Can we say classic right winged distraction burger?
We need a list of all their flash in the pan distraction burgers they have been serving up...
like obama's mustard preference?
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Can we say classic right winged distraction burger?
We need a list of all their flash in the pan distraction burgers they have been serving up...
We didn't even lie about anything. We clearly had Comey refer to the president as a senior member. Which he is. Why can't you fly over state hillbillies stop reading into any of this?
Stop beating that horse, Hillary lost the election...
Of course she wasn't those servers were the only reason she wasn't hacked.
When the democrats ignore what is happening we end up with the Russians running our great country. We must come together to block these attempts they are making at destabilizing the federal government. It's time to let them know who runs things around here. May I suggest becoming a contributor to the DNC? You can even easily set up a recurring small amount every month to be automatically deducted from your bank account.
I agree whole heartedly I’m just reiterating what the final decision was, I should’ve wrote “lost” in quotes especially when cadet bone spurs own DHS syber security secretary admitted that 21 states voter rolls were allegedly hacked with a few who were definitely hacked, that’s fucking scary and that’s only what they’re admitting to.Incorrect.
Hillary won the election by 3 million votes. She lost the electoral college which in effect overruled the American People. Again.
Lol. Keep bailing, bitch.
Must be a bombshell just like the memo from Nunes or the Benghazi investigation.
Not quite sure what the purpose of this response is/was...I thought the memo vindicated Trump?
#memo day was a warm up. you posted that drivel.Not quite sure what the purpose of this response is/was...
I am still reeling from the pizzagate arrest.Not quite sure what the purpose of this response is/was...
No, the reference about memo day was meaning more government corruption will come to light. Flynn's charge has nothing to do with Trump at all. Can't get any simpler than that. Stop trying to overthink things because of your obsession with Trump#memo day was a warm up. you posted that drivel.
if the memo vindicated trump, then this whole ordeal is over, amirite?
can't make it any simpler than that, hope you get it now.
Flynn's charge has nothing to do with Trump at all.
really?Flynn's charge has nothing to do with Trump at all.
Flynn's son is not the topic. Stop trying to change it.really?
flynn's son is in deep shit too. flynn knows everything. and will save his son before drumpf.
Just no. I know you are obsessed with Trump 24/7, but try reading the actual charge.he lied to the FBI about meeting with russians on trump's behalf and then trump obstructed justice to try to get him off you idiot.