Greenpoint Seeds (Uncut)

Fox Farms Cha Ching, one of the 3 part powder bloom boosters works well to add a lot of weight in the final weeks of bloom. But if you don't etch it can cause fox tailing pretty bad. Claims to increase trich and resin production too which that part I don't notice.
The only thing if i can recall to increase trich production is a folier spray that i remember reading a while back a few guys saying the shit works.I know one of the growers and he dont make shit up to be cool or nothing.Ill try and remember what it was but it something weird they sprayed on the buds a week or two into flower but said it relly brought the trichs out
The LG.I already got it.its a quad Zone 9+9+9+9.I wanted the LG cause you can add in an external wall mounted thermostat.This is kind of important to me cause i like to lower day and night time temps in flower and keep them about 10 degrees apart.My night time schedule is always during the day.I run my lights from 11 PM to 11 am and off during the day cause days ar warmer and the AC has to work harder during the day.
I had a ceiling mounted AC in my old setup with a extr\ernal thermostat wall mount hooked from relays to the compressor.Its an old ass AC but i got it wired to a doorbell transformer and 8 dollar relay hooked to a programmable thermostat.Shit works good as fuk

I am looking for one as well for the spring and summer approaching. I'm sure you deal with a lot more heat than me being in FL. We have extreme humidity here through the summer as well. I am same as you, I run my 12/12 Lights off during day and lights on during Night. Lights come on at 7pm and go off at 7am. I keep my lights on temps between 74 and 78 degrees and my lights out between 67 and 72.
I got a crazy ass plant man im about to go take a picture ill post it.Its a gunslinger in VEG with fucking trichs growing on it.The plant didnt branch out like crazy but it is the frostiest one ive seen in a while.Ill be back in a few.
I got a crazy ass plant man im about to go take a picture ill post it.Its a gunslinger in VEG with fucking trichs growing on it.The plant didnt branch out like crazy but it is the frostiest one ive seen in a while.Ill be back in a few.

Yeah sounds like you better be cloning that and/or planning to reveg man. All plants from seed I have grown like that outdoor I regretted not cloning. They always end up being ridiculously frosty and usually I find these in all honesty, in bag seed grows. I love growing random bag seed outdoors, I always get some bad ads plants pop up here and there and at anytime could find my own personal elite clone onlys...

My Gorilla Glue 4 cuts are showing tons of trichs on the leaves right now, they are in day 3 12/12 right now but have been showing this since there second week of veg.
The only thing if i can recall to increase trich production is a folier spray that i remember reading a while back a few guys saying the shit works.I know one of the growers and he dont make shit up to be cool or nothing.Ill try and remember what it was but it something weird they sprayed on the buds a week or two into flower but said it relly brought the trichs out

It wasn't Primordial Solutions True Blooms, was it? That is an excellent product to be used in foiliar applications during flower. And it works great at building flowers.
This greenpoint shit grows tall and big.Ive bent these over 3 times and they still ended up almost 6 feet tall.flipped them at 3 weeks old.I normally scrog everything but as you can see i knew right away the scrog was gonna be worthless with this the way this shit stretches.You would need 10 foot ceilings to scrog this shit lol.

So you have the paclo based product that was banned? PGRs in my past experience always reduced trich development rather than increased it, but did add tremendous weight gain. Up to double the yield in some cases.. You sure your not talking about snow storm?
Thats probably it ha ha blizard wtf was i thinking lmao

I dont use it anymore in fact i might have chucked it come to think about it

But i remember it would frost your plants way out
In my coco grows

But since i bought it right when i went into hydro like 13 years ago mabey more so i never used it up.

I remember the three little bottles
Of gravity bushmaster. And snow storm
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I got a crazy ass plant man im about to go take a picture ill post it.Its a gunslinger in VEG with fucking trichs growing on it.The plant didnt branch out like crazy but it is the frostiest one ive seen in a while.Ill be back in a few.
Yup you know its good when trichs are on it in veg
Im not so sure nutrients can increase trichs.The only thing i ever noticed to increase them was lower temperatures in flower.I think good trich production starts with the genetics.Has anyone ever done a side by side of clones with and without the added supposed trich boosters?

Both Mag Sulfate and Potassium sulfate will increase trich production. Several products are sold on the market to do so. They have stupid high price tags for the insanely cheap ingredients in it.

The above statement is proven fact....I have people come back and tell me how much my formulas work, a cpl have even said better then the store bought (Why I chose the Carb form I used) I back engineered the the formula's because I could make them for less then a buck a gallon for the Mg sulfate one and less then 4 bucks for the K sulfate one.

I can guarantee these don't create foxtailing either..... @psychadelibud You may have had other issues doing that...Don't think I have to go through that

The formula's are stupid simple to make...

Mg sulfate formula:

8 TBL Epsom salts

1.5 tsp DARK BROWN sugar

1 gallon RO

Mix well and 10 ml per gallon of feed....every feeding...

Potassium Sulfate formula....(this increases bud size too....I mean K does that..period)

I'll give you 2 formulas.
1 is for a 10% solution.
The other is 6%, and I've settled in on the use of the 6% personally (Due to the amount of K being applied, or in the soil already)

382 grams of Potassium sulfate (0-0-50 and the 53% version is good too....I have that for the farm, so I use that. [10%]
227 grams of K sulfate.

1.5 tsp DARK BROWN sugar.

1 gallon RO

Mix these well and I used to dissolve by heating but, don't any more. Just mix and shake till dissolved. Same 10 ml per gallon, every feeding.

