Dick's Stopped Being Dicks..

It’s just a majority. Supermajority is a catch word to make it sound bigger. A political language tv trick.

It’s a pretend concept. Like polling a certain area or group of people and pretending that percentage works for everyone everywhere. And if it were an actual thing don’t you think 90% would be a “super” majority.

If you polled the same question to my area you would likely still get a super majority of people who want their assault rifles.

If people did their jobs instead of looked the other way selfishly the problem would be minimized majorly. It is still a people problem no matter how much you cry about the guns.
70% is a super majority. The term is used in many instances.

The change in sentiment about gun control is shaking the NRA and the politicians they own to their core.
70% is a super majority. The term is used in many instances.

The change in sentiment about gun control is shaking the NRA and the politicians they own to their core.

Fuck the nra. All gun owners don’t support them. Or any of our politicians unfortunately. Real America is not always truthfully represented by this tv political crap you parrot.

People need to learn to be more responsible. Not have more regulations to keep them “safe”.

I can’t even support the Democrats anymore they seem more extremist now than even our hyper religious republicans.

These are very complex issues. No band aid individually will save anyone at this point.

Keep repeating your very narrow views about these issues and arguing any one else’s opinion away.

You are surely uncle buck aren’t you?
Fuck the nra. All gun owners don’t support them. Or any of our politicians unfortunately. Real America is not always truthfully represented by this tv political crap you parrot.

People need to learn to be more responsible. Not have more regulations to keep them “safe”.

I can’t even support the Democrats anymore they seem more extremist now than even our hyper religious republicans.

These are very complex issues. No band aid individually will save anyone at this point.

Keep repeating your very narrow views about these issues and arguing any one else’s opinion away.

You are surely uncle buck aren’t you?
So, the US has this relatively high rate of death and injury from guns compared to other nations. The number of people who don't think we should do anything about this has dropped precipitously lately. I get that you don't care and really, child, you aren't all that important. I mean, did you cast your vote in any meaningful way the last election? I heard that you threw it away on a third party. You basically made yourself irrelevant.

Anyway, gun control laws work. We've seen them work in many nations. What would be so wrong about the US having the same low rates of gun homicides, mass shootings and injury from gun accidents that other nations enjoy?

I get that you don't care. So you can just blat on about how you don't care if you like. But then again, you are irrelevant.
Are you saying that if we were to enact Canadian gun laws in the U.S., it would prevent school shootings?
I'm saying that Canada's gun laws are effective at reducing harm from guns including harm from mass shootings. Not just Canada.

Not saying all problems solved. We are a violent society. Still, I'd take Canada's gun homicide rate over the US any day.

So tell me, if more guns is the answer to gun violence, why does the US have such a high rate of murder by gun yet orders of magnitude more guns.
67% of americans want much stricter gun control laws. that is a supermajority in every sense. supermajority is an actual word.


the poll was a nationwide poll, klansock.

try not to cry too much, ya little bitch.

Many, many people are not represented in any pole.

I have never even spoken to a census taker before. Am I counted in the population or included in a “did not get counted” percentage.

My views are not represented in any of these published statistics.

You need a better hobby. Try any other section of riu. Weed is good.
Many, many people are not represented in any pole.

I have never even spoken to a census taker before. Am I counted in the population or included in a “did not get counted” percentage.

My views are not represented in any of these published statistics.

You need a better hobby. Try any other section of riu. Weed is good.
you are aware how scientific polling works though, right?

they survey thousands of people nationwide and a form a percentage with a margin of error.

have you and your klan chapter never heard of polling?