Trump cuts Food Stamps


Well-Known Member
President Donald Trump unveiled a new plan today, which would slash cash payments to welfare recipients and substitute them with packages of food, being one of the biggest shake-ups in the history of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.

So, he's going to take away the $5 a week in cash they give to the impoverished for discretionary spending, and substitute it with cheese, crackers and powdered milk (no shit)

I knew it was coming, that that cunt would cut the legs off of the poor to finance his tax bill, build his fucking wall and buy more useless weapons of mass destruction

This is bullshit.
Now White Trash America is REALLY going to be pissed. They trade them there staymps fer cash so’z that they kin buy thurr Oxy!

Those types (White Trash hoarders with a pill habit) are more or less the ones attracting bad attention to food stamps. But my family included, we had to live off food stamps legitimately. This is repulsive.
Now White Trash America is REALLY going to be pissed. They trade them there staymps fer cash so’z that they kin buy thurr Oxy!

Those types (White Trash hoarders with a pill habit) are more or less the ones attracting bad attention to food stamps. But my family included, we had to live off food stamps legitimately. This is repulsive.

most of rural america think trump is doing fantastic.

morons leading the blind.

i hope the midterms are a fucking blood bath for repubs on historical proportions
the trump'rst is doing everything in his power to guarantee women will take over the government.....
I’m cool with that. I’m an egalitarian, although I really think gender-integrated infantry is a bad idea in the field in practice. I have always mostly opposed Hillary because I think she uses the Feminist Movement to advance her agenda but she has no real soul in her promises to them. I think she’s a narcissist and only cares about her legacy rather than the welfare of the people. But a proper, even-minded, people-oriented woman? Hell, I’ll vote her in.