CNN is a Discrace..

What is this foreign politics attitude, comrade?
In many world events i noticed cnn being almost anti-american. They even aired UBL extensively and focus greatly on the things that harm the US official positions. Just how much of zarqawi and his comrades did you watch on cnn vs other networks when usa was still in iraq? I might be wrong but it is something I noticed consistently even since before 9/11 when they were sided strongly with the palestinians but then i thought just maybe they were siding with the weaker side against the side of their government. now I think that they are a bought network. Those are only thoughts and opinions, but one thing I know for a fact, is that I am not Russian lol
You can almost hear the accent in the post.
“How do you say, uh penis size”
lol I only forgot the apostrophe, and I don't want to use the D**k word. I was trying to sound more polite lol My mother language is not English, nor is it Russian so there's where the accent or the choice of words might be coming from. Actually I speak 3 languages and Russian is not one of them. If I were Russian I would have said it without shying, but I am not I am just saying. It iis however amusing to argue on this topic from far away and I do not wish to cause any grudges or hard feelings to anyone as it is not close to me and I cannot but take it more lightly that Americans.
I am not Russian. I would have said that you sounded racist then I realised it is more likely that you have a low self satisfaction from your penis size. I am only describing the image that cnn displays about USA. For some reason, the USA is always guilty somehow, and hold the country they supposedly come from responsible for every thing that happens on earth. I am not describing cnn like that because of their attitude towards Trump. But from their attitude on foreign politics, I can only imagine what bullshit they are dumping in the US internal media scene.
Russian? History much?
In many world events i noticed cnn being almost anti-american. They even aired UBL extensively and focus greatly on the things that harm the US official positions. Just how much of zarqawi and his comrades did you watch on cnn vs other networks when usa was still in iraq? I might be wrong but it is something I noticed consistently even since before 9/11 when they were sided strongly with the palestinians but then i thought just maybe they were siding with the weaker side against the side of their government. now I think that they are a bought network. Those are only thoughts and opinions, but one thing I know for a fact, is that I am not Russian lol

Holding America and other nations to moral standards is anti-American? Wanting to improve America by mitigating gun deaths, reforming healthcare, reducing the deficit, reducing military aggression etc. is anti-American?
when someone tells me 5 times that they are NOT! russian, i am forced to conclude that they are definitely russian

It's not so much that as it is the fact it refuses to clear the air and tell you what it in fact is.

That and typing 'lol' every 4th word.

It's probably not Russian. It's probably some half-assed Ukrainian half-breed. (My wife is in fact Russian. They equate the Ukrainians to something along the likes of a mixed dog nobody can actually identify.)
It's not so much that as it is the fact it refuses to clear the air and tell you what it in fact is.

That and typing 'lol' every 4th word.

It's probably not Russian. It's probably some half-assed Ukrainian half-breed. (My wife is in fact Russian. They equate the Ukrainians to something along the likes of a mixed dog nobody can actually identify.)
yeah, i speak a ton of languages but they are western european so i know nothing about the other side of the continent. i can detect the heavy accent though and the trump talking points (aka lies) really stand out as well.

i used to refuse to think that russian trolls and bots were actually hanging out on little stupid sites like ours but its so far beyond any doubt now that it has become a matter of identifying them early now
Take it easy on the guy! He does not live near Russia. I can understand why he may not want to say where he is from, and he has already told you that English is not his first language.


So, in other words, he lives in your basement. Gotcha. That explains a lot. ;)
Looking from far away on another continent at the US and getting to watch CNN international I think cnn is a joke for a network, they are more than bias, they have an ideology that they serve.
Wouldn't you say that about all US media? I read from several non-US media outlets and the news isn't drastically different from what we get at CNN or perhaps Washington Post.

