Random Jabber Jibber thread

Back in the 80's we called it a hot load. It was used in the community to get rid of problem people. What's the biggest tragedy is that here we are almost 40 years later and Narcan is not freely available OTC.
I googled up on what shrxhy420 said and found that a couple bags in a large # are made and randomly distributed within that # to be sold. It implied that it is all random not specifically targeted to a particular client
LOL mission creep. The tragedy is anyone using street drugs should have Narcan on hand. I guess public health is catching up!

Having narcan available otc would be like giving all the user a free pass? To me, the biggest deturant would be death. User I know would carry it around with them if it were available, bring themselves back, just to get high again :roll: not saying it wouldn’t be useful but seems to me most users would use it to push the limits, cuz what do they have to lose. I know this is “rational” thinking and users don’t think this way. Just my .02 I’m not against it, just seems like a tool to me.
Having narcan available otc would be like giving all the user a free pass? To me, the biggest deturant would be death. User I know would carry it around with them if it were available, bring themselves back, just to get high again :roll: not saying it wouldn’t be useful but seems to me most users would use it to push the limits, cuz what do they have to lose. I know this is “rational” thinking and users don’t think this way. Just my .02 I’m not against it, just seems like a tool to me.
In epidemiology we discussed that. More than once I've said, "In a land with no consequences there is no learning." We discussed extending your argument. For example should youth be given birth control or does it encourage promiscuity with concomitant increase in STDs? Does a needle exchange program encourage IV drug abuse? Do seat belts and air bags encourage reckless driving?

We looked at what statistics were available. I don't remember the specifics but essentially countries that had trials of needle exchange showed a reduction in harm, similar with birth control and de-criminalization of drug abuse. On Methadone maintenance users were able to be more productive in their lives, some even returned to work.

I finally came to believe almost all drugs should be legally available without a visit to a doctor or other prescribing practitioner with the exception of certain drugs such as antibiotics, radionuclides, live biologicals etc...

I understand your opinion and appreciate the thought you put into it.
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@curious2garden as I sit here cleaning out my wife's whip I couldn't help but think of you and your quest for a new car. I've decided to tell you not to concern yourself with asking if the car was smoke free but if the fucking thing was child free. I swear there's things in here that defy the laws of physics and reason.
I used to detail cars. One time I had to clean a car someone died in, and was in it for a couple days. That wasn't nearly as bad to clean as the soccer moms cars with 2+ kids I had to do almost daily. We had one woman that wouldn't clean shit, she'd just bring the car in every other week. Vomit, old food, spilt soda, trash, didn't matter, she left it for us. The last time she came was disgusting, looked like the kid rubbed dirty diaper all over the back seat. My boss told her we wouldn't touch it and not to come back.

The funnier thing I remember, a couple kids "decorated" the headliner of thier patents car with hard candies. They were sucking them, then sticking them on the headliner like tiles. The whole back seat area was done. They ended up stuck in the fabric once they dried. The parents actually didn't care until summer came and they started melting and dropping all over the rear seat and carpets.

There were cars so bad we would pull the seats, wrap plastic around the dashboard and then just pressure wash everything.

I disliked kids more because of that job.

And more so… .It's 2018, can we stop putting carpet in cars?

There should be kids prep package from the factory. Floor liner to go over the factory carpet, headliner cover, seat covers, maybe door panel covers. Something like thin silicone. They could be injection molded to be a perfect fit.

I've had cars and trucks without carpets, the road noise gets old, I don't recommend doing it, but if you have moderate mechanically skills, it's not that hard to pull a carpet. 4 seats, maybe the console, and usually the covers by the door sills, maybe a couple hours taking your time. Wash it, roll it up and put it aside till you go to trade/ sell the car. A coat of brush on bed liner and it'd be easy to clean with a sponge.

Or get some of this
Having narcan available otc would be like giving all the user a free pass? To me, the biggest deturant would be death. User I know would carry it around with them if it were available, bring themselves back, just to get high again :roll: not saying it wouldn’t be useful but seems to me most users would use it to push the limits, cuz what do they have to lose. I know this is “rational” thinking and users don’t think this way. Just my .02 I’m not against it, just seems like a tool to me.
I know a few POS junkies who joke about the fact they've been saved and dont worry about ODs because it's easily available. One has been revived a few times, twice in one weekend. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I want the help available, but people like that should probably be left to OD and die. It's not help but an enabler at that point.

I'm really just sick of finding needles everywhere I go. Even the nicer, richer neighborhoods have needles just laying around in public, the shit is everywhere. People freak out about someone smoking a joint in public, but needles all over the streets and parking lots.....meh, that's too bad.
So my new brake booster is supposed to be here by 2:30. The reman master is just fine (it is easily accessible), but the reman brake booster was bad. Of course it's located where I have to slither 1/2 into the engine to reach. It's f'n cold and the wind is blowing so the metal will be like ice.

I could honorably avoid it by transferring my plates to my new car but that means AAA or DMV neither of which are attractive alternatives and I don't want to drive my new car because it had the shiny new car magnet installed so EVERYONE parks right on top of me even when I park in the south forty.

Of course it could also be air in the ABS system as well as a bad brake booster. I am putting that task off and changing the brake booster again because rattling air out of an ABS system without a computer requires finding a gravel road (we have a huge dry lake bed) and trying to lock up a non braking car at 25-35. Something I would have relished in my youth but meh not so much now.

Now I must get back to googling about drunken monkeys and mean animals...
Having narcan available otc would be like giving all the user a free pass? To me, the biggest deturant would be death. User I know would carry it around with them if it were available, bring themselves back, just to get high again :roll: not saying it wouldn’t be useful but seems to me most users would use it to push the limits, cuz what do they have to lose. I know this is “rational” thinking and users don’t think this way. Just my .02 I’m not against it, just seems like a tool to me.
