Ban Cowardly Cops


Well-Known Member
on duty school cop hides while kids are slaughtered.
go in, address the killer, kill the killer, any questions?

And long before Cruz embarked on the worst school shooting in Florida history, Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies had multiple warnings that the 19-year-old was a violent threat and a potential school shooter, according to records released Thursday.

In November, a tipster called BSO to say Cruz “could be a school shooter in the making” but deputies did not write up a report on that warning. It came just weeks after a relative called urging BSO to seize his weapons. Two years ago, according to a newly released timeline of interactions with Cruz’s family, a deputy investigated a report that Cruz “planned to shoot up the school” — intelligence that was forwarded to the school’s resource officer, with no apparent result.
on duty school cop hides while kids are slaughtered.
go in, address the killer, kill the killer, any questions?

And long before Cruz embarked on the worst school shooting in Florida history, Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies had multiple warnings that the 19-year-old was a violent threat and a potential school shooter, according to records released Thursday.

In November, a tipster called BSO to say Cruz “could be a school shooter in the making” but deputies did not write up a report on that warning. It came just weeks after a relative called urging BSO to seize his weapons. Two years ago, according to a newly released timeline of interactions with Cruz’s family, a deputy investigated a report that Cruz “planned to shoot up the school” — intelligence that was forwarded to the school’s resource officer, with no apparent result.
Thanks for confirming that the only thing that would have stopped this is stricter gun control laws.

When will be joining the force?
Thanks for confirming that the only thing that would have stopped this is stricter gun control laws.

columbine was 20 years ago. I didnt even hear of a bump stock till recently. Gun control efforts eh?'s that working out for these families?

1) the FBI was called by a relative/friend, warned that this guy was going to become the next school shooter.
2) Several videos were posted and viewed on social media depicting the same guy with firearms.
3) More videos were seen by leo showing the same guy admitting to wanting to be a school shooter
4) Local police were called and warned of all of the above weeks before this happened
5)armed police are stationed at the school to prevent this type of mass murder

that's at least 4 more things that would have stopped this had they been utilized in the fashion we pay for and expect.
Not until we pull our heads out of the sand will anything change. Efforts aimed at abolishing the 2nd amendment are futile and this energy would be better spent with a mental health/firearm possession solution. Ask any cop what the issue is with these, we have in our community and they all said the same; mentally ill and their legal and illegal drugs and ease of access to firearms. I believe them how about you?

@MichiganMedGrower MedGrower

Have to consider also the amount of these childrens' parents are responsible gun owners who maybe instruct at the local range and shoot for sport and hunt with their children. We'll maybe hear from them soon?
Will more kids carry defensive weapons now? You bet!
cops at school!
bullet proofing clothing and backpacks!
adults been busy for decades trying to ban rifles, this is all happening while that takes place.
maybe adults wil put those efforts towards working solutions soon I hope
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Gun control laws don’t affect people who would acquire a gun illegally anyway.

And even if a potential killer could not acquire a gun (which will never happen) they can easily construct explosives or other weapons.

'Gun control laws don’t affect people who would acquire a gun illegally anyway.'

Not true. Gun Control Laws affect EVERYBODY. Gun violence dropped precipitously in every country with effective gun control laws in the books. A lot of industrialized cities register zero gun-related deaths for years.... that's a fever dream in the US and it can be directly attributed to the lack of open sale of weapons....

"And even if a potential killer could not acquire a gun (which will never happen) they can easily construct explosives or other weapons." < Again - not true. no 'killer' can construct a gun as effective at killing as effectively as semi automatic assault rifles specifically designed to put out large numbers of highly deadly ammunition with extreme accuracy. It's not going to happen. If a killer wants to build a large explosive they need to find the explosive material, which in the US is a closely controlled market.

IEDs also have a large failure rate in which some part of the explosive fails. Yet the AR15 which is such a solidly built killing machine 99.99% of the times you need it to hit a target, it'll hit it's target....

