The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Putin has been fucking with the entire western system of democracy, America is the latest greatest example. This is an allied problem and needs an allied approach, first ya gotta clean house, just because the US supported democracy in the Ukraine is no reason to tolerate treason at home and no reason not to strike back hard at Putin. Deal with yer existential problems first for Christ's sake, the world or the country aren't perfect, ya change it with work and proper focus, in this case ya gotta start with Trump and work your way down.

If ya (we) survive Trump, I think it will turn out for the best, the GOP will be fucked bigly, Donald and a thousand other assholes will be in prison and ya all lived happily ever after! Oh yeah, one other thing, they'll have enough on Pence to force him to sign a bill legalising pot too, after the death ride with Donald, I'm sure he could use a toke!:lol:

PS I liked Bernie too, but he was too far to the right to ever get elected in Canada!
America OVERTHREW the democratically elected government in Ukraine, just like it did in Argentina (Pinochet), Iran (the Shah), etc, etc, etc.

We don't support democracy in the world, just profiteering and colonialism.

If Bernie was too conservative for Canada, hope do you explain Harper and Justin Trudeau?
We've sacrificed plenty of dollars to give Syria to Russia.

Giving Africa to China is just being fair.
America OVERTHREW the democratically elected government in Ukraine, just like it did in Argentina (Pinochet), Iran (the Shah), etc, etc, etc.

We don't support democracy in the world, just profiteering and colonialism.

If Bernie was too conservative for Canada, hope do you explain Harper and Justin Trudeau?
Just joking about Bernie being too far to the right for Canada, he'd fit right in.

I don't think the US should interfere in the politics of other nations and perhaps this incident will drive that home. What was done in the past is irrelevant to the current discussion, the old soviet union was up to that kind of shit big time, Vlad just changed the style and the internet changed the rules of the game. The russians have been attacking plenty of western democracies who don't interfere in the elections of other nations, it's not just the USA. The government of the Ukraine was installed by Putin and the russians, you know the guys who ripped of the Crimea from Ukraine.
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We've sacrificed plenty of dollars to give Syria to Russia.

Giving Africa to China is just being fair.
Africa is not America's to give to anybody and what is going on in Syria is a crime against humanity complete with chemical weapons.
If you thought US foreign policy was bad before Trump, just wait until him and Rex finish with the state department.
Africa is not America's to give to anybody and what is going on in Syria is a crime against humanity complete with chemical weapons.
If you thought US foreign policy was bad before Trump, just wait until him and Rex finish with the state department.
I have several family members who are either State Department alumni or still serve.

You've got the Ukraine thing exactly backwards.

No other country is America's or anyone else's to take, give, colonise, enslave with World Bank loans or make safe for Big Business.

America commits war crimes and crimes against humanity so regularly no one notices when we announce it on the news.

Please expand your news reading beyond the Big 6 official propaganda outlets.
Just joking about Bernie being too far to the right for Canada, he'd fit right in.

I don't think the US should interfere in the politics of other nations and perhaps this incident will drive that home. What was done in the past is irrelevant to the current discussion, the old soviet union was up to that kind of shit big time, Vlad just changed the style and the internet changed the rules of the game. The russians have been attacking plenty of western democracies who don't interfere in the elections of other nations, it's not just the USA. The government of the Ukraine was installed by Putin and the russians, you know the guys who ripped of the Crimea from Ukraine.
If America used its influence to intervene on the side of the average people in countries around the world, we'd have so many friends we wouldn't know what to do with our military. That's a world I'd like to live in. It's too bad we won't get the chance.

Unfortunately, those few who make money by profiting from our military, economic and political interventionism also control our country's political system. That never ends well- the pages of history are littered with the wreckage of empires.

Unless we can drastically change course, we will be no different.
I have several family members who are either State Department alumni or still serve.

You've got the Ukraine thing exactly backwards.

No other country is America's or anyone else's to take, give, colonise, enslave with World Bank loans or make safe for Big Business.

America commits war crimes and crimes against humanity so regularly no one notices when we announce it on the news.

Please expand your news reading beyond the Big 6 official propaganda outlets.
I'm aware of America's faults, this is not news to me, however, we must set it aside in the current circumstances like many other differences, there is an immediate real and present danger, Donald Trump. Ukraine is ethnically and religiously divided and the Russians played a big part in the so called democratic election. It's like Trump giving Alaska back to the russians plus a billion bucks, Trump was democratically elected too, if you discount the russian help.

