What did you accomplish today?

Fuck trimming.... I feel your pain.

Left side,just below my shoulder blade to be exact.

Good night everyone

It's mainly my lower back from sitting so much and my fucked up eye, I start going cross eyed after a couple hours.
It's mainly my lower back from sitting so much and my fucked up eye, I start going cross eyed after a couple hours.
Gotta love feeling spun out after triming all day.
The worst for me nowadays is after trimming for hours and hours my diaphragm starts hurting. Or something up in there. It makes me forget how bad my back hurts.

I keep promissing my trimmer buddy i’m gonna buy him a varidesk. He’s got a fucked up back too.
Posture people, the weed is light, don't move your body around the weed, move the weed to fit your body.

Oh well, I have a fire going again. Don't feel like cooking. It is boerewors rolls tonight. maybe with some braised tomato and onion.
I'm going to be calling it Boer wars for ever now LOL. Are you going to braai it mmmm. What kind of roll? What do you put with it? (I just smoked and I haven't had lunch, so you are virtually eating for two).
Smokin', sippin' and trimmin'. Looks like that'll be the majority of my weekend.

I've hit the exercise bike for a half hour, 2 days in a row now. Nothing really exerting, I'm just trying to get the routine going. Mostly for aerobic benefits to try and counteract my horrible diet, if I lose some weight, great. It's honestly amazing I'm not bigger than I am. I had steak and eggs for breakfast, sauteed in butter, with waffles, slathered in butter, and maple syrup. Then I made mac and cheese with tuna, just extra butter and the cheese pack, why water it down with milk? Oh and a couple pieces of corn bread.... with butter, my friend thought it was cream cheese I put it on so think. That's a fairly typical day, I'm so dying of heart problems.

My name's Weedfreak, and I'm a butterholic.
Replaced the rear ball joints, swing arms, control arms, drove it to the tire shop for two new rear tires and an alignment, got the rental tools back to the shop and hit the road for a test drive, rides like new(er).
I'm just glad to have it back on the road. it's been down for about 6 months. Time for a road trip.
Replaced the rear ball joints, swing arms, control arms, drove it to the tire shop for two new rear tires and an alignment, got the rental tools back to the shop and hit the road for a test drive, rides like new(er).
I'm just glad to have it back on the road. it's been down for about 6 months. Time for a road trip.
That would do it. bet it's not hopping all over the road now.
I'm going to be calling it Boer wars for ever now LOL. Are you going to braai it mmmm. What kind of roll? What do you put with it? (I just smoked and I haven't had lunch, so you are virtually eating for two).

It is like a staple at outdoor events. When you park the car, your nose tells you where you will get your boerewors roll later on. Yeah, sausage in a pan tastes meh. Braaing is the only way to unlock flavor and get rid of the fat.
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It is like a staple at outdoor events. When you park the car, your nose tells you where you will get your boerewors roll later on. Yeah, sausage in a pan tastes meh. Braaing is the only way to unlock flavor and get rid of the fat.
Tell me you aren't the type of person who pokes their sausage to drain the fat. That's the whole point of cased meat, keep all the flavor in. I agree about them being better over a flame than in a pan, you can't get the same char in a pan.

I think I'm gonna grab some hot Italian sausage and some peppers now.
Good thing I played this super realistic video game ....according to Lil Inda.

Because I definitely do not want a Lamborghini or a Ferrari ..... It's obvious they'd drive exactly the same IRL..... Fuckin people spending all this money on shit.

K, I'm off to figure out how to cheat against my 6yr old.

Morning everyone

The realization that my children could kill me and their enjoyment,and skill only get better with time left me wondering. o_O