The cap is fine, just watch how much water you put in. If you put too much, the inner piece will hit the cap and the air won't be able to escape through the low holes in the inner mechanism. Sometimes you have fill it just below the mark that comes on it. Once fermentation is going, you will see the steady release of CO2 by watching the air lock rise and fall.
OK guys it's day 5/6 for my em1 and the pH is well over 5! There is a very slight alcohol smell! It still looks dark! Do yall think I messed it up? If so can I just feed it to my soil that I have cooking or maybe even add some to the worms I don't wanna waste it!