Aussie Growers Thread

That's why i said "on paper".People over here don't seem to mind having our freedom taken away from us or don't understand that a lot of these new anti-terror or anti-bikie laws can be used against us all.
Ur right most folk dont realise they can use it on anyone they just used the clubs to pass it through.. Imagine being told you cant wear this, you cant go there, you cant be seen with him in public or ill detain ya for weeks until You can prove your innocence is a joke.. My mate cant be seen with his own brother in a public venue for fear of being detained he cant work his trade anymore (tattooist) as there pulling licenses... Australia is a nanny state now.
Ur right most folk dont realise they can use it on anyone they just used the clubs to pass it through.. Imagine being told you cant wear this, you cant go there, you cant be seen with him in public or ill detain ya for weeks until You can prove your innocence is a joke.. My mate cant be seen with his own brother in a public venue for fear of being detained he cant work his trade anymore (tattooist) as there pulling licenses... Australia is a nanny state now.
Australians have turned into a country of brain dead judgmental hypocrites who's only opinions come from regurgitated social media posts or right wing talk back radio.
No one is going to come along and change your situation for you it's up to you. Shit just doesn't happen you have to make it happen and if your lucky you catch a few breaks on the way,if your unlucky you end up with fuck all or you do nothing and nothing will ever change

People are scared to take a chance so end up stuck and miserable.
Any one who has moved a few times knows its an easy thing to do.
On the bike thing.
I got my first bike at 4 and rode all my life apart from the last 10 years. They were my only mode of transport for years at a time and due to my job for 10 years I had a company bike. I also did track days and had a track bike.

All car drivers should have to do a bike riding course before receiving their licence. They don't have to pass the riding test but need to pass the theory. For eg the looking in the distance not whats directly in front, understanding blind spots and how a bikes headlight can get lost in the car following them. Learning the different rules for bike riders-lane splitting for eg. etc.

Mobile phone use is a pet hate of mine and as you guys do I see people on their phone and driving every day. The fines on this needs to be like drink driving. Its probably more dangerous and is more prevalent.