This justification of violence because 'killers will be able to kill regardless' is just not a true statement. It's a bullshit pivot by gun fuckers to justify arming themselves. There is no fact based argument against gun control. The numbers are in, the science is clear, and the facts are the facts.

on duty school cop hides while kids are slaughtered.
go in, address the killer, kill the killer, any questions?

And long before Cruz embarked on the worst school shooting in Florida history, Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies had multiple warnings that the 19-year-old was a violent threat and a potential school shooter, according to records released Thursday.

In November, a tipster called BSO to say Cruz “could be a school shooter in the making” but deputies did not write up a report on that warning. It came just weeks after a relative called urging BSO to seize his weapons. Two years ago, according to a newly released timeline of interactions with Cruz’s family, a deputy investigated a report that Cruz “planned to shoot up the school” — intelligence that was forwarded to the school’s resource officer, with no apparent result.
If you had a handgun versus an ar15 you would have ran away crying
they definitely should kick that cops ass, and turn him into a meter maid. he doesn't deserve to carry a weapon.
as far as what to do about this shit in the future? there are several things that could be done.
make parent's responsible for what their children do. maybe they won't be so agreeable to kids owning handguns then.
i'm not sure about the rest of the country, but a private person here can sell any handgun to anyone else they want to, as long as they look old enough, with no i.d., no background check, NOTHING....that has to stop. gun's need to registered to the owners, who are responsible for keeping them from being stolen. i see all these arguments....people are less likely to break into a house where they know the people are armed......i hope people try to break into my house...armed people can help stop crimes.......then the same people will tell you that criminals will just steal guns if they want them....WELL who the fuck are they stealing them from? the lazy fucks who have to have them but can't be bothered to secure them? the fucking gun fairies?
i own a shotgun and a revolver. the shotgun is unloaded in the closet, with a trigger lock on it. the revolver is loaded (with the hammer on an empty chamber) sitting in my desk drawer when i'm home, and locked in my safe when i go out. i at least try to keep anyone from doing something evil with my guns, i don't see many other people doing a damn thing
columbine was 20 years ago. I didnt even hear of a bump stock till recently. Gun control efforts eh?'s that working out for these families?

1) the FBI was called by a relative/friend, warned that this guy was going to become the next school shooter.
2) Several videos were posted and viewed on social media depicting the same guy with firearms.
3) More videos were seen by leo showing the same guy admitting to wanting to be a school shooter
4) Local police were called and warned of all of the above weeks before this happened
5)armed police are stationed at the school to prevent this type of mass murder

that's at least 4 more things that would have stopped this had they been utilized in the fashion we pay for and expect.
Not until we pull our heads out of the sand will anything change. Efforts aimed at abolishing the 2nd amendment are futile and this energy would be better spent with a mental health/firearm possession solution. Ask any cop what the issue is with these, we have in our community and they all said the same; mentally ill and their legal and illegal drugs and ease of access to firearms. I believe them how about you?

@MichiganMedGrower MedGrower

Have to consider also the amount of these childrens' parents are responsible gun owners who maybe instruct at the local range and shoot for sport and hunt with their children. We'll maybe hear from them soon?
Will more kids carry defensive weapons now? You bet!
cops at school!
bullet proofing clothing and backpacks!
adults been busy for decades trying to ban rifles, this is all happening while that takes place.
maybe adults wil put those efforts towards working solutions soon I hope

i heard BSO was called to where the kid lived 31 times minimally..concerning, sure, but only an AR..not like the devils lettuce which is the true killer.
columbine was 20 years ago. I didnt even hear of a bump stock till recently. Gun control efforts eh?'s that working out for these families?

