Random Jabber Jibber thread

The Outdoorsman

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@curious2garden as I sit here cleaning out my wife's whip I couldn't help but think of you and your quest for a new car. I've decided to tell you not to concern yourself with asking if the car was smoke free but if the fucking thing was child free. I swear there's things in here that defy the laws of physics and reason.
LOL kids and vomit sigh..... In all the time I had kids at home I don't think I had 1 car that was not thrown up in! I even carried bags in the car. Nope they never used them, sigh.......


Well-Known Member
So there was a local death a little while back, young girl, twenty something, looked like heroin OD.

Which is very sad and stupid, but not unusual.

Now the toxology report came back. Cocaine cut with fetanyl. What fucking moron would put fetanyl in with coke?

Sounds like murder or at least manslaughter to me. Idiots!
Dealers cut a bag or 2 with fentanyl specifically so that someone will O.D.
Sounds crazy but, when word gets out that someone O.D'ed on coke, demand goes up!
