Trump cuts Food Stamps

And you know the fat fuck gunna live forever cuz even the devil is thinking, "oh im in no hurry to have to deal with that prick for eternity! And come on man think of the souls of the other damned, there reaches a line of cruel and unusual even for hell itself! "
Carmen Yulín Cruz 2020!
Ill never vote for a politician with the name Cruz...ever.


Fuck you, Ted, you piece of shit.
How does that saying go?

You can tell everything about a society, by how it treats its weakest citizens, or something to that effect.

This country has treated the poor and impoverished, women, blacks, the uneducated and the most vulnerable like garbage since it's fucking inception.

Pull up your boot straps (if they have fucking boots) and deal with it (say's the ones with everything on their side)

I just turned 62, and I have never seen so much shit in my life as I can see now what going on now in this country under Trump

Not even seeing the Kennedy's and MLK getting assassinated, or watching Nixon kill thousands of American soldiers needlessly, or seeing Newark, Detroit and LA go up in flames has had such an emotional impact on me as this current hypocrisy of a government that is " of the people, for the people and by the people"

We will never, ever, it seems, get our shit together.

"Greatest country on Earth", "God bless America". "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave"

What a load of shit.

Too bad, isn't it?

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