1) the FBI was called by a relative/friend, warned that this guy was going to become the next school shooter.
2) Several videos were posted and viewed on social media depicting the same guy with firearms.
3) More videos were seen by leo showing the same guy admitting to wanting to be a school shooter
4) Local police were called and warned of all of the above weeks before this happened
5)armed police are stationed at the school to prevent this type of mass murder

that's at least 4 more things that would have stopped this had they been utilized in the fashion we pay for and expect.
Not until we pull our heads out of the sand will anything change. Efforts aimed at abolishing the 2nd amendment are futile and this energy would be better spent with a mental health/firearm possession solution. Ask any cop what the issue is with these, we have in our community and they all said the same; mentally ill and their legal and illegal drugs and ease of access to firearms. I believe them how about you?

@MichiganMedGrower MedGrower

Have to consider also the amount of these childrens' parents are responsible gun owners who maybe instruct at the local range and shoot for sport and hunt with their children. We'll maybe hear from them soon?
Will more kids carry defensive weapons now? You bet!
cops at school!
bullet proofing clothing and backpacks!
adults been busy for decades trying to ban rifles, this is all happening while that takes place.
maybe adults wil put those efforts towards working solutions soon I hope

the solution isn't to arm kids, it isn't to bulletproof kids backpacks, it isn't to take kids out of school to be homeschooled, it isn't to militarize the education department, make teachers into navy seals, or any of that bullshit.

the solution is simple - take the 'free' out of the gun market. make it a pain in the ass to get a gun, make it difficult as hell to purchase ammo, make it impossible to buy weapons of war, and take as many guns out of circulation as humanly possible with gun buybacks.

more guns in circulation never EVER EVER correlates to a drop in gun violence. the more guns you put into a community, the more people get shot with said guns.

It should be plain as day.....
'Gun control laws don’t affect people who would acquire a gun illegally anyway.'

Not true. Gun Control Laws affect EVERYBODY. Gun violence dropped precipitously in every country with effective gun control laws in the books. A lot of industrialized cities register zero gun-related deaths for years.... that's a fever dream in the US and it can be directly attributed to the lack of open sale of weapons....

"And even if a potential killer could not acquire a gun (which will never happen) they can easily construct explosives or other weapons." < Again - not true. no 'killer' can construct a gun as effective at killing as effectively as semi automatic assault rifles specifically designed to put out large numbers of highly deadly ammunition with extreme accuracy. It's not going to happen. If a killer wants to build a large explosive they need to find the explosive material, which in the US is a closely controlled market.

IEDs also have a large failure rate in which some part of the explosive fails. Yet the AR15 which is such a solidly built killing machine 99.99% of the times you need it to hit a target, it'll hit it's target....

This justification of violence because 'killers will be able to kill regardless' is just not a true statement. It's a bullshit pivot by gun fuckers to justify arming themselves. There is no fact based argument against gun control. The numbers are in, the science is clear, and the facts are the facts.


You had a reasonable (if not repeated here constantly) argument about gun control until you got to your real feelings in the last paragraph.

I don’t own any firearms. I am not defending the right to own a war weapon. I don’t even see the need without wanting to commit a crime to possess a handgun.

But this is America. And we the people are allowed to own guns. It is far too late to take that back. And the problem is much deeper than gun control and you all know it.

You can site examples from other countries but the people there are in agreement with the laws as a majority.

We need much better mental health awareness and care. And to stop persecuting those who want help. At least to start.

Instead of just complaining what do you propose?Sending police in to take the guns from the people in my area would end badly. And just about every household has a whole collection being passed down from grandfather to grandson and granddaughter.

And many of these weapons are military issue from their careers.

Somewhat separate topic but related. Most of the guns I am referring but too are not in any data base. And many of them are assault rifles.
the solution isn't to arm kids, it isn't to bulletproof kids backpacks, it isn't to take kids out of school to be homeschooled, it isn't to militarize the education department, make teachers into navy seals, or any of that bullshit.

the solution is simple - take the 'free' out of the gun market. make it a pain in the ass to get a gun, make it difficult as hell to purchase ammo, make it impossible to buy weapons of war, and take as many guns out of circulation as humanly possible with gun buybacks.

more guns in circulation never EVER EVER correlates to a drop in gun violence. the more guns you put into a community, the more people get shot with said guns.

