Where I stand on americas gun "laws"

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
You trump and gunz supporters all say the same thing. Thoughts and prayers. "Car accidents kill more people" or some such oblivious nonsense.

Yeah, only 17 kids died in Parkland. The entire community was traumatized. The entire school body have had a part of their childhood ripped away. Probably hundreds saw their friends gunned down in front of them. How many of those kids will die from PTSD related issues? Not just Parkland. We have the same happen somewhere practically every month. Not only that but kids are going through active shooter drills all across the country. What an idiotic thing to say. "It's a fraction of the people who die each year". As if dying from kidney failure is anything like gun homicides. Listen to the people from Parkland. They say no more. They want none of this for other towns and cities. Practically all of this gun violence is preventable.

It's not as if this is an either-or question. Do we work to reduce kidney disease or gun murders? How about doing both?
Never supported Trump or mentioned a word about car accidents. Seriously, just stop.

All that yet I wonder what you do for any of this that you support besides putting words into peoples posts that never existed. I really dont see this as an effective way of spreading something you believe to be true to others you would seek to convince. In fact, Id bet it has the opposite effect.


Well-Known Member
Statistics really are just for dumb people who cant make up a good narrative.
you dumb racists love statistics if you think they portray minorities you dislike in a bad light.

but once it swings back around to what an outlier we are in terms of gun violence you big tough racists all start crying.


Well-Known Member
Never supported Trump or mentioned a word about car accidents. Seriously, just stop.

All that yet I wonder what you do for any of this that you support besides putting words into peoples posts that never existed. I really dont see this as an effective way of spreading something you believe to be true to others you would seek to convince. In fact, Id bet it has the opposite effect.
Actually, I gave up on gun owners who aren't already in support of increased gun control laws. You gun nuts won't ever accept effective gun control. I'm just responding to the dishonest crap you gun owners blurt out. You are a vocal minority that reasonable people have tried to ignore. Propaganda repeated often and without a challenge is pretty effective. So, wherever I encounter it, I say something. Not used to vocal disagreements, are you? Too bad you don't like being called out for it. Get used to it. The NRA is achieving pariah status similar to that of the KKK, another small but vocal group that people for too long ignored hoping they would go away.


Well-Known Member
The big high casualty school shootings account for a low % of kids shot at school. Most school shootings occur in Urban Areas, and never make the evening news. Black kids shooting other black kids is not something we care to look at. Girls and money are the biggest reasons.
Too true.

Parkland was horrific but not representative of most gun homicides in the US. We don't get the same national coverage about the daily carnage in urban and mostly black neighborhoods. Don't forget to include women murdered by gun in domestic violence. Too many there too.

That said, mass shootings are most commonly carried out by white men.


Well-Known Member
Theres already gun laws implemented that arent even being followed by government agencies and military. When someone is dishonorably discharged from the military for mental reasons, violence, or demestic abuse they are to be added a govenmental list....a list in which a lot of people are to be put on that havent been. Now, said person goes out and does something mental and now everyone should have a new set of rules and laws and more reform because of it? How about we enforce the overabundance of gun laws we already have in place to stop such tragedies and watch how that makes a difference. It would have made all the difference in the world with Devin Patrick Kelley among many others who shouldnt have even been allowed to buy a rifle legally. Laws only work when people follow them and enforce them. His was "legally obtained" due to the negligence of the US Military to add his name to the list. And of course a day after the shooting, there were over 4000 names added to that list....that should have already been on the list. Im all for gun regulation and making sure the proper channels are followed, but the enforcement of all said laws already in place should be concentrated on, followed and enforced before creating even more laws.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Theres already gun laws implemented that arent even being followed by government agencies and military. When someone is dishonorably discharged from the military for mental reasons, violence, or demestic abuse they are to be added a govenmental list....a list in which a lot of people are to be put on that havent been. Now, said person goes out and does something mental and now everyone should have a new set of rules and laws and more reform because of it? How about we enforce the overabundance of gun laws we already have in place to stop such tragedies and watch how that makes a difference. It would have made all the difference in the world with Devin Patrick Kelley among many others who shouldnt have even been allowed to buy a rifle legally. Laws only work when people follow them and enforce them. His was "legally obtained" due to the negligence of the US Military to add his name to the list. And of course a day after the shooting, there were over 4000 names added to that list....that should have already been on the list. Im all for gun regulation and making sure the proper channels are followed, but the enforcement of all said laws already in place should be concentrated on, followed and enforced before creating even more laws.
Paper work is hard to do. The same thing is happening with illegal immigration. Half of all illegals in this country are visa overstays. Folks who have never climbed a fence in their lives. Paper pushers is the answer to a lot of these problems.

