Aussie Growers Thread

I'm not a big fan of WW i much prefer White Shark (WW x Skunk) and White Rhino (WW x Afghan) but all 3 can be super potent.
yup - some of the only smoke I wouldnt mix with a couple of drinks. actually thats not true but its dangerous when you do

well my connect sold we what he saidvwas white widow cant even remember it was fuken shity grown weed tho ill reserve judge ment for mine getten some more soon i really liked tje last bag not long now lol rekon i could smoke nugs under dont now about any one else
well my connect sold we what he saidvwas white widow cant even remember it was fuken shity grown weed tho ill reserve judge ment for mine getten some more soon i really liked tje last bag not long now lol rekon i could smoke nugs under dont now about any one else
If i was 13 again i'd take you on in a smoke off,it wouldn't be fair now lol
WW fkd me up if people are having lots of cones straight up then I'm flabbergasted. (but then I don't smoke much)

I also had a cookie of it and I was FKD....Like really FKD. scary fkd. I was stoned for 2 days..maybe 3.
Scared me away from cookies and the guys I passed em on to got the same fkd up.
I'm a drinker..i mix em all with more than a couple of drinks..but I always smoke and Then drink.
Now i don't drink i get a perverse pleasure from pulling out some strong weed when i'm out and everyone's on the drink and rolling a spliff taking a few hits and passing it on and repeating till there's a few going round and watching the carnage unfold
lol in all honesty if where smoking tje locel weed here id win cuse i dont think ud wanna smoke it weed youve grown i rekon id surprise u but lol i godda find my case for my ipad so can fim smoking the biggest cone i can i think my bongs 2 dirty to pull proply ay some times its like its blokked but its dee not i thing tje reson is just 2 stick to tje sides thinking of maken one but i hate fukennaround with the grommet nevver neded that way back in tje day tne old garden hose lol
lol whhy with tnis site some bodys right its like in tjere mind that can now be pricks becuse thay where rigjt like jesus this bloke needs to get help n thats comming from me lol what a stalker llol
lol in all honesty if where smoking tje locel weed here id win cuse i dont think ud wanna smoke it weed youve grown i rekon id surprise u but lol i godda find my case for my ipad so can fim smoking the biggest cone i can i think my bongs 2 dirty to pull proply ay some times its like its blokked but its dee not i thing tje reson is just 2 stick to tje sides thinking of maken one but i hate fukennaround with the grommet nevver neded that way back in tje day tne old garden hose lol
I recon u would be the type to just keep hitting cones. Once ur stoned and haven't whited out then u can just keep hitting them..cones are not edables
I recon u would be the type to just keep hitting cones. Once ur stoned and haven't whited out then u can just keep hitting them..cones are not edables
iv had about 3 fecos b4 one at a time i founde once it started kiking in i was out shortly after but i wad a very hevy body stoned i dont know what whiting out is is that where u smoke past the point of its not getting u high sort of thing