It should be plain as day.....

but then what will preppers do?
the solution is simple - take the 'free' out of the gun market. make it a pain in the ass to get a gun, make it difficult as hell to purchase ammo, make it impossible to buy weapons of war, and take as many guns out of circulation as humanly possible with gun buybacks.

I'd vote for that.
school shootings will continue though sadly even if.

How many teens will need to take the same drug and kill people before someone admits the drug may be a factor?
We know who the mentally ill kids were, all off them were known. Parents and doctors drugged them, armed them and now what, everyone's surprised this could happen, every goddamned year in schools across the country, still for decades even. same drugs, same deaths, same shit.
Who should be surprised that EVERY American school massacre was committed by kids and young adults prescribed this
same group of drugs?


It would seem impossible for a teenager to acquire an assault weapon and kill others unless first HE is enabled by a very specific mind altering drug in this country. chew on that

Banning the tools(from everyone) of this very small group of medicated school shooters seems redundant. They were already banned from owning these guns, from shooting kids at school , owning firearms with that intent too. Their parents believed like many here that this class of drugs cannot affect kids this way and continue to allow them to own and use firearms. This is a clue to all the other parents I hope, the ones allowing their kids to be doped by experimental drugs, with access to guns.
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columbine was 20 years ago. I didnt even hear of a bump stock till recently. Gun control efforts eh?'s that working out for these families?

1) the FBI was called by a relative/friend, warned that this guy was going to become the next school shooter.
2) Several videos were posted and viewed on social media depicting the same guy with firearms.
3) More videos were seen by leo showing the same guy admitting to wanting to be a school shooter
4) Local police were called and warned of all of the above weeks before this happened
5)armed police are stationed at the school to prevent this type of mass murder

that's at least 4 more things that would have stopped this had they been utilized in the fashion we pay for and expect.
Not until we pull our heads out of the sand will anything change. Efforts aimed at abolishing the 2nd amendment are futile and this energy would be better spent with a mental health/firearm possession solution. Ask any cop what the issue is with these, we have in our community and they all said the same; mentally ill and their legal and illegal drugs and ease of access to firearms. I believe them how about you?

@MichiganMedGrower MedGrower

Have to consider also the amount of these childrens' parents are responsible gun owners who maybe instruct at the local range and shoot for sport and hunt with their children. We'll maybe hear from them soon?
Will more kids carry defensive weapons now? You bet!
cops at school!
bullet proofing clothing and backpacks!
adults been busy for decades trying to ban rifles, this is all happening while that takes place.
maybe adults wil put those efforts towards working solutions soon I hope
So you don't believe in the second amendment, great.
I'd vote for that.
school shootings will continue though sadly even if.

How many teens will need to take the same drug and kill people before someone admits the drug may be a factor?
We know who the mentally ill kids were, all off them were known. Parents and doctors drugged them, armed them and now what, everyone's surprised this could happen, every goddamned year in schools across the country, still for decades even. same drugs, same deaths, same shit.
Who should be surprised that EVERY American school massacre was committed by kids and young adults prescribed this
same group of drugs?


It would seem impossible for a teenager to acquire an assault weapon and kill others unless first HE is enabled by a very specific mind altering drug in this country. chew on that

Banning the tools(from everyone) of this very small group of medicated school shooters seems redundant. They were already banned from owning these guns, form shooting kids at school too. They're parents believed like many here that this class of drugs cannot affect kids this way and continue to allow them to own and use firearms. This is a clue to all the other parents I hope, the ones allowing their kids to be doped by experimental drugs, with access to guns.

anti depressants are not mind altering and they allow millions of people every day to be functioning members of society. reuptake of serotonin isn't mind altering. serotonin makes you feel better and the medicine allows you extra serotonin- your own brain chemical. i believe misdiagnosis plays a bigger part. kids are not always truthful. getting you the right medicine can be tricky.

what's crazy is the exposure this kid had to law enforcement over and many opportunties.