What did you accomplish today?

When are you going to squeeze in LOOKING IN THE FUCKING BUSHES?
I know right? What's it gonna take, 5 minutes, maybe? Drive by with your kid, throw a toy out the window into the bush, go retrieve the toy he threw out the window. Use a matchbox, they still sell those? or something that's heavy enough to penetrate the bush... heh heh..:hump:

I have not forgot guys.... Il snap some pics when I go ....and remember it was pitched out almost 20 years back.
Thanks, I'm in Los Angeles our tap water has plenty of chlorine or I would. I keep the cloner dark and change the water every couple of days. That's one of the reasons I stopped using RO. I like to leave the Chlorine, Ca and Mg alone, instead of stripping it and adding it again LOL.
A while back, we were building the new Palo Alto VA hospital. I ripped my hand open pretty good while framing and they sent me to stanford to get stitched up. They did some kind of test on me. A blind test using either saline solution or tap water to first clean the cut. The tap water in the area has pretty good amounts of chlorine. Maybe even chloramines too, can’t remember long time ago.

That’s the end of the story sorry. I don’t know which one i got. It didn’t get infected, and they never told me.
I guess my whole area got a upgrade to 100 mb. all my tests are coming back at 120.

Do you have spectrum? They just did the same shit with us legacy time warner customers, although they've been offering 100 mbps for a while now they're only now starting to move legacy customers over. The guy on the phone said I would have had to cancel the contract with Time Warner to be given the 40mbps increase.. because it obviously requires my permission to receive better service!
I just made a pile of sauteed onions and then threw a 1lb sirloin into a hot cast iron pan. Basted that meat with a half stick of butter at the end with S&P, garlic, shallots, thyme, basil, tarragon and sage. Hmmmm, meat. If you aren't drowning that steak in butter, you're doing it wrong.

Also dug out some of my Sam Adams Oktoberfest.

I guess my whole area got a upgrade to 100 mb. all my tests are coming back at 120.

Lucky. I pay for 25 and usually pull about 6

A while back, we were building the new Palo Alto VA hospital. I ripped my hand open pretty good while framing and they sent me to stanford to get stitched up. They did some kind of test on me. A blind test using either saline solution or tap water to first clean the cut. The tap water in the area has pretty good amounts of chlorine. Maybe even chloramines too, can’t remember long time ago.
That’s the end of the story sorry. I don’t know which one i got. It didn’t get infected, and they never told me.

Shiiiiit. I'da been all indignant on them, like "do I look like a fucking guinea pig to you!?!?!? You better put some bubbly shit, and some neosporin on it before you stitch it and cover it all with superglue. I need my hands to masterbate, bofum."
Lucky. I pay for 25 and usually pull about 6

Shiiiiit. I'da been all indignant on them, like "do I look like a fucking guinea pig to you!?!?!? You better put some bubbly shit, and some neosporin on it before you stitch it and cover it all with superglue. I need my hands to masterbate, bofum."
The mother fuckers shot me in the shoulder with the tetanus shot too! Fucking assholes
Got home from work and decided to get my old fish pond pulled out and ready for a new one..... The worst part was the old wine barrel halfs...they sucked getting out....now I'm trying to decide if I want to use a wine barrel cut in half again ....or do a single pond liner with the river rock stacked around it....I'm sure momma will help with that decision.