Greenpoint Seeds (Uncut)

Yeah someone else on this thread had same issue with hooked me up with a new pack of something else when I only got 1 female out of the whole pack so I'm not worried.shit happens.
Are you sure Triacontanol comes from kelp? I always thought it was derived from alfalfa.
I make a custom extract called "Kelpfalfa" and freeze it in ice trays. Because TRIA is an alcohol chain, it's hard to get it to freeze solid and handling the cubes is always messy.

It comes from alfalfa as well as kelp. Kelp contains natural PGR as well. Look up Humboldt Counties Own Nutrients new formula, that replaced the old Gravity. Its called Gravitation #10 and is a flower hardener and reduces stretch. It is kelp based.


Here is a link to the product on their website that explains it further..
The zamaldelicas have been a learning experience.
And I'm not exactly thrilled to only get 4 females out of 11 Chinook Haze seeds.
Now I've got extra plant count & can't decide between taking clones or popping new beans.
Got a pack of "Half & Half" from cannaventure that I really want to try.
And they're feminized, which is nice. :roll:
I still have an old bollte of gravity and the stuff that increased trich production with a winter picture on it

Worked killer in coco but put that shit in a dwc and whoa funky town haha. (Yes i knw it says not to put into hydro. But i had to try it once lo
Im not so sure nutrients can increase trichs.The only thing i ever noticed to increase them was lower temperatures in flower.I think good trich production starts with the genetics.Has anyone ever done a side by side of clones with and without the added supposed trich boosters?
I have used the supposed "trich" enhancers... Not really any difference to be honest. Most of these products seem just cause a little extra weight but unless your a fan of foxtails and crowning, they are likely not gonna be your choice.

However, you are correct on the lower temps... Also what matters even more than that is dropping the humidity very very low in last 3 weeks or so of flower. That adds more Reich's althan anything else I have experimented with. Plus reduces chances of Botrytis outbreaks.

Another plus, honest to God I have seen and done past side by sides was adding mollases and without. Carb loading throughout flowering increases oils, resins and Reich's greatly... Especially odors. A lot of people will tell you that's true only of growing in soil or organically but nope, it works in soiless as well. Well promos is not spoke as but you get the point... I use a combination of chems and organics for best results.
One more thing I have growing outdoors is that top dressing with lots of guano does a great job at enhancing overall bud development, odor and overall better looking buds as well.

I remember back in the day, when harvest was approaching, I would go to the ice machines up town and get several 5 gallon buckets full of ice. If mix 50/50 with water and water them with it, ice cubes and all and I could tell a difference with that too. Did that in the final week to week and half of flower. Anything to stress the plants (excluding heat) in the last few weeks seems to always push out more aroma and trich development.

I am gonna incorporate Mammoth P this grow, anyone have any experience with that? Heard great things about it... It isn't a trich booster but it has beneficial microbes in it similar to recharge which I use and love (my roots are so dense in as quite as 3 weeks after transplant in 5 gallon containers that I can barely stick a popscicle stick into the medium) but mammoth P works exclusively on the phosphorous uptake mechanism... Sounds like good stuff... Neither of these products are harmed or changed by the use of chemical fertilizers with them. They work the same with organic or chemical feeding regiments...
I still have an old bollte of gravity and the stuff that increased trich production with a winter picture on it

Worked killer in coco but put that shit in a dwc and whoa funky town haha. (Yes i knw it says not to put into hydro. But i had to try it once lo

So you have the paclo based product that was banned? PGRs in my past experience always reduced trich development rather than increased it, but did add tremendous weight gain. Up to double the yield in some cases.. You sure your not talking about snow storm?
Hey @Chunky Stool talking about PGRs. An old school grower that I have known for many of years, told me that he noticed that the plants he has grown in red clay soil, doesn't yield as much as the plants grown in looser, loamy, richer soil (basically due to the red clay not having as much aeration) but he swore that the ones grown in red clay had much harder and denser nuggets. This is also something I have noticed as well and I have no idea why... But its true. I wonder if red clay contains a PGR of some sort.

