Interesting MagSulfur recipe. Can you explain why you use DB sugar instead of like BS Molasses?
Amen on the AACT...I use Ancient Forest Alaskan Humus, BS Molasses and GH Floraliscious plus in my teas, I only mix it in my water at 20-25% concentration.
I get a far better carb content delivered by the refined sugar over the molasses... Better (faster) micro feeding, for faster bio expansion. Thus better availability and increased uptake. Still get the benefit of some micro's from the brown part.
If it's micro's your shooting for at the rates in molasses. I prefer to ferment my molasses and use the results., adding that to the formula's as another ingr.
Add molasses and water to thin the molasses by 50% - So 1:1 water to molasses.
Add a brewers yeast and let it sit in a jug with a bubbler on top (beer/wine making shop for this stuff) and let it run 10-14 days.
Now pour into a stock pot and lightly boil or simmer down by 50% - back to that syrup consistency. This evaporates the alcohol and kills the yeast off.
Use that at 1 tsp to a gallon of that or any mix that you want to add an organic micro source to...
I add this to my 6% K sulfate mix.....
My teas are basic
Some steer compost
Bakers molasses
(Has a higher sugar content)
I never add Kelp meal to AACT as it inhibits the bio counts by as much as 45%!
Sometimes I might add a bit of Dr. Earths alfalfa meal to add some more light NPK value....This is also the mix that gets sprayed on our fields in the spring....(organic farm and a massive Vortex brewer)
So, see what I mean about the sugar and the molasses.....Not a fan of putting raw molasses in soils....