After Bernie was screwed before the last election, he didn't bitch and whine, he got on board right away because he saw the bigger picture and larger danger. America is not perfect and never will be, but it's the only country you have, so ya better take care of it and make sure nobody sells from under ya or fucks it over. Russia interfered in the election, countries do that shit sometimes, it's the citizens who helped them screw America that is the main concern. Putin is not running America in your best interests and make no mistake, he is running the place now and will continue to do so for as long as Trump is president. Deal with treason first, make America perfect second, ya gotta deal with the existential issues first, cause Trump can kill yer country.
With the help of idiots like you the orange turd will get a second term.
These are just the normal differences of people who oppose Trump, I don't have Yoda figured for a Trumper, quite the opposite. We can't worry right now about America's bad boy past, Trump needs to be put down and the country brought back to normalcy first. Let the trials begin and I hope one of them is impeachment!

Having said the above, we can still walk and chew gum at the same time!:lol:
I'm aware of America's faults, this is not news to me, however, we must set it aside in the current circumstances like many other differences, there is an immediate real and present danger, Donald Trump. Ukraine is ethnically and religiously divided and the Russians played a big part in the so called democratic election. It's like Trump giving Alaska back to the russians plus a billion bucks, Trump was democratically elected too, if you discount the russian help.

After Bernie was screwed before the last election, he didn't bitch and whine, he got on board right away because he saw the bigger picture and larger danger. America is not perfect and never will be, but it's the only country you have, so ya better take care of it and make sure nobody sells from under ya or fucks it over. Russia interfered in the election, countries do that shit sometimes, it's the citizens who helped them screw America that is the main concern. Putin is not running America in your best interests and make no mistake, he is running the place now and will continue to do so for as long as Trump is president. Deal with treason first, make America perfect second, ya gotta deal with the existential issues first, cause Trump can kill yer country.
If you feel this way, then support those who will overturn Citizens United. That alone won't change everything, but not doing it endures nothing else will change.

Trump can't kill America by himself. He needs help.
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If you feel this way, then support those who will overturn Citizens United. That spine won't change everything, but not doing it endures nothing else will change.

Trump can't kill America by himself. He needs help.
Money is the root of your political evil and Bernie your best hope, Trumpism will have the effect of destroying the right for a decade. The problem is all the money will slosh over to the democrats and corrupt them even more. The real struggle for America's future is between the Bernie and corporate wings of the democratic party (even though Bernie is not a democrat). I figure the right will be split between the loonie and racist filled GOP and a new conservative party for at least a decade. This is the darkest night before the dawn, midterms will see sunrise in America.

Trump it appears has plenty of help in destroying America, we are starting to see them go on trial. Maybe someday after the midterms somebody should have a good look at FOX news, they seem to be working with the russians lately, same themes and memes.
Office of Special Counsel: Conway violated Hatch Act
Washington (CNN)The US Office of Special Counsel announced Tuesday that White House aide Kellyanne Conway violated the Hatch Act on two occasions by "advocating for and against candidates" in last year's Alabama Senate special election.

In a new report, the OSC special counsel, Henry Kerner, pointed to Conway's TV interviews conducted in her "official capacity" in November and December of last year. The agency said Conway "impermissibly mixed official government business with political views about candidates in the Alabama special election.


I hope it means I don't see her on TV anymore! She's an embarrassment to the human race, the queen of spin, bullshit and "alternative facts".
tRUmp and his supporters want the opposition divided and not coming together to fight him and his agenda, tt is doing the orange turds bidding whether he wants to admit it or not.
Churchill said the only thing worse than fighting a war with allies, is fighting one without them! Yer all trying to "make a more perfect union", unlike the Trump crowd that is trying to tear the country apart.
These are just the normal differences of people who oppose Trump, I don't have Yoda figured for a Trumper, quite the opposite. We can't worry right now about America's bad boy past, Trump needs to be put down and the country brought back to normalcy first. Let the trials begin and I hope one of them is impeachment!

Having said the above, we can still walk and chew gum at the same time!:lol:

Unlike Republicans, Democrats are not monolithic in aspirations, policies and beliefs. It's more like a fight in a family. In spite of what they said prior to Nov 9 and after, about 90% of the people who voted for Bernie, voted for Clinton on Nov 9.

My complaints about berners including tty is that they are constantly recycling right wing propaganda about Democrats as if the party in the minority but represent the majority are somehow to blame for what Republicans do. It's almost as if they are tools of the reactionary right. (Well actually they are tools of the reactionary right.) I think the effect of right wing propaganda about Clinton and now about other Democrats is seen in the disinclination of many to vote. In this way Berners help Republicans by repeating their propaganda.