After me and him discussing it I be live a few years ago I had looked it up and seen that some products were actually made with some sort of clay... Bloombastic being one of those (I think)... I have access to all the red clay in the world here in KY... Red clay is VERY nutritious and holds tons of nutrients and retains moisture great. I always incorporate it into my outdoor soil mixes.. 50% promix and compost to 50% native soil which has lots of clay. But it would be cool if I could make a flower hardener out of it somehow. I have plants in flower to experiment on.
One more thing I have growing outdoors is that top dressing with lots of guano does a great job at enhancing overall bud development, odor and overall better looking buds as well.

I remember back in the day, when harvest was approaching, I would go to the ice machines up town and get several 5 gallon buckets full of ice. If mix 50/50 with water and water them with it, ice cubes and all and I could tell a difference with that too. Did that in the final week to week and half of flower. Anything to stress the plants (excluding heat) in the last few weeks seems to always push out more aroma and trich development.

I am gonna incorporate Mammoth P this grow, anyone have any experience with that? Heard great things about it... It isn't a trich booster but it has beneficial microbes in it similar to recharge which I use and love (my roots are so dense in as quite as 3 weeks after transplant in 5 gallon containers that I can barely stick a popscicle stick into the medium) but mammoth P works exclusively on the phosphorous uptake mechanism... Sounds like good stuff... Neither of these products are harmed or changed by the use of chemical fertilizers with them. They work the same with organic or chemical feeding regiments...
He talks about mammoth P towards the end of this grow.Said it made a difference.I run in DWC and use Dry Koolbloom which is pretty much the same thing.I notice a big difference using it the last 2 weeks

Here is what I was talking about with the clay... Notice the ingredients in bloombastic, the last ingredient mentioned...

Content: Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Hydroxide, Phosphoric Acid, Iron EDTA, Phosphorus Pent oxide and Clay mineral.
He talks about mammoth P towards the end of this grow.Said it made a difference.I run in DWC and use Dry Koolbloom which is pretty much the same thing.I notice a big difference using it the last 2 weeks

I will watch that. A lot of commercial growers in Colorado are using it. I have a friend from Lexington Ky who owns one of the top rated dispensary shops and groweries in Colorado and he swears by Mammoth P. I'm gonna order me a bottle tonight and try it out.

Never used KoolBloom, but MOAB, Beastie Bloomz, Hawaiin bud and bloom and a few more have always worked great for me. Moab was the most recent PK booster I have messed with and I loved it.

I hit them with a PK booster in the first week, first feeding, then back to veg nutes with quarter strength PK booster every time I feed... Then back off veg mutes mid flower and start back on the PK.
Heisengrow which mini split are you going with? What brand?
The LG.I already got it.its a quad Zone 9+9+9+9.I wanted the LG cause you can add in an external wall mounted thermostat.This is kind of important to me cause i like to lower day and night time temps in flower and keep them about 10 degrees apart.My night time schedule is always during the day.I run my lights from 11 PM to 11 am and off during the day cause days ar warmer and the AC has to work harder during the day.
I had a ceiling mounted AC in my old setup with a extr\ernal thermostat wall mount hooked from relays to the compressor.Its an old ass AC but i got it wired to a doorbell transformer and 8 dollar relay hooked to a programmable thermostat.Shit works good as fuk
Fox Farms Cha Ching, one of the 3 part powder bloom boosters works well to add a lot of weight in the final weeks of bloom. But if you don't etch it can cause fox tailing pretty bad. Claims to increase trich and resin production too which that part I don't notice.
I did a quick search on Mammoth and people were complaining about fluffy airy buds and weird growth.I just use all Gen Hydro stuff basic as can be and use the liquid koolbloom start of flower and use dry the last 2 weeks.I get pretty damn nice crops.