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Huh? No they can't.Any semi auto weapon can be bump fired without a bump stock. Pretty strong argument for banning semi auto weapons after Las Vegas massacre.
Huh? No they can't.Any semi auto weapon can be bump fired without a bump stock. Pretty strong argument for banning semi auto weapons after Las Vegas massacre.
Thank you for correcting me. Are you speaking to large caliber hanguns? Please clarify so I can better understand.Huh? No they can't.
Thank you for correcting me. Are you speaking to large caliber hanguns? Please clarify so I can better understand.
I've seen videos of bump fired handguns, but it is hard to imagine doing so with a larger caliber.Well... anything without a stock whether it's a pistol, SBR, etc.
But there's still binary triggers.
I've seen videos of bump fired handguns, but it is hard to imagine doing so with a larger caliber.
My point is that the number of guns will decline over time, so how is that a moot point? You must not know guns very well.Guns can last well over 100 years. Many WW1 and WW2 guns are still seeing action today. Moot point.
It's not hard to rig something up that works with large caliber. Semi-autos are the problem. We didn't have these problems before semi's became common. People in the 60s were every bit as crazy as they are now. School shootings existed in culture (Stephen King wrote Rage in '76 for example), but they were extremely rare. The difference is that technology has made guns more deadly, and everyone and their grandma now owns one. All you fuckers spoiled all the fun.I'm going to guess it was jerry rigged to fuck and had about a 6 foot spread @ 5 yards. As they don't have a stock, it'd take some serious modifications.
It's not hard to rig something up that works with large caliber. Semi-autos are the problem. We didn't have these problems before semi's became common. People in the 60s were every bit as crazy as they are now. School shootings existed in culture (Stephen King wrote Rage in '76 for example), but they were extremely rare. The difference is that technology has made guns more deadly, and everyone and their grandma now owns one. All you fuckers spoiled all the fun.
My point is that the number of guns will decline over time, so how is that a moot point? You must not know guns very well.
Thank you for correcting me. Are you speaking to large caliber hanguns? Please clarify so I can better understand.
Well... anything without a stock whether it's a pistol, SBR, etc.
But there's still binary triggers.
Hey so just a heads up for you folks here, gun related homicides by semi-automatic rifles are a drop in the bucket of gun related homicides. Even further, the amount killed by bump stocks is infinitesimally small, so small I doubt there is any data on it.
The reality is mass shootings produce emotionally driven responses not grounded in any logic whatsoever. Handguns are the primary tool of a murderer, not rifles. Statistically the whole argument against rifles is an absurdity, and wouldn't stand up to any scrutiny.
I was speaking to bump firing without a bump stock, as in these videos:Bump stocks do not exist for handguns as far as I'm aware.
Bump stocks are used on AR-15 and AR-10 platform rifles. The only other way to reproduce the action of a bump stock is to use an actual full automatic firing system with your rifle.
Not sure that makes sense, what is a "binary trigger"?
An SBR has a stock.
I was speaking to bump firing without a bump stock, as in these videos:
Did shot accuracy matter to the Las Vegas killer?A binary trigger shoots both when pulled, and when released. Essentially a two round burst on one trigger pull.
An SBR has a stock, but there's ways around an SBR permit, via a forearm brace.
Back to my point, look at the accuracy. That AK hit the dirt 10 feet in front of him.
I retract my comment on you being a POS. That was wrong of me.No argument there.
You might want to review this. It will save you from heartburn given how sensitive you are about your poor writing skills.
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I was speaking to bump firing without a bump stock, as in these videos:
A binary trigger shoots both when pulled, and when released. Essentially a two round burst on one trigger pull.
An SBR has a stock, but there's ways around an SBR permit, via a forearm brace.
Did shot accuracy matter to the Las Vegas killer?
He used guns.He shot into a crowd of people. So obviously not. I could've taken an 18 wheeler in there and killed 4x as many people. Hell one guy dropping a backpack full of explosives = hundreds dead.
Moot point is moot. If someone wants to commit a mass murder, they can and will. Regardless of the weapon of choice.
The country is awash in guns (300 million of them) but only 35% of US households own one. 65% of households got the message that they are less safe when they have one.It's not hard to rig something up that works with large caliber. Semi-autos are the problem. We didn't have these problems before semi's became common. People in the 60s were every bit as crazy as they are now. School shootings existed in culture (Stephen King wrote Rage in '76 for example), but they were extremely rare. The difference is that technology has made guns more deadly, and everyone and their grandma now owns one. All you fuckers spoiled all the fun.