How a Bump Stock works


the relative rates are the same. I still want Australia's homicide rates. I'll accept Canada's.


No one is forcing you to live in the US pal :)
No one is forcing you to live in the US pal :)
I'm happy if you want to go to an unrestricted firing zone like Somalia if you like.

The thing about those statistics is they hide the ripple effect on friends and family. I get that gun nuts like you don't care. Which is why the polling result that nearly 70% support bans on some long guns and controls on all other fire arms is so surprising to you and other gun nuts. You just can't accept that you are part of a relatively small minority and the super majority is no longer supporting the kinds of freedom you've enjoyed thus far, can you? If gun owners had taken ownership of this issue, the non gun owning community's involvement wouldn't be necessary. But you didn't. I can almost guarantee you won't be happy with what we finally impose upon you. Too bad. You had your chance.

The saying is, with freedom comes responsibility. The NRA, gun dealers and too many gun owners have been irresponsible. It's already too late to make amends.
terrible argument when presented with facts.

i'd be embarrassed

Hella embarassed broham
I'm happy if you want to go to an unrestricted firing zone like Somalia if you like.

The thing about those statistics is they hide the ripple effect on friends and family. I get that gun nuts like you don't care. Which is why the polling result that nearly 70% support bans on some long guns and controls on all other fire arms is so surprising to you and other gun nuts. You just can't accept that you are part of a relatively small minority and the super majority is no longer supporting the kinds of freedom you've enjoyed thus far, can you? If gun owners had taken ownership of this issue, the non gun owning community's involvement wouldn't be necessary. But you didn't. I can almost guarantee you won't be happy with what we finally impose upon you. Too bad. You had your chance.

The saying is, with freedom comes responsibility. The NRA, gun dealers and too many gun owners have been irresponsible. It's already too late to make amends.

Not a gun nut by any means. Only have a few. Have been through educational courses and so on though. So I know half of what is spewed in the media is nonsense.

But, let's be real I'm on a website with a bunch of hippies. Not saying that as a derogatory sense but, you get the point. No ones mind will be changed here.
Hella embarassed broham

Not a gun nut by any means. Only have a few. Have been through educational courses and so on though. So I know half of what is spewed in the media is nonsense.

But, let's be real I'm on a website with a bunch of hippies. Not saying that as a derogatory sense but, you get the point. No ones mind will be changed here.
Let's be real here. You've spent your time saying gun control doesn't work when you say you support gun control. And you look down on hippies. And your mind is resolute about gun control not working even though literally every nation that is similar to the US has strict gun control laws and they work. But the brain cell you call your mind is not going to be changed.

Got it.
Let's be real here. You've spent your time saying gun control doesn't work when you say you support gun control. And you look down on hippies. And your mind is resolute about gun control not working even though literally every nation that is similar to the US has strict gun control laws and they work. But the brain cell you call your mind is not going to be changed.

Got it.

Never said gun control doesn't work. Said buybacks and banning them won't work.

I specifically said I didn't use hippies in a derogatory sense.

And my mind looks at this from both sides. As you're clearly very far left.

Your assumptions are adorable but very off. Goodday m8.
Never said gun control doesn't work. Said buybacks and banning them won't work.

I specifically said I didn't use hippies in a derogatory sense.

And my mind looks at this from both sides. As you're clearly very far left.

Your assumptions are adorable but very off. Goodday m8.
one's own biases go unrecognized by self but others see them clearly

so, spell it out, what gun control measures would you implement
@Bugeye posted just a few hours ago that he's completely for sacrificing public safety for his convenience. At least he's honest about his shitty concern for his own convenience.

54 dead, 120 wounded in mass shootings since the beginning of the year to Feb 14. Real nice @Bugeye. Your convenience was worth it.

At this rate, about 400 dead, 800 wounded on the altar of convenience by year's end.
A real POS comment Fogdog, I exect an apology after you reread the post I made that you are misquoting . I clearly said I would trade off the convenience of a semi-auto for greater public safely. That means I am willing to give it up and support a semi-auto ban in the interest of keeping the public safer.

"5 gun deaths per 100,000 people". The size of the population is taken out of that statistic. Australia has 1 gun homicide per 100,000 people. Doesn't matter how large the population, the US has 5 times rate of higher murder by gun than Aus.

You can thank me for teaching you something now.

I'm fine with gun owners taking themselves out. I'm not encouraging it. But I'm ok with that. The world could do with fewer people who look the other way when people are murdered by the guns they love. Or as @Bugeye says, would trade other people's safety for his convenience.
Misquoting me all over the place. You owe me two apologies.
A real POS comment Fogdog, I exect an apology after you reread the post I made that you are misquoting . I clearly said I would trade off the convenience of a semi-auto for greater public safely. That means I am willing to give it up and support a semi-auto ban in the interest of keeping the public safer.

Why should I apologize? You are the one who said he'd sacrifice public safety for your convenience during target practice.

"I would trade this convenience for greater public safety. "

Matter of interpretation. If you are now clarifying the statement, then I won't criticize you any further.
Why should I apologize? You are the one who said he'd sacrifice public safety for your convenience during target practice.

"I would trade this convenience for greater public safety. "

Matter of interpretation. If you are now clarifying the statement, then I won't criticize you any further.
Yeah right, greater public safety means sacrifice public safety. Tell me more about the other interpretations.
Within the context of what I wrote, my position in support of banning assault rifles was made pretty clear. Here is a repost of what I wrote:

My experience firing an AR with bump stock: giggled just like the guy in the video. Zero ability to place shots, fun to do once, no practical application for me, I would not pay to waste ammo like that again. Concerns: sickos firing into football stadiums or mass crowds like in Las Vegas.

Will banning bump stocks do anything? Probably not, but I support it. I've never done a thumb in the belt loop bump fire, but I know it can be done. So the only way to deter this type of sicko is to get semi-autos off the street. This will be challenging/impossible, possibly require 2nd amendment be changed. But maybe in my kid's lifetime it would make a difference?

I own a semi auto handgun but don't NEED the semi auto function for how I use the weapon. Largely just convenience for practicing. I would trade this convenience for greater public safety.

These thoughts are mine and as far as I know originated in my mind. A statement of the obvious but some new members are confused on where my thoughts come from.
Yeah right, greater public safety means sacrifice public safety. Tell me more about the other interpretations.

Stay in here long enough and he'll read your mind more, I promise.
To summarize for Fogdog:
1) I favor banning bump stocks
2) Since any semi-auto can be bump fired without a bump stock, I think semi-autos also need to be banned
3) Fogdog is a POS

Well at least we agree on two things I guess