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
Actually, I gave up on gun owners who aren't already in support of increased gun control laws. You gun nuts won't ever accept effective gun control. I'm just responding to the dishonest crap you gun owners blurt out. You are a vocal minority that reasonable people have tried to ignore. Propaganda repeated often and without a challenge is pretty effective. So, wherever I encounter it, I say something. Not used to vocal disagreements, are you? Too bad you don't like being called out for it. Get used to it. The NRA is achieving pariah status similar to that of the KKK, another small but vocal group that people for too long ignored hoping they would go away.

Wow, you are seriously off the chain.

I support gun control, but you are so upset that I didn't support gun buy back programs as an effective measure,that you are only are able to spew hate for firearms. Then some Trump stuff, nra this and kkk, just pure bs.

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
you dumb racists love statistics if you think they portray minorities you dislike in a bad light.

but once it swings back around to what an outlier we are in terms of gun violence you big tough racists all start crying.
If anything you are the racist, I never said a word of it and have been on the samn topic because everyone keeps posting for me and assuming things that just aren't. So much hate from yet another member. Thinking I've choosen to reply back and forth with the wrong people. Buncha kids or grown losers.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
how about sock control? who has over 125,000 posts, and 97,000 likes?.....
the next closest person has 67,000 posts, 5,700 likes, and has been a member for over 11 years....
you smell like dirty gym socks that have been used to wipe a yaks ass....that's how sock you are


Well-Known Member
One of the first things to do that would go a long way to get stricter gun control and a decently functioning gov't is to overturn the US Supreme Court ruling about a decade ago? that gave corporations the same status as citizens so they now can dump millions of dollars into a candidates slush fund which makes that gov't official beholden to them.

Trump got almost 10mil from the NRA alone but because that's just pocket change to him he has the balls to tell them to f'off. The whole system is open to blatant bribery that is gov't sanctified and draws in the people that have only money on their minds and couldn't care less about the people that elected them.

Dem or Republican. They are all the same. If the Dems hadn't tossed Bernie out he would be prez now as Killary was despised by people on both sides of the fence. Trump only got in because the way elections are run in the US is as corrupt as the people up for election. Hard to say no to all that cash.

I have 4 long guns but nothing fancy. An old Brit. .303, Ruger 10-22 semi-auto, single shot .22 and a single shot 16 gauge. Good enough to kill anything that walks or flies in my neck of the woods including a human if the need should ever arise. Have had all sorts of training including hand guns but it's such a chore getting a legal pistol and can't use it anywhere but a range unless you are a prospector then you can pack it on you while out prospecting.

It would be nice if every discussion in the politics forum didn't descend into chaos brought on by the troll faction, (you-all know who you are), but that will never be.

Americans fear their own government more than any outside force so the most cowardly and fearful own the most and deadliest guns. Their paranoia drives them to doctors who feed them all sorts of legal mind altering drugs which pushes them over the edge so they get something like an AR15 and try to wipe out innocents. Talk about a dysfunctional society.


Well-Known Member
The shooter used 10 round mags....

So much for the high capacity being an issue.

Looks like all the snowflake gun laws have been pushed to the side. Congrats liberals, you're the reason millions of guns have been sold in the last few weeks :)


Well-Known Member
The shooter used 10 round mags....

So much for the high capacity being an issue.

Looks like all the snowflake gun laws have been pushed to the side. Congrats liberals, you're the reason millions of guns have been sold in the last few weeks :)
another radicalized extremist right winger trying to blame liberals for his own fragility and insecurity


Well-Known Member
Im not trying to say laws here in oz are the "go to" example of good gun laws, but i believe they really work. For example automatic rifles, hand guns and semi autos are strictly illegal for the public. Farmers are allowed to purchase a licence for bolt-action rifles etc to keep on their premises to work the farm. If you're part of a gun "club" as far as im aware you have keep your guns at the clubs premises. The way i feel is, i like the feeling of feeling safe enough to waltz around in public without having to be armed myself. Thats the point im trying to make. If all the man had here in port arthur had a bolt action rifle not nearly as many people would have died or been injured before he was stopped. Its so sad whats happening in the states especially the school shootings. I think if children can get their hands on guns and sneak them into school, its too easy to get a gun and the laws should be stricter, period. Peace to everyone especially those who have fallen


Well-Known Member
Wow, you are seriously off the chain.

I support gun control, but you are so upset that I didn't support gun buy back programs as an effective measure,that you are only are able to spew hate for firearms. Then some Trump stuff, nra this and kkk, just pure bs.
What measures would you like to see put in place?