I give pot away to streetcorner bums*
I don't know if they're homeless or not- they're standing on the streetcorner bumming
those with home and employment don't stand on the corner bumming.
Then why do you?those with home and employment don't stand on the corner bumming.
if Hillary won, legalization would be faster, prices would drop
Fake news! Don't listen to that little fucker - he's just trying to protect his market share.Marihuana is a sin. The Keebler elf told me so.
I got some plywood and made a big box for people to put their weeds in and then I put it next to the "put your unused pharmaceuticals here" box at the local PD. The next morning it was so full of weeds that people had just started putting bales down in front of it like a poorly maintained Amvets dropoff.You fucking ASSHOLES. WEED IS BAD FOR YOU.
Collect all the weed that is around you and send it to me.
I will take one for the team and get rid of it for you guys.You're Welcome
Fake news! Don't listen to that little fucker - he's just trying to protect his market share.
that's horrible, hopefully growers will just be raided by police, have their dogs shot, and be sent to prison instead.
I don't support that.
Fake news! Don't listen to that little fucker - he's just trying to protect his market share.