FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

Just no. I know you are obsessed with Trump 24/7, but try reading the actual charge.

noun: denial
the action of declaring something to be untrue.
"she shook her head in denial"
synonyms: contradiction, refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, disclaimer;More
negation, dissent
"the reports met with a denial"
  • the refusal of something requested or desired.
    "the denial of insurance to people with certain medical conditions"
    synonyms: refusal, withholding;More
    rejection, rebuff, repulse, veto, turndown;
    "the denial of insurance to certain people"
  • a statement that something is not true.
    plural noun: denials
    "official denials"
i have a feeling it's a tradition handed down with pride from generation to generation
Typical hack. Deflect and then completely ignore and resort to personal attacks when backed into a corner with factual evidence. Wouldn't expect any less for an unhinged internet troll.
yates warned trump that flynn was a compromised foreign agent subject to blackmail by russia and trump kept him on until the press found out.

that is criminal. if you or i did anything remotely similar, we'd be in prison for decades by yesterday.
Stopped reading at Obama Yates...