What outlet do you think delivers what you would call fair?
Holding America and other nations to moral standards is anti-American? Wanting to improve America by mitigating gun deaths, reforming healthcare, reducing the deficit, reducing military aggression etc. is anti-American?
I have no idea about the healthcare, deficit and other internal politics. But normally, countries who are considered backwards in democracy, used to learn how to stay united from the USA because of the general acceptance for the results of elections after it happens. You would see people from both parties defending their elected government. Why would anyone want shoot himself in the foot? The image that cnn is trying to display to the world about USA today is not a good one, and they are saying it, like America is now ill because the candidate that they sided with lost the elections. While Trump is not your most ordinary president yet, in my humble far away viewing, I don't see the constructive point in not accepting the elections and becoming a normal country. Is it just me being too stoned and hypersensitive? or is the mood in the US overly stressed for that far into an administration's period?
when someone tells me 5 times that they are NOT! russian, i am forced to conclude that they are definitely russian
Well, insisting on something that I know for a fact is not true makes me wonder how much truth you hold in all your other arguments.
It's not so much that as it is the fact it refuses to clear the air and tell you what it in fact is.

That and typing 'lol' every 4th word.

It's probably not Russian. It's probably some half-assed Ukrainian half-breed. (My wife is in fact Russian. They equate the Ukrainians to something along the likes of a mixed dog nobody can actually identify.)
While I am not Ukranian either, I am really delighted to see how the internet changed lives all over the world, joining people with similar views from all over the world together. Really your pairing with your equally racist wife even while she is from another race, is a story to tell and learn from. Go ahead and have great mixed breed racist kids. I don't know how that will work with them but hate ideologies always find ways so I wouldn't worry about them being raised by such great parents.
yeah, i speak a ton of languages but they are western european so i know nothing about the other side of the continent. i can detect the heavy accent though and the trump talking points (aka lies) really stand out as well.

i used to refuse to think that russian trolls and bots were actually hanging out on little stupid sites like ours but its so far beyond any doubt now that it has become a matter of identifying them early now
Do you speak French? I do. Would a Russian speak French? I guess not? Maybe that "ton" of western european languages that you speak doesn not include French??
Wouldn't you say that about all US media? I read from several non-US media outlets and the news isn't drastically different from what we get at CNN or perhaps Washington Post.

What outlet do you think delivers what you would call fair?
Good argument. I cannot say that any outlet delivers fair news but I have not watched other news except for Fox News. cnn is just more outrageous these days, something about standing that strongly against their own government that makes them stand out. CNN international deliver way less internal news and more international news.
The image that cnn is trying to display to the world about USA today is not a good one, and they are saying it, like America is now ill because the candidate that they sided with lost the elections. While Trump is not your most ordinary president yet, in my humble far away viewing, I don't see the constructive point in not accepting the elections and becoming a normal country. Is it just me being too stoned and hypersensitive?

i think it has to do with you being an obvious russian bot
Good argument. I cannot say that any outlet delivers fair news but I have not watched other news except for Fox News. cnn is just more outrageous these days, something about standing that strongly against their own government that makes them stand out. CNN international deliver way less internal news and more international news.

What was your point again? I read that you thought CNN was distorting the news. Do I read you correctly that you think that FOX is less "outrageous" because they support Trump?

Edit: You live elsewhere than the US and you only get news from CNN or FOX? No local stations or regional stations?
What was your point again? I read that you thought CNN was distorting the news. Do I read you correctly that you think that FOX is less "outrageous" because they support Trump?

Edit: You live elsewhere than the US and you only get news from CNN or FOX? No local stations or regional stations?
CNN always distorted news on foreign politics and I would not be surprised if they do the same on internal politics. I have networks that cover just the headlines on US politics so I cannot know what is going on just from that. From the US I get to watch cnn and fox. Not that any of those is not bias but cnn nowadays looks like is against its own elected government and there are sharp views being expressed there all the time. Anyway, this thread is not about my views and opinions only, I think that I have said more than enough on the subject. I just hope that Americans get along again.
CNN always distorted news on foreign politics and I would not be surprised if they do the same on internal politics. I have networks that cover just the headlines on US politics so I cannot know what is going on just from that. From the US I get to watch cnn and fox. Not that any of those is not bias but cnn nowadays looks like is against its own elected government and there are sharp views being expressed there all the time. Anyway, this thread is not about my views and opinions only, I think that I have said more than enough on the subject. I just hope that Americans get along again.
Is our free press not to question the authority of our public offices?