Notes on these formulas

I get asked why not Molasses for the carb source. It adds micro's.....Yes it does but it doesn't have the carb "bang" I'm looking for to feed the bio's in the soil. This increase in bio activity, increases the up take of the compound. Makes it more effective......

Now for use in synthetic runs.... I adjust the K sulfate formula a bit for just that...
I will use a molasses - fermented molasses! This removes the carbs from the molasses. Once fermentation of your molasses is complete. You simply simmer it on the know, light boil.....This evaporates the alcohol and your left with a nice micro source.

Mix un-sulfured molasses with an equal amount of water and add a brewers yeast....Let ferment for 14 days to get a very complete carb removal. (be sure you use a closed and bubbler topped jug - the same as home brewing)
Now simply simmer it and reduce by half the volume - back to the thickness of the molasses, as it was.

Use this at .5 tsp a gallon.

I use organic compound source's....

This works! Many use it.... The bi-product is increased terp production, and not just by increased trich volume either! I've had every person who's tried it say, It sure does make your plants stink more. Even a cpl of folks who didn't like it in the end (hyper organic, vegan growers)...

Give it a shot. Whats to lose?


Why are you going to spend a shit ton of money on Mammoth P?
For Christ sake man, you can do the same thing with a simple AACT bio tea! The only difference is that the Mam P is filtered, has a more specific bio cross section, concentrated, and has been formulated to keep the living bio's alive longer for shelf life.

One of the things they don't tell you, is that the bio's are slowly becoming less effective as time passes about 4-5 months in the bottle.....At what is it? 6 months the product is taken off the shelves and discarded. Because the bio's have died off so much they have become ineffective!

Now it's not a far reach to see that some dealers maybe redoing the date codes on the packaging....I mean, look at the ab-so-fucking-lutely INSANE price for that shit!

Make some AACT and do the same thing ... Besides any big increase in P can, and does ripen the plant faster.....I feel that is not a good side effect.....Not only that, it's increasing all nutrient up take..(Mam P). So the benefits of the added K are doing more for bud size then the damn P is.
In all my time growing. I found increased P is ok but, you need to temper that, and specific timed increases and reductions can be far better then any huge. mid bloom boost of P..

Look at AACT like this....In my organic runs. I use a cpl of Closely timed AACT applications, mid bloom, to do the same thing Mam P does. This boost's the plant uptake in P, in my SS's..
The living bio's increased action in the soil, increases the availability... To make AACT at home.....So stupid, stupid cheap!

Be smarter then nutrient makers!

Give these a shot...
Yup you know its good when trichs are on it in veg

Trich's in veg is a bred in trait. Comes from certain Sativa strains.....
You may want to pay attention to those. They like to give a false finish by some early color changing. They also tend to have a "red" color when indicating "done"...Not a brown or tan....Use your best judgement on these....I suggest you run as long as you can for these...
Hey @Chunky Stool talking about PGRs. An old school grower that I have known for many of years, told me that he noticed that the plants he has grown in red clay soil, doesn't yield as much as the plants grown in looser, loamy, richer soil (basically due to the red clay not having as much aeration) but he swore that the ones grown in red clay had much harder and denser nuggets. This is also something I have noticed as well and I have no idea why... But its true. I wonder if red clay contains a PGR of some sort.

After me and him discussing it I be live a few years ago I had looked it up and seen that some products were actually made with some sort of clay... Bloombastic being one of those (I think)... I have access to all the red clay in the world here in KY... Red clay is VERY nutritious and holds tons of nutrients and retains moisture great. I always incorporate it into my outdoor soil mixes.. 50% promix and compost to 50% native soil which has lots of clay. But it would be cool if I could make a flower hardener out of it somehow. I have plants in flower to experiment on.
There's something special about clay. I've been using calcined clay for years with good results. Roots are always healthier.
Not exactly sure why.
I let my medium dry out *almost* completely between feedings and I think clay holds a tiny bit of moisture longer than peat/coco/whatever -- and this helps keep microbes from dying off.
I haven't broken out a microscope or anything, but I think that's what is going on.

Stoner intuition. :eyesmoke:
This greenpoint shit grows tall and big.Ive bent these over 3 times and they still ended up almost 6 feet tall.flipped them at 3 weeks old.I normally scrog everything but as you can see i knew right away the scrog was gonna be worthless with this the way this shit stretches.You would need 10 foot ceilings to scrog this shit lol.

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View attachment 4089975
Oh shit, I might be in trouble. It's only the second week of flower and my chinook haze are already 3 feet tall. :shock:
Oh shit, I might be in trouble. It's only the second week of flower and my chinook haze are already 3 feet tall. :shock:

Have you threw in any training techniques yet? Topping, super cropping, LST, scrog?

Do you have pics of your grow Chunky? I'm interested in seeing everything.
Have you threw in any training techniques yet? Topping, super cropping, LST, scrog?

Do you have pics of your grow Chunky? I'm interested in seeing everything.
I was going to just veg the Chinook Haze until they were about 12", then flip em, but they ended up being more like 18"+.
My other plants have been topped.
I can't get a pic until later tonight when the lights come back on. Gonna be almost another 12 hrs. (11/13 schedule)
My grow room nothing fancy, and after removing a shitload of males, it's not crowded at all.
Damn it. :-(

I used to grow in a 5X5 tent, but recently expanded and took the whole corner of the garage. Blackout curtains + shelving & tarps do a pretty good job keeping light out during the day. I'll snap a pic from the outside...
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